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43 minutes ago, AGPar said:

Cannot begin to understand the desperation of some to see Leon McCann out the door, especially whilst plenty of last season's dregs continue to pollute the first team on a weekly basis. He's proven to be a perfectly decent player at this level with Airdrie. Continuously overlooked by the ludicrous Rennie in favour of the likes of McGuffie and not fancied by the new manager. Mackie is decent enough but offers nothing going forward. McCann probably the opposite, but when our attacking options are so woeful, he's worth keeping, even off the bench. Plus, you need a squad and McGlynn and long injury lists seem to be a common theme.

I contrast his situation to, off the top of my head, three of last season's garbage who continue to be selected week after week after week. Barely a decent performance between them in the best part of a year. Their sense of entitlement is palpable. One of them strolls straight back into the team after suspension. All three will start at Airdrie on Saturday and proceed to offer the square route of f**k all. Again. If circumstances had allowed, all three would be hunted from the club. But, aye, let's chuck McCann out the door before these three absolute wasters. Clueless.

I'm still holding out thin hope that said "three" get hunted, even one would be good, sadly they are that pish nobody else will be interested. Unless Tommy Wright gets a gig somewhere and hopefully takes Nesbitt. 

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Guest Caractacus Potts
6 minutes ago, Brockvillenomore said:

P and B is also a spectator sport you know. 

And this isn’t craic? 

Seriously if you have concerns or thoughts, then ask the people who know, not an echo chamber. 

I was asking the people who knew!!

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Guest Brockvillenomore
2 minutes ago, Caractacus Potts said:

I was asking the people who knew!!

So what’s the answer? 
I’m none the wiser. 

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Guest Caractacus Potts
2 minutes ago, Brockvillenomore said:

So what’s the answer? 
I’m none the wiser. 

There’s a thing called the Premier Club, it’s open to a selected bunch of fans(or not?), it was/wasn’t emailed to fans, it costs the same price as corporate hospitality, allows you to sit in the directors box but without complimentary booze and a small selection of food on offer. Fancy it? 

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Guest Brockvillenomore
10 minutes ago, Caractacus Potts said:

There’s a thing called the Premier Club, it’s open to a selected bunch of fans(or not?), it was/wasn’t emailed to fans, it costs the same price as corporate hospitality, allows you to sit in the directors box but without complimentary booze and a small selection of food on offer. Fancy it? 

As clear as mud tbh. I’ve already paid my ST so not my bag. Even if I hadn’t.

I’m sure Jamie can give you the whole story, or the board email address which is from memory board@falkirkf .co.uk. 

This is a total yawn fest but I think I’m committed to spinning down the drain with you on this one 🤪

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Guest Brockvillenomore
14 minutes ago, roman_bairn said:

Are you trying to restart this topic or close it down? ….emoji3.png

Not sure tbh. It’s kind of like what I imagine sitting on the back of a greased pig would be like. 

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3 hours ago, Rocco said:

I also like McCann but there is no way we should be moving Mackie to LCB to accommodate him

Personally think Mackie has had his best games at centre back but I wouldn't experiment with the back four on Saturday. McCann also did what also Dowds did last season and have poorish games against their previous clubs.

Edited by MrDust
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Mccann's a better footballer than Mackie imo but Mackie brings far more physicality to the team which is probably why McGlynn prefers him. 

Mackie did say in the post match interview last week that him playing centre back for most of preseason and the league cup has hindered him a bit in terms of fitness so he didn't feel he was getting up and down the wing as much so hopefully still more to come from him as the games progress.

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9 minutes ago, MrDust said:

Personally think Mackie has had his best games at centre back but I wouldn't experiment with the back four on Saturday. McCann also did what also Dowds did last season and have poorish games against there previous clubs.

Doubtful whether McCann will start on Saturday anyway given Airdrie targeted him before by punting high balls over his head and he was getting caught out all the time. Didn't help ofcourse that his fellow defenders were fucking hopeless the entire season. 

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5 hours ago, Reggie Perrin said:

Taking triviality to a new high (or low) just seen McGlynn in a fairly old Audi, do we not supply the Manager with a car these days?

Could be his own choice right enough given the grim tax implications of having a company car.

That auld Audi is the company car.

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