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Many a good tune ;)

His save at Inverness was superb :)

He was superb in general. By far the best of the 140 'Keepers that Yogi signed. Going by some of his recent Tweets he still seems to have some sort of attachment to the club, which is nice to see.

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Now we're a week before the start of the league campaign, is anyone else starting to seriously worry about our prospects for the coming season? Don't know if it's just pre-season jitters as it were but I'm really worried for us this season. We need more bodies in!

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Yeah our squad is horrendously thin, we're well covered at the back but going forward it's not looking good. With Compton away that leaves us with no real wingers so we need to get players playing out of position there and we only have the one striker so if Allagui doesn't settle or turns out to be shite then there's nothing we can really do about it.

Hopefully now with Bradford paying Compton's wages we will be able to bring in a couple of players even if it's just on short-term deals.

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My only real concern just now is squad depth.

Our regular back 5 will be McGovern, Duffie, Dods, Bennett and Scobbie. Perfectly fine for this level, so no major worries there.

The midfield pairing of Millar and Murdoch will be fine, but we're really lacking in width. Alston and Kingsley are wide midfielders, but aren't wingers. As shown at Brechin they are fine playing out wide, but aren't going to run at defenders and take them on. Neither's crossing was too great either. Unless we bring a winger in, there will be a lot of reliance on Duffie and Scobbie overlapping, getting down the line and putting balls in to the box. Something Scobbie isn't very good at.

If we could get 2 more players in - a winger and a striker, then I'll be happy. Farid didn't look comfortable to me playing up top himself, and could really use a partner with him. That could also allow us to move Higginbotham back out wide if need be.

Our strongest starting 11 should see us fine for mid table. Depending on injuries though, it'll determine whether we finish bottom half, or sneak in to the top half. I'm confident that we'll be comfortably safe of the bottom 2 this season though.

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After today, I'm feeling a bit happier about the season. I still don't think we'll finish any better than 3rd or 4th but after today I feel that at least there'll be a few decent matches. The younger players all look fresh and hungry.

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I feel a lot more positive after the preseason games I saw. From what I've heard, Bennett had an off-game so I feel like we have a good back line. Solid if unspectacular.

The midfield didn't do too much today but I was fairly impressed with the front line. Farid won a lot in air, made some clever runs and Higinbotham plays well off him.

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FALKIRK have handed a trial to 24-year-old Argentinian midfielder Santiago Aloi. (Daily Star)

Haven't a clue who he is, but a quick google brings up a profile on Soccerway, his last 3 seasons show him playing in the top two tiers in Costa Rica, and the 2nd tier in Argentina.

Hopefully he impresses, could do with another body in.

EDIT: It seems he was at Watford a few years ago as well.


Edited by Kris.
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Haven't a clue who he is, but a quick google brings up a profile on Soccerway, his last 3 seasons show him playing in the top two tiers in Costa Rica, and the 2nd tier in Argentina.

Hopefully he impresses, could do with another body in.

EDIT: It seems he was at Watford a few years ago as well.



Cracking goal at the very end, looks like more of a midfield battler though..

Edited by welshbairn
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