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The Falkirk FC Thread

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Sadly, as ever, tonight will be an opportunity to hold a few people’s feet to the fire, and that opportunity will be missed (again). Can hardly complain given that I am sat here with a 2 year old watching Peppa Pig.

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6 minutes ago, ilostmyself said:

 Got the new Football Manager game, they seem to have added the Dunfermline signing policy to this years update 


You should have waited for the January update, probably can't even keep falkirk up in that game with hartleys duds.

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Good forum. Ray and Margaret came over well and honestly. Some incredibly stupid questions. Onwards and upwards.

Thought she was rather patronising TBH. Calling the fans keyboard warriors early on didn’t help
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Aye, that’s a rather broad brush to be tarring everyone with, nor does it grasp that behind it all are a bunch of people who actually care.

Its always interesting when successful individuals speak in that manner. It just shows how incredibly narrow their field of experience actually is. They can at times, be devoid of common sense.

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Thought she was rather patronising TBH. Calling the fans keyboard warriors early on didn’t help

Not really going to get the backing of the fans with statements like that.
Maybe shes on her way out and doesn't give a f**k.
In saying that she may have a point if the questions being asked are totally irrelevant and the hard hitting questions aren't being asked.
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10 hours ago, HopeStreetPieStall said:

The MSG have apparently wanted to do this for ages, but continually stonewall and turn down any proposal put forward. This has been going on for years. Maybe I'm more cynical than you *aye right* but this is lip service and they are holding out for a cash offer from someone with money and no brains. 

To be fair  Martin Ritchie may be prepared to stand aside but only if he thinks any proposed new owners can demonstrate they have enough personal wealth to offer us some security going forward. I think the current committee set up is useless but change may not necessarily improve things. A group of well meaning enthusiasts with little cash could make things worse rather than better. The silver lining related to our current position is that at least it exposes the Real problem at the club is lack of appropriate leadership at the top. The curent crew need to recognise this and stop planning the next incarnation to save their necks. It was pretty obvious that tonight's excersise was all about just that,"saving their necks" They avoided a real roasting as most of the questions from the floor were idiotic! I'm afraid that unless this upheaval unearths a genuine contender who can take the club forward then we will bumble on to the seaside and beyond. 



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Fairly enjoyed that. I don’t have a strong opinion of the board but in some cases they are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Margaret have a good explanation into the closure of the academy and it’s basically down to project brave and the SFA fucking clubs about.
We have a health bank balance and we have no debt whatsoever.
Agreed the keyboard warrior comment didn’t help but I think she spoke very very well. Even the process behind selecting Paul Hartley was explained thoroughly.

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I went along to the forum at the stadium a few years ago, where we listened for an hour to how the club was skint but still wanted to build a fourth stand. Then some smug twat from the Trust spent about ten minutes telling us to put up or shut up, or we wouldn't have a club to support.

Realised after that that these things are a waste of time.

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Very good meeting.

huge turnout.

First half was all with Ray and his assistant.

Came over very well.

looking to bring around 8 in January.

Muirhead out for about 6 weeks minimum.

Paton suspended for 2 games. Big round of applause!!

Asked about possibility of Nelson coming back. Looked as if that could be on the cards .

Mitch brought us Jak which gave them some confidence.

one of the consortium was asking a question when I had to leave for a dinner engagement.

Over to someone else who was there.

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How many people turned up, cause if it wasn't a lot, she might have a point [emoji38]
These things are usually just a PR exercise at best, and a waste of time at worst. 
Place was mobbed, must have been a good few hundred. They had to get in extra seats.

Mckinnon came across really well. Thinks he needs 8 in during January but said it will be difficult as that window is very difficult to deal in.

Tommy Robson and Lewis Kidd haven't been getting played as they haven't been showing up well in training.

McKinnon stated he has a big scouting network and isn't ruling out signing players from anywhere including the highland league !!!

We currently have a right back at the club that they are assessing.

We have no debt and have cash in the bank due to cutting our monthly running costs from £100k to £49k.

Have explored the possibilities of buying the stadium from the council.

Project Brave/SFA was the reason the academy was scrapped.

Planning permission in for further 4g pitch at east end of ground. Once this goes down they will limit games on the stadium pitch.

A new Football board is being set up consisting of manager, assistant and a director of football type dude that they are actively looking for just now to make sure there is scrutiny of signings as they admitted this summer was a massive f**k up.

There was loads more but I'm quite elderly (52) and have a piss poor memory.
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