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The get fit, stay fit thread

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Does anyone do circuit type stuff in the gym? My training partner is good at coming up with new stuff, but I struggle when on my own.

Maybe folk could post up their circuits here, use it as a wee challenge, like the triathlon we had a while back?

I did this for a spell. It was full body workout. This was an example

5 pull ups
5 x squats
5 x flat db press
5 x knees to elbows
5 x barbell curls
5 x db fly
5 x skull crushers
5 x db straight leg deadlift
5 x overhead plate raises
5 x abs roller

5 sets of that. Was absolutely fucked aftwr that
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On 13/09/2020 at 14:57, Bairnardo said:

Does anyone do circuit type stuff in the gym? My training partner is good at coming up with new stuff, but I struggle when on my own.

Maybe folk could post up their circuits here, use it as a wee challenge, like the triathlon we had a while back?

Yeah, I think using weights for cardio strength is the best way to train right now. Can send you a Ross Enamait PDF that's good. 

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I started back at the gym the week before last.  Tough workouts but thought I was taking it easy enough in terms of weights.

Had DOMS like I had never felt last week which just got worse.  Ended up with a blood test showing high creatine kinase levels and what is believed to be a hopefully mild case of rhabdomyolysis.  Test today showed an improvement so looks like no trip to the hospital needed.

Anyone ever had this before and got experience of returning to exercise after?


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I've never had rhabo but from what I know about it it's pretty serious.  I'd go with what the doctor said and also deload fairly drastically.

I benched for the first time this year yesterday, very deloaded but I've still got an ache in my chest today.  

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3 minutes ago, ICTChris said:


Don’t drink it. When you feel like drinking some, do something else. You will probably feel a bit off but it’ll pass -it’s Irn Bru not meth.


Not as simple as that.

Suppose I was looking for someone to make a dickish response. 

Have stopped for maybe a month tops but yeah went back to it. Dont drink tea or coffee either ( Guess it's the caffeine) . 

However its bloody lovely having a can of irn bru in any sort of mood as I enjoy it. Id liked this to be replaced with whatever else when I need/ want a drink.

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4 minutes ago, MixuFruit said:

It's absolutely that simple tbh.

I wish it was. I'm clearly weak minded. I keep telling my smoking friend who does the shitey vape stuff to get a grip but he is now addicted to that shit. Telt him was that simple to just no go outside on his break. Dosnt listen .

Anyway will see what is best n go from there. Need to put on some weight in all. ( dinna tell is to eat loads ) 

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How do you go cold turkey regarding fizzy juice? 
Had this issue with Lucozade a few years ago. Probably tanning about 3 or 4 litres of the stuff every day. Addictive as f**k. Literally stopped at the drop of a hat and never bothered since. Surprisingly easy. Just wish fags were as easy to kick.
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Not as simple as that.
Suppose I was looking for someone to make a dickish response. 
Have stopped for maybe a month tops but yeah went back to it. Dont drink tea or coffee either ( Guess it's the caffeine) . 
However its bloody lovely having a can of irn bru in any sort of mood as I enjoy it. Id liked this to be replaced with whatever else when I need/ want a drink.
Carbonated water and diluting juice is a healthy alternative.
Vimto sugar free is quality. Tastes sugary somehow.
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How is it after I drop the better start of ten stone, try to eat more healthily, cut down my drinking and try to exercise more my body goes "nope" and proceeds to fall apart?



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My wife and I have been following the Keto way of eating for around a month now and have lost almost 50lbs between us. I'm eating 1 or 2 meals a day, not feeling hungry and have more energy than ever before. I've always been heavy (i'm now the lightest i've been in about 10 years) and ate for the sake of eating. My body was genuinely addicted to carbs and other complex sugars in processed foods. It's not been an easy month as the cravings are still there for things like pasta, bread and chocolate but the benefits are really making it worthwhile. I'm not planning on being on this way of eating long term but would like to think that reducing my meals and portion control that i've learned on it can help me maintain when I switch back to a less restrictive way of eating. Things like a share bar of chocolate would be gone within the day in our house along with big bags of crisps and cans of fizzy juice. Nowadays we've just finished a bar of dark chocolate that we got a month ago to keep the sweet tooth at bay, I'm drinking more diluting juice and water than ever before and haven't touched crisps since. I hope it doesn't come across that I'm trying to preach but the talk of addiction made me think about how addicted me and the mrs were to, not just food but, shite food. It's taken a radical change for us to break that and I'm hoping I can carry the learning on. Does anyone else have any experience of coming off a restrictive diet and going back to a more "normal" way of eating?

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2 hours ago, Cptn Hooch said:

My wife and I have been following the Keto way of eating for around a month now and have lost almost 50lbs between us. I'm eating 1 or 2 meals a day, not feeling hungry and have more energy than ever before. I've always been heavy (i'm now the lightest i've been in about 10 years) and ate for the sake of eating. My body was genuinely addicted to carbs and other complex sugars in processed foods. 

This is impressive. 

I'd like to do the same, but I used up all my willpower quitting fags 😆

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