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The Falkirk FC Thread

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Got to feel for the fans down at the council owned Westfield Stadium just now. Bottom of the league with a shocking first team squad, an embarrassing cup defeat to lower league rivals, 3rd best team in Falkirk District, the Dennon Lewis saga and now this. 2018 has been an awful year for them. 


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5 minutes ago, Sarge Bullman said:

Got to feel for the fans down at the council owned Westfield Stadium just now. Bottom of the league with a shocking first team squad, an embarrassing cup defeat to lower league rivals, 3rd best team in Falkirk District, the Dennon Lewis saga and now this. 2018 has been an awful year for them. 



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On ‎06‎/‎09‎/‎2018 at 09:39, Duncan Freemason said:

The compensation claim against Falkirk will, of course, evaporate.  As soon as Rae got round to admitting that he did give Falkirk permission to speak to McKinnon, then he knew damn fine what the subject matter was going to be, since he spoke of his compensation claim in the conversation with Falkirk. His claim that he originally refused is of no consequence, and it just an attempt to diminish personal responsibility.

Everything in Rae’s statement thereafter actually strengthens the “no inducement” argument.

I think Morton will have to settle for hating McKinnon, and satisfy themselves with the possibility that having left Morton as he did, there’s always the chance that he might do the same to us too.

Thats the world of football these days.


On ‎19‎/‎09‎/‎2018 at 15:43, Duncan Freemason said:

.......and of course, McKinnon has (so far) said nothing about why he wanted out of Cappielow so quickly. There’s loads of anecdotal out there, and if any of it true, and McKinnon can substantiate it, then Mr Rae will probably back away from any action whatsoever once he has switched his brain from “transmit” to “receive”.

Of course, if nothing is forthcoming, the least we can expect from the kindergarten Ton group is a claim that £0.5m has been paid, but it’s all hush hush. For most of them though, it’s already dawned on them that their frothy mouthed compensation rants were utter gash, and they have returned from whence they came. Quelle surprise.


On ‎20‎/‎09‎/‎2018 at 01:26, Duncan Freemason said:

Branch Ton is more or less the last one still clutching at straws. Most of the others see their “compensation” guff evaporate, and have shuffled off back home with their burning torches and pitchforks as it finally begins to dawn on them that their chairman has given them a bit of deflective bluster, and collectively, they fell for it.

Now, all they have left is their pitiful snake/rat gash. Funny how not one of them are even remotely curious as to why he wanted away so fast. They will settle for “more money” because it avoids having to face up to there being other reasons.


On ‎24‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 18:07, Duncan Freemason said:

Apparently nowt to do with compensation (as that was always a non starter from a football club perspective), but is seeking punishment for an alleged “tapping” but with no supporting evidence whatsoever from Morton beyond their own hearsay.

The panel members will be of great interest......but the word is if this is indeed what Morton are playing at, their own Chairman’s public utterances have already sunk any case they felt they had. Let the fun begin.


On ‎25‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 10:06, Duncan Freemason said:

.....because they are trying to make a case for tapping. They knew shortly after their chairman’s outburst that their “£100k” claim was utter bollocks, and so this was the only avenue open to them to make it look like they are doing something/anything to back up the bluster.


On ‎11‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 15:54, Duncan Freemason said:

More importantly, how are Morton progressing with their compensation claim? I would imagine the rumour that their Chairman has failed to raise an action with  the football authorities, nor is the matter in the hands of lawyers is just that....a rumour.

I am sure the Morton punters behind the £100k infestation on here are simply waiting on their cash windfall to materialise......you know, that £100k compensation that their chairman said was coming their way weeks and weeks and weeks and weeks ago.


On ‎30‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 23:36, Duncan Freemason said:

That wee opinion of yours that doesn’t involve you pretending to speak for others just isn’t something you are quite grasping is it?


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A lot of Falkirk fans caring about this, when we were reliably informed that no one did. Very peculiar.
I'd imagine it'll be a suspended fine and a warning about future conduct. A transfer embargo would basically be an enforced relegation.

Aye we’re totally fucked if there’s a transfer embargo placed. I’d take even a points deduction over that tbh.
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8 minutes ago, southstand_bairn said:

What will actually change here? I would like to see the facts as to what occurred before given any Morton fan any kind of attention. Ironic the board are waiting for evidence when just a few weeks ago they did the complete opposite.

The facts are your team tried to break the rules, got caught and are now feigning innocence and, in the period since they broke the rules, your club has managed to fall even further adrift of Morton, remain bottom of the table and suffer two humiliating cup defeats.

See the source image

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10 minutes ago, Poet of the Macabre said:

I think since it's Morton that have been "wronged", the worst I could see happening is having to pay them compensation. I'd doubt it'll even be that though.

I think that's exactly what it'll be. Anything more would be very funny, but probably undeserved.

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2 minutes ago, Stellaboz said:

A cheeky wee points deduction would be welcome

15 would suffice IMO. It's hard to justify a financial punishment alone - that would send a message to clubs that you can tap up whoever you want if you've got the money to pay for it. 


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