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4 minutes ago, Juan Sheet said:

That’s because she showed up at the stadium dressed like a tramp and wondered why everyone was giving her funny looks. 

That and her music is dreadful 

I remember that she was going out with one of our players and we released him. She came out in the media that we never gave him a chance. I think that’s the reason…..

Edited by roman_bairn
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1 hour ago, Bigbrbairn said:

Henderson was superb. They even tried their best to injure him with some meaty challenges. Looks like fate with us trying Hendo in midfield with McGinn has worked brilliantly. Why he thinks Centre Half is hos best position beats me. His power and control as holding midfield has really changed us as a team

Hendo? I thought it was Patrick Vieira. 😂😉

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5 minutes ago, roman_bairn said:

I remember that she was going out with one of our players and we released him. She came out in the media that we never gave him a chance. I think that’s the reason…..

She went out with Steve Lovell and he would give Ryan Williamson a run for his money on the most trips to the treatment table stakes 

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Not long back. 
Superb all night. It panned out as I thought it would looking the game v Aberdeen. If our wide players turned up they were always going to cause their fullbacks problems as they are slower than a year in jail.

Bring on Ayr

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30 minutes ago, Bigbri Bairn said:

Watched on TV and can honestly say that is the best performance I have witnessed from us since we landed in this league. Professional and focused throughout.  Even the desire of Hendo for the 4th. Brilliant

Every player gave there all tonight. Different class ! In addition I thought the much maligned Mr Colum had a superb error free match

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3 minutes ago, Stainrod said:

Every player gave there all tonight. Different class ! In addition I thought the much maligned Mr Colum had a superb error free match

Credit where due. I thought Collum let play flow and turned a blind eye to a few meaty challenges from both sides, keeping cards in his pocket. Until he was forced in the 2nd half to dish out a few for Darvel.

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4 minutes ago, Stainrod said:

Every player gave there all tonight. Different class ! In addition I thought the much maligned Mr Colum had a superb error free match

It did genuinely make a difference having a ref who, for most decisions you could actually say yeah that’s probably fair. The 2nd yellow for their lad was possibly harsh, but he had a couple of fouls in quick succession. Nice to benefit from a small break there

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24 minutes ago, Stainrod said:

Every player gave there all tonight. Different class ! In addition I thought the much maligned Mr Colum had a superb error free match

No mentions till now on the ref and there will be little mention in the papers too, the sign of the game being the spectacle and not the ref/var


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I’ve continuously got at the pathetic standard of refereeing we’ve had to endure, but Collum was from different class. As mentioned let the game flow but commanded respect from both sides. Got the red spot on as the lad had two other tackles go unpunished. 
Maybe we’ve turned the corner with these type of games, as more than often “we’d Hibs it”

Clearly we looked very strong, players shutting down second balls and closing space throughout. Henderson turning in the type of performance we’ve sadly lacked since dropping down the leagues, and Morrison & Kennedy providing the pace & width. Morrison with another goal and Oliver/Nisbett seem to be striking up a great understanding. I slagged off our captain a few weeks ago, thought last night was his best in the NB. One game doesn’t make a season but what a bloody platform for the progression in both cup and the kick on in our quest for promotion. Last word on Darvel , great wee place, deserved the worlds media embarking on their village, some decent players, and probably the best steak pie I’ve had. Negative - just watched their managers cringeworthy pre match speech, sometimes it’s better to leave what worked against Aberdeen alone. Players actually looked embarrassed.


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That was a fun night. 

Decent enough ground although some of their “fans” are an odd bunch. Not sure if they were OF fans, Killie fans or a weird part time mix. Quite enjoyed them losing tbh  (I’m sure there are decent Darvel fans and fair play to them).

Credit to McGlynn - it was obvious we prepared well and knew what we had to do. 5-1 maybe a wee bit harsh but equally I don’t think 2-1 was an accurate reflection either. We bullied them in the midfield, controlled the game for about 80 minutes and let them lose their discipline nicely.

Have to say I’m in two minds if it was a complete goalkeeper error or a freak goal. Looking back I think it was actually an mis-hit cross and harder than it looked to save, but the pundits all seemed to agree PJ should have done better. FWIW, I think PJ has done very well since he has come back. His distribution is not as good as Hogarth but he is a much, much better shot-stopper. 

As for Darvel, I thought they worked hard but to be honest outside of their attacking threat were pretty soft, especially for a one-off game. They’re probably better than Clyde or Peterhead but if you compare to our most recent games then kelty and Alloa are both much better. Maybe a top end league 2 side.


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I thought Darvel’s manager’s arrogance or naivety cost them. “Oh we play open attacking football no matter who we play” played into our hands. Where have we struggled this season? When teams have sat in, given us the ball and said come and break us down. Darvel pushed on, left loads of space down the flanks and in behind and it was always going to cost them as our pace just killed them. 


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9 hours ago, Swordfishtrombone said:

Don't really understand Richard Foster's wee dig saying the players were enjoying it too much at the final whistle. As far as I could see they were just showing appreciation to the fans that had travelled.

He was a bit more complimentary later on but that was a bizarre comment. It's a L1 team a game away from Hampden. Might be the only chance some of these players get to play there. 

I'd have Ayr as marginal favourites but both teams will be happy with that draw.

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2 hours ago, Springfield said:

... Negative - just watched their managers cringeworthy pre match speech, sometimes it’s better to leave what worked against Aberdeen alone. Players actually looked embarrassed.

I did find it odd they were televising it again seeing as both Mick Kennedy and the players said it's pretty standard fare for most games.

One for Darvel fans to ponder but did it  work against them ultimately as he knew he'd need to top the Aberdeen one in some respects and "please" the audience.

We'll never know what McGlynn said exactly but it's left me buzzing this morning 🤗

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