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Comic Book Movies (and TV Shows)


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new thor film looks class, hela, WW Hulk, and im guessing the hammer destroyer is lady enchantress, they really are going baws oot with the villain potentials, seems like they are trying to branch things out for post infinity wars films

Fairly sure the hammer destroyer is Hela without her headgear.
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Definitely Hela, as that's definitely Cate Blanchett who is confirmed as Hela.

Seemingly Loki accidentally releases her from her mad prison. Also Dr Strange apparently makes a cameo in this, as the ending of his film hinted at

Also that's Karl Urban as Skurge.

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5 hours ago, DA Baracus said:

Definitely Hela, as that's definitely Cate Blanchett who is confirmed as Hela.


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Seemingly Loki accidentally releases her from her mad prison. Also Dr Strange apparently makes a cameo in this, as the ending of his film hinted at


Also that's Karl Urban as Skurge.

Grandmaster as well, him and the collector in the MCU opens up so many possible future storylines, outstanding 

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3 hours ago, Mr. Brightside said:

So Thanos is playing Cable...

Brilliant! Sure to send loads of folk in a frothy seethe. 

Although it doesn't matter since they're not based in the same 'Universe' given Sony and Marvel have different ones (see also Captain America and the Human Torch).

Hopefully Deadpool makes some jokes about it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just in from Guardians of the Galaxy 2, and between the end of the credits and the 5-minute drive home, I've already forgotten the vast majority of it. The plot was incoherent and glossed over, the fight scenes were repetitive, the humour was incredibly lowbrow (ha ha Drax does big poos) and almost every single emotional moment was undercut by said humour.
The villain's plot was ridiculous, and if I managed to wrap my head around its stupidity, I think it was just your typical bad guy plot - baddie wants everyone to be like him!
This proves that, yet again, Marvel Studios can't do sequels (save for the excellent Winter Soldier): Iron Man 2 was shite, Thor 2 was shite, the aforementioned Captain America 2 was actually excellent, Avengers 2 was slightly less shite but still not very good and now this.
Positives? The crew all had some (and I mean some) funny moments, the worlds all looked amazing (albeit none of the movie actually used practical sets) and it actually makes me look forward more to a more relatable story in Spider-Man.
There are 3 or 4 credits scenes. All but one are wee side sketches* related to the movie, and the other is a good nod to GotG 3 or - more likely - Infinity War. It doesn't make any sense, though, and I'm sure you'll all see why.
*That just about sums up what this movie is: an elongated, very expensive sketch show.

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So are you saying not to see it then? 

To be honest, I have no idea what I was trying to say with that post. I wouldn't really recommend it to a comic book fan or an adult with a sense of humour. It's a lot of low-brow childish humour throughout. It doesn't hold up anywhere near as good as the first one imo. It didn't feel like a comic book film or a superhero film, just a pretty bad comedy. As has been mentioned, the plot is subpar, the 'big badguy' has a fairly generic plot and I had much higher expectations. A 6- low7/10 for me. My girlfriend absolutely loved Baby Groot though, so there's that.
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Like how Stan Lee is now credited as an "Informant for The Watchers" as an explanation for his appearance in nearly every film!!!

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