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The get fit, stay fit thread

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5 minutes ago, Raithie said:

Whilst I'm no expert I did pick up some hints and tips when I did go to the gym (I now workout at home) and was always told to mix things up a bit every few weeks. Something to do with 'muscle memory' so you're body, over time, will know what to expect if you're doing the same exercises time and time again to the point where your progress will stall. I'm a big fan of super-sets and always incorporate them into my workouts. I only have dumbells in the house but have found heaps of different exercises that can be done for each muscle group. I'm doing this 4 week 4 day workout and already have noticed a difference. As you'll see each day concentrates fully on the relevant muscle group rather than just trying to cram exercises for your entire body.

When it's quiet enough I do tend to go for super-sets and hop from one machine to the next doing the first set at each weight, before restarting. Makes a hell of a difference to how I feel afterwards, pishing sweat as opposed to just feeling a wee bit of burn. The muscle memory thing is something I am sure I have read before, my problem though is I realistically can only make it to the gym 2/3 times a week and I want to cover as much as possible when I can. Current regime has seen me go from about 13 and a half stone to 12 stone 10, with a fairly noticeable change in body shape at the same time. The fact it seems to be working is the other reason I haven't bothered messing about too much!

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6 minutes ago, Ross. said:

When it's quiet enough I do tend to go for super-sets and hop from one machine to the next doing the first set at each weight, before restarting. Makes a hell of a difference to how I feel afterwards, pishing sweat as opposed to just feeling a wee bit of burn. The muscle memory thing is something I am sure I have read before, my problem though is I realistically can only make it to the gym 2/3 times a week and I want to cover as much as possible when I can. Current regime has seen me go from about 13 and a half stone to 12 stone 10, with a fairly noticeable change in body shape at the same time. The fact it seems to be working is the other reason I haven't bothered messing about too much!

Suppose if you're seeing a difference then that's good going. I always group exercises per muscle group (usually two different muscle groups per workout session) so will always use a workout session specific to X muscle group instead of throwing in a load of exercises that aren't relevant to the muscle I'm concentrating on. I always tend to try and do at least 2 or 3 exercises per muscle group as well. If say I was only doing one bicep exercise during a session e.g a bicep curl (3 sets of 12 or something) I'd feel that's not sufficient for me. I'd have to then look at including say hammer curls or concentrated curls. Everyone's different I suppose and whatever works for you is the main thing.

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I've been to the gym every day this week.  I've just started doing the press so on Monday it was squat and then press, Tuesday bench and then press, Wednesday deadlift and press and today I did some presses and then HIIT.  Tomorrow is going to be squat then bench.

I also need to cancel my membership of Nuffield as it's not being used and I can't justify £50- a month.  I'm going to go for one last sauna and steamroom session though.  To be honest, it is a rip off - the £12 a month gym I'm a member of now has six squat racks compared to four in Nuffield and they are better quality in the budget place with more room.  The ones at my current gym are also better quality, with proper deadlifting platforms.

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I'm currently in the process of building my own home gym. I have only limited time at the gym and it'll save me having to wait on a rack.

Picked up an Olympic barbell with 80kg of plates the other day. Need to get some more plates for my deadlift but that'll do fine for squats / bench / military for a good while. Also had some squat stands thrown in as well but I'll probably sell those as going to get a power rack or half rack.

Need to get an EZ bar and some dumbbells as well and then I'll be all set.

Anyone went for a half rack over a full rack here? What are your thoughts?

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Been going to Crossfit for a couple of weeks and had found all the workouts relatively enjoyable until I did 5 minute non-stop 24 kg kettlebell swings yesterday. Fucking hell. 

I’ve been doing CrossFit since May. Really enjoy it and I’ve lost a stone so far. Some of it is tough as f**k but I don’t think I’ve done 5 mins of kettlebells yet! Sounds rough.
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3 hours ago, Jambomo said:


I’ve been doing CrossFit since May. Really enjoy it and I’ve lost a stone so far. Some of it is tough as f**k but I don’t think I’ve done 5 mins of kettlebells yet! Sounds rough.


Careful mate, @Aufc doesn't like you talking about it...

I love it. Only been doing it for 3 weeks but loving the variety of each class. Yesterday's 30 seconds skipping, 10 press ups followed by 200m run continuously for 15 minutes wasn't as easy as I originally that it was going to be. Anybody walking into the gym at the end of the class would've thought there had been a mass shooting with all the bodies strewn across the floor. 

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Careful mate, [mention=5691]Aufc[/mention] doesn't like you talking about it...

I love it. Only been doing it for 3 weeks but loving the variety of each class. Yesterday's 30 seconds skipping, 10 press ups followed by 200m run continuously for 15 minutes wasn't as easy as I originally that it was going to be. Anybody walking into the gym at the end of the class would've thought there had been a mass shooting with all the bodies strewn across the floor. 


We should be ok, as long as we keep it to the keep fit thread and don’t start preaching the gospel of CrossFit all over P&B.


To be fair to him, the fact it’s a bit of a weirdo cult in some places did nearly put me off starting it in the first place. I only went because the gym got good reviews online for being quite professional and sensible, which all turns out to be true and because they seem to laugh at the cult guys as much I do.


The variety is what I like as well, you can’t go in thinking that you don’t want to do X or Y because you don’t know what you’ll be doing. I also like that there are instructors watching out for things like form, when I’m on my own at the gym I’m pretty sure I was doing most things incorrectly.


It’s mad that a workout doesn’t sound too hard but after five or ten mins everyone looks completely done in. There are some where you go in and know it’s going to be really hard work though!



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Intermittent fasting for losing actual body fat is really good I’ve found. Currently on a 4 hour eating window every day, enjoy it, it’s easy and I’ve managed to lose some of the stubborn fat around my gut.



Checked tonight.


1st May - 13 stone 9.


Tonight - 12 stone 1.


I am 6 foot. Decent change, I’ve always been an active person and ate relatively healthy but the shift to this IF has been superb, started lifting weights in may too when before I’d only ever do cardio and fives etc.


I remember going on a proper health kick about 2 year ago where I totally cut out all junk food and done mr cardio, could never get below 12 stone 4 so great to finally break that, especially when I have a cheat day every single Saturday now but just make sure I stick to my eating window and exercises. Really recommend it to anyone trying to cut their body fat.

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Took the plunge and ordered a heavy half rack from Powerhouse, picked up a second-hand bench as well (for a tenner!) and got an EZ bar and some fractional plates. Just need a set of dumbbells and that'll be my home gym sorted. Will save me money in the long run as well as a shitload of time.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On ‎16‎/‎08‎/‎2018 at 21:22, Dee Man said:

Careful mate, @Aufc doesn't like you talking about it...

I love it. Only been doing it for 3 weeks but loving the variety of each class. Yesterday's 30 seconds skipping, 10 press ups followed by 200m run continuously for 15 minutes wasn't as easy as I originally that it was going to be. Anybody walking into the gym at the end of the class would've thought there had been a mass shooting with all the bodies strewn across the floor. 

Just seen this. Haha was just a jest about the whole stereotype around it. I actually would not mind trying Crossfit but it is hooring expensive. Something daft like £70 a month.

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1 hour ago, Aufc said:

Just seen this. Haha was just a jest about the whole stereotype around it. I actually would not mind trying Crossfit but it is hooring expensive. Something daft like £70 a month.

It is bloody expensive. I pay £85 a month which is mental but i have been trying for years to find exercise that I enjoy, can keep interested enough in to keep doing, gets me fitter and stronger and gets me losing weight.  My weight was becoming an issue to my health so the fact that CrossFit is helping with all of this (lost a stone and a bit and am down a clothes size so far) I figure its worth the £85 I'll stop if it becomes something i don't enjoy or find working anymore though, 

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Been reading this thread for ages and finally just plucking up the courage to write a post hoping for some support/advice i guess. 


Had a really bad relationship with food to the point of disorders and all sorts of issues. Finally started to get help this year and when I started to do something about it I weighed a nasty 21stone 4pounds. I am now down to 17stones 4pounds through a combination of eating less and doing some low intensity activities such as long walks, golf, bit of cycling. 

Its now time i got into some harder exercising so downloaded the couch to 10k app. Finding it hard to get over the fear or running in public and gyms so going to do it at nights. Total anxiety of being embarrassed and judged even although I know its in my head. 

Hoping to find some exercises too that can help focus on the sides of my stomach. (Love Handles) ? Are huge and although i know you cant target weight loss to a particular area I want to try do something bout this. 

Again i know patience is key just so disappointed in how i let things go for so long and hoping things will get easier as times go on. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers. 

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21stone 4pounds. I am now down to 17stones 4pounds 

Awesome effort!


1 hour ago, diamond_for_life said:

Its now time i got into some harder exercising so downloaded the couch to 10k app. Finding it hard to get over the fear or running in public and gyms so going to do it at nights. Total anxiety of being embarrassed and judged even although I know its in my head. 

Hoping to find some exercises too that can help focus on the sides of my stomach. (Love Handles) ? Are huge and although i know you cant target weight loss to a particular area I want to try do something bout this. 

Again i know patience is key just so disappointed in how

Unfortunately there is no real way to target the fat on any body part. Anyone saying otherwise is talking nonsense. Your body distributes the fat based on its on internal workings, a mix of genetics and some changes due to ageing. Love handles will only go as you get your over all body fat % down. 

One thing that can help to a small degree is working on your posture, standing more upright and with the shoulders back pulls the fat flatter on the stomach and also simply feels better. Here are a couple of stretches and exercises to help with the posture.

The obvious things you can do is put yourself into a "caloric deficit" that is burn more calories than you use. By taking up something like walking and even running you will burn more so long as you do not end up eating more as well. But you can also build muscle. The more muscle you have for any given weight the lower your body fat % for any given weight. This can make the target of looking trimmer easier so weight training a couple of times a week or some callisthenics at home can work. 

In terms of the gym it can feel very uncomfortable with so many people who are in great shape, but while some of them were likely in great shape from youth many walked into gyms in a pretty poor state themselves so you may not be as judged as you think you are. 


In terms of an abs routine, its about 6-7 minutes a day. Start with something like set yourself 6 1 minute block. During each minute you do as mach of the exersize as you can slowly building up your strength. Start by alternating 1 minute of crunchies then a minute of plank 3 times. It will take a good few weeks or even months till you can do the 6 minutes continuous. Then you move to start trying to be increasingly demanding, alternating crunches  and after the first minute of planking do the other two as side planks.

The plank will strengthen your tranverse abdominus and the side planks you obliques, these will help you "pull in" your stomach and aid with posture, also if you continue to lose weight you will look better quicker for having a toned abs begin to show. 

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12 hours ago, dorlomin said:

Awesome effort!


Unfortunately there is no real way to target the fat on any body part. Anyone saying otherwise is talking nonsense. Your body distributes the fat based on its on internal workings, a mix of genetics and some changes due to ageing. Love handles will only go as you get your over all body fat % down. 

One thing that can help to a small degree is working on your posture, standing more upright and with the shoulders back pulls the fat flatter on the stomach and also simply feels better. Here are a couple of stretches and exercises to help with the posture.

The obvious things you can do is put yourself into a "caloric deficit" that is burn more calories than you use. By taking up something like walking and even running you will burn more so long as you do not end up eating more as well. But you can also build muscle. The more muscle you have for any given weight the lower your body fat % for any given weight. This can make the target of looking trimmer easier so weight training a couple of times a week or some callisthenics at home can work. 

In terms of the gym it can feel very uncomfortable with so many people who are in great shape, but while some of them were likely in great shape from youth many walked into gyms in a pretty poor state themselves so you may not be as judged as you think you are. 


In terms of an abs routine, its about 6-7 minutes a day. Start with something like set yourself 6 1 minute block. During each minute you do as mach of the exersize as you can slowly building up your strength. Start by alternating 1 minute of crunchies then a minute of plank 3 times. It will take a good few weeks or even months till you can do the 6 minutes continuous. Then you move to start trying to be increasingly demanding, alternating crunches  and after the first minute of planking do the other two as side planks.

The plank will strengthen your tranverse abdominus and the side planks you obliques, these will help you "pull in" your stomach and aid with posture, also if you continue to lose weight you will look better quicker for having a toned abs begin to show. 

Thank you so much mate. Really really appreciated

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18 hours ago, diamond_for_life said:

Been reading this thread for ages and finally just plucking up the courage to write a post hoping for some support/advice i guess. 


Had a really bad relationship with food to the point of disorders and all sorts of issues. Finally started to get help this year and when I started to do something about it I weighed a nasty 21stone 4pounds. I am now down to 17stones 4pounds through a combination of eating less and doing some low intensity activities such as long walks, golf, bit of cycling. 

Its now time i got into some harder exercising so downloaded the couch to 10k app. Finding it hard to get over the fear or running in public and gyms so going to do it at nights. Total anxiety of being embarrassed and judged even although I know its in my head. 

Hoping to find some exercises too that can help focus on the sides of my stomach. (Love Handles) ? Are huge and although i know you cant target weight loss to a particular area I want to try do something bout this. 

Again i know patience is key just so disappointed in how i let things go for so long and hoping things will get easier as times go on. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers. 

Congratulations on the weight loss, sounds like you're well on the way to getting into far better habits!

I really like this wee guide, helped with a fair few misconceptions I had about health/fitness:


Regarding going to the gym etc. - I think as long as your gym etiquette is fine you've nothing to worry about; people will care far more if you sit fannying about on a mobile phone for 10 minutes at a time while hogging any of the machines etc. than judging your appearance. Pretty much everyone in there is going to be too focused on their own wee routine to take note of what you're up to, too, but if you ask anyone for a bit of help/advice then chances are they'll be happy enough to oblige.

All about building up little, manageable improvements to lifestyle.

Edited by Thistle_do_nicely
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19 hours ago, diamond_for_life said:

Been reading this thread for ages and finally just plucking up the courage to write a post hoping for some support/advice i guess. 


Had a really bad relationship with food to the point of disorders and all sorts of issues. Finally started to get help this year and when I started to do something about it I weighed a nasty 21stone 4pounds. I am now down to 17stones 4pounds through a combination of eating less and doing some low intensity activities such as long walks, golf, bit of cycling. 

Its now time i got into some harder exercising so downloaded the couch to 10k app. Finding it hard to get over the fear or running in public and gyms so going to do it at nights. Total anxiety of being embarrassed and judged even although I know its in my head. 

Hoping to find some exercises too that can help focus on the sides of my stomach. (Love Handles) ? Are huge and although i know you cant target weight loss to a particular area I want to try do something bout this. 

Again i know patience is key just so disappointed in how i let things go for so long and hoping things will get easier as times go on. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Cheers. 

I know this probably wont not help you but I can almost certainly guarantee that no one is paying attention to what you look like or what you are doing.  I had the same feeling when I started at the gym about 8 years ago. I actually refused to use various machines due to not wanting to make a fool of myself. I gradually built up the confidence through going along. However, do not be scared to ask someone for advice (whether that be a personal trainer or someone in the gym). 


If you want a gym routine that will help you then drop me a PM with your e-mail address and I will send something across. I have heeps of stuff that will help you if you want?

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Down to 11 stone 11, fasting, 2 games of fives a week and weights/planks etc on the other 4 days, Sunday’s off. 26 pounds down in 4 month. Away to try and get down to about 11ish then start upping my weights and eating more.


Have done a bit of research into how much I’ll need to eat to build muscle and it seems like it’s gonna be a total pain in the arse. 2600-3000 calories a day seems like an awful lot if you’re eating healthily.



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7 hours ago, 1320Lichtie said:

Down to 11 stone 11, fasting, 2 games of fives a week and weights/planks etc on the other 4 days, Sunday’s off. 26 pounds down in 4 month. Away to try and get down to about 11ish then start upping my weights and eating more.


Have done a bit of research into how much I’ll need to eat to build muscle and it seems like it’s gonna be a total pain in the arse. 2600-3000 calories a day seems like an awful lot if you’re eating healthily.


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