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The get fit, stay fit thread

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First day back at gym today after nearly three weeks off. Cardio weight and 10 mins of sprinting on treadmill absolutely knackered me. Have been running lots during downtime, but it is just a totally different type of fitness.

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Trying to get back to fitness after missing football the past 4 months, so on a pretty strict diet, been having a banana for brekky, porridge for dinner, and a different mix of steamed veg for tea, some nights I have a bit of chicken or something with it too, apples and oranges for snacks when I am hungry! Plus only drinking water (apart from a few pints on a Saturday of course) Im doing the insanity 'Pure Cardio' just now every night and plan to for another month or so before going to the gym, im 6 foot tall and 13st 4 with a 34 inch waist so im not massive or anything I just want to hopefully lose a stone and a half/2 stone and get down to a 32 inch waist. Really looking forward to getting stuck right into this and seeing how well I can do!

Only a banana for breakfast? Surely need more than that

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Had my very first Protein shake after a good upper body session to see if it'd have an effect on my recovery and I have to say that I feel a lot more energetic even though my shoulders, biceps/triceps and the like are still aching. I'm also feeling kinda swollen, is that normal? Going to do another upper body session tomorrow then have my leg day the day after. Going to try a few more shakes and then if they have a good effect I'll invest in buying my own Whey Protein. My diet just now is mainly protein supplemented by slow digesting carbs and a touch of fat. Feeling good already. :)

I was thinking about holding off gaining muscle mass until I reached a lower body fat % but I thought doing cardio and HIIT everyday would get a bit monotonous, so I decided to hit the weights early, and I'm happy about doing so. :)

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Anyone got any good lunch ideas for someone trying to lose weight? I'm sick of having salad or soup every day. I work in an office so the likes of fish and eggs I'd like to steer clear of but the odd time wouldn't harm I suppose. I just have no imagination when it comes to these things. Needs to be able to be prepared the night before or the morning of work as the kitchen we have in here is shocking and always overcrowded.

I usually have those wee pots of pasta or rice. Uncle bens rice pots, there loads of varieties and they keep for months.

I lost two stone in a year eating this kind of stuff and giving up sandwiches and rubbish at lunch.

Lucky if I have on bread item a week nowadays, suits me as I can't be arsed making up sandwiches.

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First week in and lost 3.25lbs. Pretty chuffed with that. I've started eating better again and am going to be doing 3 spin classes a week, plus two games of football and a game of badminton. It'll take a few weeks to get used to that level of activity again, but looking forward to it.

Kind of :lol:

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I've started running again. Thanks to the persistence of my friend I've registered for the Elginton park run and I'm planning to do it a week on Saturday before going to Firhill for the fitba. Went out on Monday and did a bit more than my usual circuit and tonight I ran for half an hour non-stop, so I'm pretty happy that I've been able to do that.

My main aim in taking up the running again is to get rid of my belly, which is becoming noticeable given that I'm 6' 3" and have been fairly skinny up until the past 18 months or so. I'm still not too bad, but I don't want to chance anything at all and I want to make sure I don't hit a real low and have to work twice as hard to recover my position.

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Had been going to the gym steadily upto and during xmas, only lifting though and had put to some decent size however was planning to get fully back into the fitness side of things, in talks with a new muay thai coach with the aim of me fighting again before the year is out then disaster strikes! Shoulder partially dislocated whilst doing shoulder presses monday night, arm back in sling. Heartbreaking to be honest but it just means ill have to work harder once the damage has healed.

Looking likely ill have to concede to the doctors and go down the surgery route, appointment with the shoulder specialist next friday to discuss the next move and the results of the MRI scan i had back in october.

Most of you to look at me would say i was in good shape but trust me, Id rather have a beer belly to lose than this treacherous shoulder to deal with, so get out there and get it done, I would swap places with you in an instant!

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Had my very first Protein shake after a good upper body session to see if it'd have an effect on my recovery and I have to say that I feel a lot more energetic even though my shoulders, biceps/triceps and the like are still aching. I'm also feeling kinda swollen, is that normal? Going to do another upper body session tomorrow then have my leg day the day after. Going to try a few more shakes and then if they have a good effect I'll invest in buying my own Whey Protein. My diet just now is mainly protein supplemented by slow digesting carbs and a touch of fat. Feeling good already. :)

I was thinking about holding off gaining muscle mass until I reached a lower body fat % but I thought doing cardio and HIIT everyday would get a bit monotonous, so I decided to hit the weights early, and I'm happy about doing so. :)

Best way to lose fat is to lift weights mate

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Best way to lose fat is to lift weights mate

You don't say, I've just weighed in at 151.6lbs this morning and yesterday I had the most calories I've had in a while. That's a drop of nearly 2lbs!

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I usually have those wee pots of pasta or rice. Uncle bens rice pots, there loads of varieties and they keep for months.

I lost two stone in a year eating this kind of stuff and giving up sandwiches and rubbish at lunch.

Lucky if I have on bread item a week nowadays, suits me as I can't be arsed making up sandwiches.

Yeah I had thought about things like this but thought to try and steer clear of carbs as much, carbs are the enemy etc etc. I have been mostly having protein and salad and some soup. I'll try out a few of those uncle bens things for a while and see how I get on.

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I ysually mix the chicken with pesto, nandos sauce or reggae reggae sauce. It is not going to make a huge difference. At the end of the day, we aint training to be an elite athlete so why eat bland chicken and broccoli. As long as you feel healthy then it should not really matter if you dont have a rippling six pack.

Aye, a little splash of sauce isn't going to hurt. I usually go for something spicy as a little drop goes a long way. There definitely needs to be a balance between eating clean and actually enjoying your food. If I get bored of a diet, I lose the motivation to stick to it.

Edited by lanky_ffc
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Aye, a little splash of sauce isn't going to hurt. I usually go for something spicy as a little drop goes a long way. There definitely needs to be a balance between eating clean and actually enjoying your food. If I get bored of a diet, I lose the motivation to stick to it.

Yeah I think this is a big problem for people on a diet, it can be for me at times. Like above I was complaining about my lunches as they are quite plain and can scunner me pretty quickly. Just because im trying to eat healthy doesnt mean they cant be a bit exciting.

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Yeah I think this is a big problem for people on a diet, it can be for me at times. Like above I was complaining about my lunches as they are quite plain and can scunner me pretty quickly. Just because im trying to eat healthy doesnt mean they cant be a bit exciting.

If my meals are bland it doesnt really seem to bother me so quite lucky that way, I enjoy getting it from juice instead, rather enjoying my summer fruits dilluting juice the now seeing as I am on porridge, fruit, veg and chicken!! :lol:

Although ive got to say im taking a real liking to this veg, Da has a steamer so just firing in Carrots, Broccoli, Sprouts, Sweetcorn the odd baby potato etc into it, tastes unreal when done in there!!

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I just used a calorie counter and stuck mostly I what I ate before just in much more moderation. Previously whenever I tried to lose weight I lose motivation from eating salads etc all the time.

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Been doing weight training for about a year and a half now and for the first time the other day got a protein shake of myprotein.com. The one I got is Hurricane XS, has anybody tried it before? Says it can also be used as a meal replacement but have always been wary of doing so.

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Back into it as last year I was doing great, losing about 2 and a half stone by June time. After I had been my holiday I lost all focus and when it came to September and going to Ibiza I looked absolutely terrible.

Back upto 18st as of 2 weeks ago, which I was when I started back last year. Been doing Insanity before going to work. I'm about to complete my 2nd week of it, I also do 2 spin classes a week, football training on a Thursday and playing in goals on a Saturday. Insanity is really hard but I had a great start last week, going down to 17st 6lbs.

Been drinking plenty of water and food wise I usually have cereal for breakfast with semi skimmed milk, brown bread sandwiches for lunch or soup, and for dinner usually chicken and veg. I felt brilliant last year when I was doing it and already feeling benefits of it in the way of getting better rest.

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The Physiotherapy is seriously paying off.

I completed 10km last night for the first time since I injured myself in 2008.

Feeling sore today but it's more like the general soreness that you expect after a big run as opposed to aggregating the old injury.

My time was a good deal slower than I was back then but I don't care about that right now

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