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Point 1 could also be to do with the deal they had to strike to get the character away from Sony?



As for point 2, it seems to me that

There have been enough Hydra bad guys (Schmidt/Red Skull, Zola, Strucker, Garrett, Pierce, Bakshi) and Hyrda itself it pretty much done now, so no point in making a new antagonist associated with a spent force. It also seems to me that he will be back in some form given the way he ended the film. Why else would they have Panther stop him killing himself?

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Regarding Point one, it can be said that the Marvel Universe Movies are 90% based on the "Ultimate" Universe, if Spider-Man is now part of that then it makes sense that he is approached from the "Ultimate" POV, which is namely a School age Superhero with a hot aunt!!!

Has to be said though they tried it with the last FF film, taking from the "Ultimate" source material and it really didn't work!!!

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Why else would they have Panther stop him killing himself?

To show he's not controlled by his vengeance. Letting him die would be the same as killing him.

I enjoyed this very much. Cap has always been my favourite but I'd have to think on how this ranks with Winter Soldier.

Loved all the "new" additions. I've never rated Spiderman (only seen the movies) but am looking forward to his new movie now. Same with Black Panther. One small thing is that Vision would easily destroy everyone in a real fight. Also Rhodes has always been a shit character and Cheadle is horrific.

Edited by GingerSaint
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Infinity War's going to be something else, to be fair. I have full faith in the Russo brothers now!

In related news, I see they've said that Infinity War Parts 1 & 2 are probably going to be renamed. They've said in the past that they are very much 2 different movies so I think it makes perfect sense.

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Saw Civil War today and it was a change from the usual comic book fare, it felt like a more grown up serious film (as far as comic book movies go).

IMO Captain America has the strongest thread on the Marvel universe although Guardians is still my favourite stand alone film.

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Watched Civil War on Saturday night and wasn't impressed at all really. I was really bored come halfway through the film. Felt it dragged with minor highlights of humour and action.

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I thought it was OK. Nothing more. Civil War took a pretty weak plot and played it out for far longer than it really should have.


It's mildly interesting that they show you the conditioning used to implant control words into Bucky's mind. It's also mildly interesting that the bad guy was able to find the book with those code words and use them to control Buck. Although it's mildly baffling why that Hydra agent would have kept Bucky's code word book after the fall of Hydra. Didn't look like he was going to try to track Bucky down and get him back into action did it?


But the introduction of 5 more Winter Solders, all of whom the bad guy kills rather than setting free and turning on the Avengers? Come on. You have 5 Winter Soldiers. You have the book with the magic words that make them open to taking orders. You're not tempted to use them at all?


 Vision v Scarlet Witch. How is anybody else in that movie either 1. still alive? or 2. even remotely important? 


 Romanov fights like hell during the initial airport battle, only to let Cap and Bucky escape. Why? Why is she beating the living f**k out of her so called Avengers team mates, including her best buddy Hawkeye, only to then let Rodgers and Bucky escape AFTER she's been involved in the big bust up? Why not sneak them a warning whilst they were en route to confront them?


 Stark assembles his group to try to bring Captain America in. After the battle? Stark goes hunting for Captain America on his own. Why wouldn't he have at least taken Vision with him? Rogers' side were rounded up and jailed so its not like he needed them for guard duty.  


 And while were at it, why didn't the bad guy just mail Stark and Rodgers a video of Bucky killing Iron Man's parents? Right from the start you'd have Iron Man after Bucky, Rodgers going rogue trying to protect Bucky and none of this bullshit about Sokovia Accords and the pointless introduction of a box-ticking ethnic character with the shittest costume imaginable. Whats he going to do with those shitty little claws? I've seen women with longer nails that could do a lot more damage.

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Was going to respond until you called Black Panther a "shitty ethnic character" tbh


He is a shitty ethnic character. It's not his ethnicity that's shitty, its his characterisation.


There is absolutely no reason for him to be in the movie. He hasn't been in any other Marvel movie to date. He's introduced into the movie with the absolute minimum of necessity.


Give him a proper back story.


Lets be honest here. If the Wakandans were from a technologically advanced country and wanted to introduce themselves onto the world stage, they'd be doing their aid relief work in a poorer part of Africa. Introduce him as protecting the Wakandan aid workers and local refugees when they're fleeing civil war. Not when some generic bad guy is trying to steal an unspecified chemical weapon from a strangely advanced bio lab in a country that somehow needs Wakandan aid workers to be there providing aid despite having a strangely advanced bio lab.


Give him a bit of depth. Give him screen time. Give him something that's more meaningful. I'm not spoilering this but the whole thing about the biological weapon at the start and the bombing? Utterly pointless. If Wakanda was an isolationist state for so long then why are they even represented at the signing of the Sokovian peace accords? Why are they there?


If they're a technologically advanced country then Stark is going to have some dealings with them so they're involved way before the Sokovian Accord.


If their advancements stem from the meteor that was introduced in the credits scene during Age of Ultron then surely somebody has been tracking them since the discovery of the infinity stone in Age of Ultron? Why do they suddenly appear as aid workers who are conveniently based beside a top security biological agents lab? And then as this puissant wee country only now opening themselves up to international involvement?


If you're trying to frame Bucky then why aren't you trying to bomb one of the absolutely major world leaders at the UN Sokovian Accord signing? Like the US president? Or the Russian president? You just happen to bomb the 1 world leader whose son will become a masked super hero.

Edited by BallochSonsFan
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Nope. They keep themselves isolated mostly so people don't try and steal the vibrainium (see Cap 1 and Age of Ultron).

Anyway just back of AOA. To be honest wasn't really impressed. Xmen has gone down hill again since Singer got involved. Hopefully Fox note this.

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I wasn't minding the movie at all. Couple of things though. The big climatic battle was shockingly overdone tripe. It was close to being infuriating in it's shiteness and managed to bring the whole movie down. And...


Magneto's reaction to his family getting killed was unintentionally hilarious. Reminded me of those parodies you see with someone screaming in the air "WHY GOD?! WHY?!


Right up to that big battle, I was into it. It then completely lost me.

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I felt like their arguments against each other were not convincing at all in Civil War. They explained their reasons but I didn't really buy it, the action and comedy was good but the film as a whole was really boring, missus went to bed half way through it and she's loved the marvel films so far.


Oh and I was infuriated that they made Cap beat Tony in the fight, ken its his film but that made me seeeethe.

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Hopefully Fox note this.

Is this the same Fox that churns out an awful Fantastic 4 movie every few years to fulfil their obligation to retain the franchise?

Don't hold your breath.

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