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Cant really get on board with giving a f**k about the Jaime Wilson announcement. Its the absolute least the club could do.

I dont rate him or want him here, but wev had enough of the club talking smack about current players to last a lifetime. To the point where its currently a point of discussion on here whether the p***ks words about Dowds have effectively cost us any chance of the rejuvenated player bringing his form back to us.

Jaime Wilson is out of his depth, thats a few peoples fault, hes not one of them.

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Guest TedCrilly
13 hours ago, StuartA said:

Can I just do a head count of those who have said they’d join FSS only if GH left? Not being facetious - I’ve seen a couple of folk mention it and we’ve had one cancel his subs after one payment citing that as a reason. It’d be useful to know so we can either discuss your perception of what FSS is about and where our powers are in reality, or make sure we chap your door once he leaves 🙂

GH is an issue but it wouldn’t stop me from joining FSS.  I do believe BPM is right in what he says regarding recruitment. What is currently stopping me is the genuine fear of David Goodwillie signing. In my family of 5, we are all of the same stance. This rumour came to light a couple of weeks ago and stopped us from joining the scheme. Hopefully come the 1st of February we can all sign up knowing the club haven’t been desperate enough to sign him. 

I urge anyone of similar thinking to express their concerns to the board. I’ve used board@falkirkfc.co.uk but not sure if it’s the best e-mail address to use. There is 100% something to the rumours this time around, as there was the previously. The stance shown from Raith Rover’s kit sponsor Val McDermid should see them safe which worries me even more he is available to us.

The DGW chat may be boring but I’d much rather it was over talked about now rather than after he signed.

Edited by TedCrilly
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Things have went to rat-shit since he walked in the door. Coincidence?
Im not sure it would go down in the annals of famous quote history, or sell many wooden plaques on Etsy, but I would like to add.....

"Nothing would kill off this football club like employing an unrepentant rapist"
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Probably not our biggest problem but the amount of anti anyone who dares not be a Sturgeon, Snp lover nationalist conspiracy theory bigotry that our CEO Jamie Swinney likes on twitter is crazy. Pops up constantly on my timeline so have had to unfollow. Deeply unimpressive 

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We must have the most stupid fans in the country or the most tight fisted.

It’s a tenner a month to buy shares so the fans own the club.

it matters not a jot about Holt; whether he leaves next week, next month or next year - In five years time Holt will be confined to realms of “ mind that c**t Holt.”

Now we have (hopefully a Clyde fans at the wind up) I’m not joining on the basis of a signing rumour??? Next it will crap, pies, not signing players from the junior ranks or I’m no joining because the Fergus the Fox costume needs a clean. Pathetic!


Edited by Andreas Kelevra
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8 hours ago, Andreas Kelevra said:

Not seen Arbroath play much but it appears to me Campbell has an old fashioned team. Most other teams including us have Largs ideologues as managers who think the game must be played a certain way. Not just run more, have faster, stronger players. Get your best players on the ball in the final third as often and as quickly as possible.. 

There is a reason that Scottish footballs "dinosaurs" such as Dick Campbell are still about. They aren't trying to re-invent the wheel. They know how to get the best out of average players and pay to their strengths as opposed to getting players to fit in with an ideology and specific style of playing. 

That is why you'll never see Paul Sheerin managing into his late 60's. At this level it should really be be horses for courses. Let Guardiola et al focus on building teams of well drilled robots. At this level its about finding out what your players are good at and finding away of matching that advantage up against your opponents weaknesses.

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15 hours ago, StuartA said:

Can I just do a head count of those who have said they’d join FSS only if GH left? Not being facetious - I’ve seen a couple of folk mention it and we’ve had one cancel his subs after one payment citing that as a reason. It’d be useful to know so we can either discuss your perception of what FSS is about and where our powers are in reality, or make sure we chap your door once he leaves 🙂

I’ve pledged my tenner a month despite my feelings towards Holt.

As others have said there will be others after him who are poor at their job - that shouldn’t mean (imo) that every time that happens I would withdraw my tenner. 

The old board held me in clear disdain. Holt I believe is just incompetent at his job. That’s probably even more reason to invest, as the more who do the bigger the swell of feeling would be

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I'm hoping the next Q&A is announced shortly because the attention will all be on Holt and not Deans, Colburn etc. The board don't need to announce anything to justify his role as long he is questioned at the Q&A and his role is fully explained from the horses mouth. If anything he says is vague or inaccurate then a board member or Swinney can step up to clarify. Following that, my decision to contribute to FSS will be made. 

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Guest Ecosse83
28 minutes ago, Andreas Kelevra said:

We must have the most stupid fans in the country or the most tight fisted.

It’s a tenner a month to buy shares so the fans own the club.

it matters not a jot about Holt; whether he leaves next week, next month or next year - In five years time Holt will be confined to realms of “ mind that c**t Holt.”

Now we have (hopefully a Clyde fans at the wind up) I’m not joining on the basis of a signing rumour??? Next it will crap, pies, not signing players from the junior ranks or I’m no joining because the Fergus the Fox costume needs a clean. Pathetic!


Comparing a rapist to a crap pie 🤦‍♂️

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1 hour ago, bairn88 said:

Probably not our biggest problem but the amount of anti anyone who dares not be a Sturgeon, Snp lover nationalist conspiracy theory bigotry that our CEO Jamie Swinney likes on twitter is crazy. Pops up constantly on my timeline so have had to unfollow. Deeply unimpressive 

Hadn’t realised he was doing that- just had a look and agree it’s totally unacceptable.

No issue whatsoever with what he does on his own personal social media but it’s pretty poor to be using a public account that identifies himself as Falkirk CEO and uses to tweet club information to be interacting with content that is overtly pro one political party. 

Particularly when one of the tweets I see he’s liked is a graph Bella Caledonia have tweeted which has been repeatedly called out as misinformation.

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1 hour ago, bairn88 said:

Probably not our biggest problem but the amount of anti anyone who dares not be a Sturgeon, Snp lover nationalist conspiracy theory bigotry that our CEO Jamie Swinney likes on twitter is crazy. Pops up constantly on my timeline so have had to unfollow. Deeply unimpressive 

When you read that, it’s embarrassing. 

He should concentrate on his day job because I’m not seeing anything great there. 

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6 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

Hadn’t realised he was doing that- just had a look and agree it’s totally unacceptable.

No issue whatsoever with what he does on his own personal social media but it’s pretty poor to be using a public account that identifies himself as Falkirk CEO and uses to tweet club information to be interacting with content that is overtly pro one political party. 

Particularly when one of the tweets I see he’s liked is a graph Bella Caledonia have tweeted which has been repeatedly called out as misinformation.

It is his personal social media though. His political views don't interest me in the slightest. All you need to do is unfollow him. 

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13 minutes ago, latapythelegend said:

It is his personal social media though. His political views don't interest me in the slightest. All you need to do is unfollow him. 

It’s not his personal social media account when it identifies him as CEO of Falkirk Football Club and uses it to communicate with Falkirk supporters.

I’m pretty sure my employer and most others would define an account used to interact with clients as a work account.

As I say, no issue at all with whatever views he has but he shouldn’t be using an account that is also used for club matters to like controversial political posts.


Edited by PedroMoutinho
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2 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

It’s not his personal social media account when it identifies him as CEO of Falkirk Football Club and uses it to communicate with Falkirk supporters.

It’s not his personal social media account when it identifies him as CEO of Falkirk Football Club and uses it to communicate with Falkirk supporters.

I’m pretty sure my employer and most others would define an account used to interact with clients as a work account.

As I say, no issue at all with whatever views he has but he shouldn’t be using an account that is also used for club matters to like controversial political posts.

As I say, no issue at all with whatever views he has but he shouldn’t be using an account that is also used for club matters to like controversial political posts.

Christ some would say you're twice as mad as Bairn88.

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1 minute ago, PedroMoutinho said:

It’s not his personal social media account when it identifies him as CEO of Falkirk Football Club and uses it to communicate with Falkirk supporters.

As I say, no issue at all with whatever views he has but he shouldn’t be using an account that is also used for club matters to like controversial political posts.

Its a grey area, I don't agree that any supporter interaction should be made through a personal account regardless of the topic of discussion. As long as he states all views are his own then it's all fine in my book. If anything seriously incriminates the club whether it mentions the club or not on his page, people will know fairly quickly who he works for.

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5 minutes ago, PedroMoutinho said:

It’s not his personal social media account when it identifies him as CEO of Falkirk Football Club and uses it to communicate with Falkirk supporters.

It’s not his personal social media account when it identifies him as CEO of Falkirk Football Club and uses it to communicate with Falkirk supporters.

I’m pretty sure my employer and most others would define an account used to interact with clients as a work account.

As I say, no issue at all with whatever views he has but he shouldn’t be using an account that is also used for club matters to like controversial political posts.

As I say, no issue at all with whatever views he has but he shouldn’t be using an account that is also used for club matters to like controversial political posts.

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