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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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A female friend of mine has just passed her driving test after her second attempt. She has 60 likes and a page full of people saying well done (Not just on her Status, on her actual page). Fair enough, she's a popular lass but was it just me that didn't make a big deal about passing the driving test? It's something most folk do anyway so whats so special about it?

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This is the same girl who has set up her own cat's facebook page and regularly posts shit like "I am looking forward to my human coming home soon as I'm getting hungry" swiftly followed up with her posting on her own fucking account "Don't worry buttercup I'll be home soon". If she wasn't one of my better mates IRL I'd delete her in a second

That is one of the saddest things I have ever read.

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A lassie I used to work with is having what I assume to be a few days doing nothing but lying around watching Sex and the City.

Her updates over the past couple of days:

"‎"I know I screwed it up - but I will love you forever.""

"I'm not the biggest fan of sushi, but even I'd eat it off of Samantha Jones..."

""That's impressive. Better work up a hand gesture to go with it.""

"‎"Distant?! You're still in me." I love Samantha Jones."

"‎"It's like pushing a cream-puff through a keyhole.""

"‎"This is how it starts. Next thing you know we're only having sex three or four times a week!" #bwahahaha"

"‎"Are you the last person in New York still taking out library books?""

"‎"As for me, I was looking for something Big.""

"‎"Go get our girl.""

"‎"And he tasted like black cherries.""

""I'm growing it out...Smith enjoys a full bush.""

"I totals love Big. His and Carrie's relationship is by far my fav of the whole show; sadly even when he was being a shit."

"‎"It was jack-rabbit sex...It's basically masturbating with a woman instead of your hand.""

""Shhh! Don't say that in front of my dress.""

"‎"But we always do Friday. It's TGI f**k day.""

""Turns out there is no polite way to get out of phone sex.""

""Now you tell me; I ate a fucking cactus. Get back down there and make it up to me.""

"‎"I'd like him to amuse my bouche." #smithjared"

"‎"Big wasn't a crush, he was a crash.""

"I actually LOVE Carrie Bradshaw's apartment."

"‎"The world is made up of two types of women; the simple girls and the Katie girls. I'm a Katie girl." Word, Carrie. Word. #SATC"

Jesus fucking Christ.

To be fair, Sex and the City was an excellent TV series. :ph34r:

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This is the same girl who has set up her own cat's facebook page and regularly posts shit like "I am looking forward to my human coming home soon as I'm getting hungry" swiftly followed up with her posting on her own fucking account "Don't worry buttercup I'll be home soon". If she wasn't one of my better mates IRL I'd delete her in a second

f**k sake, I actually feel sorry for her.

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"My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Norway. This was a massive tragedy that no one should have to live through."

It's taking all of my willpower not to reply "Luckily, 92 people didn't have to!" Unfortunately, the hassle isn't worth it, she's too close a friend to most of my mates, and she wouldn't take it well.

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Nothing on Facebook will ever get as many likes as a status about a passed driving test. I've yet to see one that has had under 40 likes.

Boy i'm "friends" with on facebook came out. "****** ***** is in a relationship with **** **************. " 68 likes.

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Boy i'm "friends" with on facebook came out. "****** ***** is in a relationship with **** **************. " 68 likes.

I take it you came out before him and the both of you just kept it a secret?

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The welcome dinner for the U16 World Cup was underway, and something wasn't right about Nigeria's Abdul Okoronkwo.

So basically I posted about a black footballer (an Ivorian), and two other people have posted about different black footballers (a Togan and a Nigerian).

Is this basically a casual form of "all black people look alike"?

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There is a boy i'm "friends" with on facebook who constantly posts about being high

Here is some of them:

"Talk about a sore head man drug time me thinks"

"Really stank out the bus with Shit hot green thank you god for giving us this green green puff. ♥"

"gimme dem druuuuuugs!"

"fucking gutted stupid fucking dog i really what a bong i have the shittest luck ever!!!"

He has also posted numerous times that he is going to kill himself.

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There is a boy i'm "friends" with on facebook who constantly posts about being high

Here is some of them:

"Talk about a sore head man drug time me thinks"

"Really stank out the bus with Shit hot green thank you god for giving us this green green puff. ♥"

"gimme dem druuuuuugs!"

"fucking gutted stupid fucking dog i really what a bong i have the shittest luck ever!!!"

He has also posted numerous times that he is going to kill himself.

Chris McDonald???

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So basically I posted about a black footballer (an Ivorian), and two other people have posted about different black footballers (a Togan and a Nigerian).

Is this basically a casual form of "all black people look alike"?

As long as "they're not attacking EACH OTHER", or something. Remember that one?

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