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Game of Thrones

Quentin Taranbino

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it could have been both though - either someone (Jaime for the whole "fighting to defend the kid he pushed out of a window so long ago + living up to the Kingslayer moniker" aspects to it that would have been a bit more satisfying with the potential for added sacrifice, or Jon given his entire involvement in GoT has so heavily been linked with the NK for so long) gets involved in a fight and creates room for the sneak attack, or Arya sneaks in and creates room for someone else to deal the deathblow. The route they went down just about could have worked as an end to the NK, it was just handled so god damn ham-fisted.
Saw a good summation of the problems with it elsewhere:
1) Arya being the one to do it, despite her having zero relevance to the white walker story arc, rather than someone like Jon or Bran or even Sam
2) the manner in which she did it, in an anticlimactic *teleports behind you* OMAE WA MOU SHINDEIRU! ass-pull 


3) the fact that the threat that's been built up over the past 8 seasons as an apocalyptic final-boss-of-westeros gets killed so unceremoniously halfway through the season without even actually having done anything of consequence after crossing the wall
4) the white walker storyline conclusion now meaning that Dany-vs-Cersei is going to be the "final showdown" of GoT, despite that being irrelevant and inconsequential compared to how important defeating NK was supposed to be
5) The fact that we didn't get any juicy details or plot twists about NK or Bran. How did NK know ahead of time that Dany's dragons would be coming and have the trap set up to capture one? What's the deal with NK chasing after Bran? Does he have any motive beyond just wanting everyone dead? None of these things will ever get a satisfying answer now. And Bran no longer seems to serve a purpose.
In fact Bran could have told theon "Theon... just stand behind me for a minute, my Deus ex Machina is about to come and you needn't sacrifice your life pointlessly"

This is why I don’t think the WW are finished.

There’s too much stuff being left unanswered.
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We could do with further explanation about Bran and what he is up to but I am ok with the Night King. He is this totally mysterious, relentless force of evil. No one knows what he is or what he wants. He is pure malevolence.

What does this do for Arya? What is she now?

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7 minutes ago, spud131 said:

Cracking spectacle and enjoyed it however thought it was far too Hollywood-y for game of thrones.
Too many people escaping death in the very last second.
Dany should have been wiped out within seconds of the night king raising the dead and Jorah dieing saving her was a bit predictable.
Several of the main characters, Jamie, Brienne, Tormund etc should have been dead several times over with the sheer amount of white walkers they were fighting!

They weren't fighting White Walkers. If so then they really would be dead. They were fighting wights.

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Jon vs Dany has to be the final battle somehow. Dany will go crazy without Jorah by her side. She already has lost faith in Tyrion, who appears to be getting closer to Sansa. She will try to rule over the north and Jon will not allow that to happen. To protect his family he'll square go her in the air in a dragon fight. When all is said and done Starks keep the north and he takes his rightful place in the iron throne. The end.

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Well that was a fucking intense 80 minutes of telly.

Tried watching it earlier but no use in the daylight (even with curtains etc closed). Much better watching it in the dark to get a better feel for the action.

Lyanna and Jorah got the heroes' deaths they deserved. God speed.

Kinda glad it was Arya who got the final shot seeing as she's a skilled fighter.

So much more to digest, will give this another viewing before the next episode.

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4 minutes ago, JamieStevenson said:

Jon vs Dany has to be the final battle somehow. Dany will go crazy without Jorah by her side. She already has lost faith in Tyrion, who appears to be getting closer to Sansa. She will try to rule over the north and Jon will not allow that to happen. To protect his family he'll square go her in the air in a dragon fight. When all is said and done Starks keep the north and he takes his rightful place in the iron throne. The end.

Jon has already ceded the North to her. 

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29 minutes ago, JamieStevenson said:

Jon vs Dany has to be the final battle somehow. Dany will go crazy without Jorah by her side. She already has lost faith in Tyrion, who appears to be getting closer to Sansa. She will try to rule over the north and Jon will not allow that to happen. To protect his family he'll square go her in the air in a dragon fight. When all is said and done Starks keep the north and he takes his rightful place in the iron throne. The end.

wouldn't surprise me, he's got a habit of landing himself in jobs he doesn't really want.

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1 minute ago, NotThePars said:

Reckon we'll find out why the Night King was after Bran? Or was that established?

I think what Bran said last week about him wanting to kill the Three eyed Ravens to remove all memory of man is probably as much as we’re going to get.

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3 minutes ago, Rodhull said:

I think what Bran said last week about him wanting to kill the Three eyed Ravens to remove all memory of man is probably as much as we’re going to get.

Yeah, how the NK wants an endless night and Bran, with his abilities, is like the librarian  for the memory of man. Then Sam said something about how without that we're not human just animals.

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Some clean up job they'll have in the morning.
My exact thoughts. They'll smell the burning corpses in Kings Landing. Plus, Sarah Beeny might baulk at the prospect of renovating Winterfell.
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A couple of years ago that episode would have annoyed me a bit. I used to be one of those dicks that unfavourably compared the show to the books and moaned about the stuff that they were doing 'wrong'. I've learned to let that go.

There's certainly stuff to nitpick about and there probably should have been a few more main character deaths but, that was a fantastic hour and a half of tv.

10/10 would see a little girl stab an undead giant in the eye again.

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1 hour ago, The Naitch said:

Well that was a fucking intense 80 minutes of telly...

Amazing spectacle and all that but thought it dragged on a bit too long, and they have lost sight a bit of the drama rather than the action angle being what made this series great. They really needed to kill off more major characters post-Red Wedding, because the suspense of whether Arya was going to survive when hiding from the wights and whether the perceived good guys are actually going to win just isn't there for me any more.

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