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The get fit, stay fit thread

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I haven't been able to train due to having a shitty cold and loads of work for a couple of weeks. Need to get back into it, I'm going to try and get to the gym tomorrow for some cardio.

I've been an on-off smoker for a while but my current chest infection/cold has made me decide to properly knock it on the head. A ridiculous habit when you only smoke at weekends or with a drink.

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- Use quorn substitutes for mince/chicken dishes

I really don't get why you'd substitute chicken out of your diet.

Getting pretty into this now tbh, well the diet part anyway (haven't been able to run for a few weeks due to a troublesome, niggly ankle problem). There's a cracking load of information on here, and mhak really seems to know his stuff, but from what I'm doing as follows diet-wise, is there anything horrific that could halt my progress in a big way?

Breakfast - Bowl of Oatibix and a Cup of Tea

Snack - Banana

Mid Morning - Go-Ahead Apple Bar

Lunch - Chicken Wrap

Mid Afternoon - Fruit (maybe another banana)

Dinner - Stir Fry or Meat with Veg

There's probably a bit too many carbs in there? And in short, is there a 'best' or 'worst' time to eat your daily carbs?

I'm trying to shed quite a few pounds and hopefully gain some definition as well, while getting fitter throughout. Once my ankle issue clears up, I also plan to run (around 8k in one go) and play 5's once a week.

Any advice or help appreciated.

It's not necessarily too high in carbs, but it might be too low in fat. You need dietary fat for any number of reasons, like hormone function and the absorption of fat soluble vitamins. Try to get at least 0.4g fat/kg bodyweight; any less is too low, but you can go quite a bit above (I'd say maximum 2g/kg bodyweight, although obviously if you were having as much as that you'd need to go lower on carbs to compensate as it'd be a massive hike in calories in). Obviously the majority of this should be from 'good' sources like oily fish, avocado, eggs, nuts, seeds, extra virgin olive oil and so on.

There's no specific biological requirement for carbs, but that doesn't mean that you shouldn't eat them. Basically, once you've got your daily protein in and hit your minimum intake for fat, any remaining calories can be filled to preference from protein, carbs, fat and even alcohol from time to time without it taking you off course (obviously the amount of calories this equates to will depend on whether you're trying to lose, gain or maintain weight). As long as you're in a caloric deficit and getting enough protein, you'll burn fat and lose weight; if you're in a caloric surplus, training right and getting enough protein, you'll build muscle and gain fat. As long as you're eating enough fat to be healthy, the combination of macronutrients the remainder comes from doesn't really matter in terms of body composition. Where it will make a difference is in energy levels, satiety and performance, but these factors are very much individual and the right balance for you can only be discovered through experimentation.

There isn't an optimal time to eat carbs; this is a total myth. You'll get some broscientists telling you not to eat them after a certain time, and that's nonsense; similarly, some people will tell you only to eat them late in the day and that isn't backed up by research either. Remain in a caloric deficit, consume enough protein and enough fat and you'll burn fat regardless of nutrient timing. Again, just use trial and error to find out what works best for you. Personally, I perform much better when eating the majority of my daily carbs in my last two meals of the day (usually around 7:30 and 10:30 PM) and at around 8.5% body fat I think I can safely say that eating them at this time isn't leading to extra fat storage.

Edited by Mak
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Got the MyFitnessPal app which I find to be a useful tool and guide. Set me a target of around 1800calories per day which I've been just under most days. I've had no junk/processed food all week except some drunken chips and cheese on my way back from the pub last night. :ph34r: Exercise wise it's been a fairly good first week, hour on the exercise bike each day and a couple games of 5's.

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  • 1 month later...

Christmas is coming up, tends to be prime "falling of the wagon" time, how are folks doing? All tanks aye?

I'm still slugging away, and I can notice small, slow differences with my compound lift work out (Squats, Deadlifts, bench press pull ups)

Some suggested I try "pyramids" which was described to me as starting with high reps and working down in a set - ie 15-12-10-8-6. i tried it with squats earlier in the week and was smashed :lol: What's the best way to lift to burn fat? I try to do cardio but it's so boring, even 20 minutes interval training can be a chore.

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I'll continue to do daily cardio and eat plenty of vegetables with my lunch and dinner as per all year round. Going to try and not drink too often this month as well.

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Not been on here in a while, but still progressing as i'd hoped. Down to 13st 4lb now, and generally continuing the same routine as before. I did briefly try swapping Friday's lunchtime X-trainer workout with a 3 mile run, but my ankle still hurts considerably in the last mile or so. I had considered trying to do another marathon next year, amongst a series of monthly physical challenges, seeing as i'm 40 next year (AKA mid-life crisis :lol:), but if i'm struggling with pain for even that short a distance 4 months after the injury there's little point in aggravating it.

I'll just continue what i'm doing weights and CV wise. It seems to be working fairly well and i'm dropping 1-1.5lbs a week. Once i get nearer my target weight i'll increase the food intake a bit but maintain the level of CV work, or possibly increase it, depending on what i'm doing next year. I have a few things in mind re mountains, cycling etc.

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Got the MyFitnessPal app which I find to be a useful tool and guide. Set me a target of around 1800calories per day which I've been just under most days. I've had no junk/processed food all week except some drunken chips and cheese on my way back from the pub last night. :ph34r: Exercise wise it's been a fairly good first week, hour on the exercise bike each day and a couple games of 5's.

I meant to reply to this a while back. I've got into using it as well, it's tremendous and really helped me discipline my eating habits. My biggest "crimes" were bread (I loved the stuff) which i've generally managed to swap for crackers and the like. I've also largely knocked drink on the head. The calorie & sugar content of a Vodka & Red Bull was fucking terrifying :lol:

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Christmas is coming up, tends to be prime "falling of the wagon" time, how are folks doing? All tanks aye?

I'm still slugging away, and I can notice small, slow differences with my compound lift work out (Squats, Deadlifts, bench press pull ups)

Some suggested I try "pyramids" which was described to me as starting with high reps and working down in a set - ie 15-12-10-8-6. i tried it with squats earlier in the week and was smashed :lol: What's the best way to lift to burn fat? I try to do cardio but it's so boring, even 20 minutes interval training can be a chore.

I've been brutal recently, really slipped up on both my exercise and diet in the past few weeks. dry.gif

Basically ended up ill for a week with the manflu, sat in the house and haven't found the motivation to get back into it yet. Constantly telling myself I'll get back into it after new year, which tbh I'm happy with as I understand it just means it'll take me longer to get back into the swing of things and it'll take me longer to burn off the fat I've put on. And, of course, that I actually stick to it this time.

5x5 works perfectly well for me, starting with low weights and building up. Means the warm up is in-built into the exercise which is nice. No temptation to change things up (er, once I start going back)

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Not been out running for the last 10 or so days, twisted my knee and was unable to get out, but it now feels OK so will get back into that as soon as the snow clears up. Hope I don't put on too much weight between now and March.

Still going with the fairly basic stuff I was doing(crunches and press ups), and now have visible abdominal muscles for the first time in my life. Feel pretty good about that, as does my missus who can't keep her hands off me at the moment. If I can avoid putting weight back on, I reckon I could manage a proper 6 pack in the next few months.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have let myself go the last month or so and can feel the affects :(

Cant wait until my new shifts start after the new year which will give me more gym time.

The bloke I play squash with a sa training partner has been drunk for three weeks so I've not played at all. And I've had some sort of snotter fuelled cold thing going on for about a fortnight. I've not felt like training at all, and now Christmas is coming up so its difficult to find time to do much. I'll just watch what I eat and take any chance I can get as far as exercise goes. I'm meant to be hillwalking in between Christmas and New Year, so that's something I suppose.

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The bloke I play squash with a sa training partner has been drunk for three weeks so I've not played at all. And I've had some sort of snotter fuelled cold thing going on for about a fortnight. I've not felt like training at all, and now Christmas is coming up so its difficult to find time to do much. I'll just watch what I eat and take any chance I can get as far as exercise goes. I'm meant to be hillwalking in between Christmas and New Year, so that's something I suppose.

I just have to many shifts to do anything at all :(

January will be a hard month but will beast the gym big time and get back in shape once more.

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I'm actually really motivated to keep my regime up - possibly because I'm seeing some movement in the weight I'm lifting - no massive weights or anything but progress keeps you at.

Did 45 min on the cross trainer then a wee swim last night, compounds lifts tonight, hope to be able to go straight through Chrimbo.

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I recently ran the Edinburgh 10k and having signed up for a few more runs, i've noticed my motivation is so much higher when i've got something to work towards. Before there was no real purpose to going to the gym/for a run other than getting a bit fitter I would get quite bored with the routine and would take a day off which would then turn into 2, then 3 then 4 and so on. Having a marathon in the summer, with 3 or 4 smaller races in between then is keeping up the motivation just now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have a question for the health Gurus.

I've been reading up on the benefits of changing Honey for Sugar, and I'm just wondering there is any truth to these rumours that it helps absorb the right kinds of glucose and fatty acids while dispensing more of the unrequired ones, or if it's just six and half a dozen.

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I done basically no exercise between the start of november and xmas due to dislocating my shoulder, im still pretty limited in what i can do tbh. Started back with a 5 mile run on monday, didnt really time myself but going by how far in the playlist on the ipod i was round about 40-42 mins. My legs are still louping today!

Going to go for a shorter run tonight then some hill/stair sprints on saturday morning.

Ive lost some muscle and gained some fat but not much really as ive been watching what i eat a bit more than i would bother with normally.

All my mates are ripping it up with some heavy duty weights regimes while im doing my physio exercises with 2kg dumbbells :(

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Considering I did nothing at all positive health wise other than sleep over the Christmas period, I don't think I've done too much damage. Both my aerobic fitness and the amount I'm lifting are down but I've now been back to the gym 3 times this year and hopefully by the end of January I'll be back to at least where I was in mid-December.As I said in the 13 for 13 thread my problem with the gym is sticking at it, I'll go for 4 or 5 weeks, then get bored, injured, or ill, get out of the routine, then not go for 3 weeks and while it's not quite back to square one it doesn't help. I'm not saying I'll go 52 weeks out of 52 but even maybe trying not to miss more than a week at a time (unless totally unavoidable with injury) would be a good goal. I've set myself goals in that thread so I definitely have something to work to.

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Facebook is a fucking nightmare just now. Loads of folk going on about that Insanity DVD that you see on those infomercials. The same folk who think eating salad and a Diet Coke instead of sandwich for lunch will give them a 6 pack. The same folk who also still go out and get absolutely hammered every weekend during this 'diet'. Which will literally last less than a week before they're back to having a 'Chinese and Wine night <3' with their 'girlies'. I bet gyms are a nightmare at this time of year too.

Fucking morons.

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Started trainning with a personal trainer at the beginning of December, we do a lot of padwork with the boxing gloves and weight trainning, twice a week

It's but really good, the difference i can see in myself is very pleasing, i cut out all booze (that included over christmas, new year and my birthday) and take aways etc...

Started off, 13 Stone,7 with body fat percentage of 27%,

Now, i'm down to 12 Stone, 11. lost 3% body fat.

Noticing big time the difference in my fitness, and overall body shape, starting to notice some muscle definition in my arms and legs also.

Going to keep this up for another month. it's been hard work, but really rewarding

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