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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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Jesus Christ, my home page has been completely spammed by a *relative* asking people to vote for her to win a pamper package at some beauty salon by Liking their page. Every fucking half hour! She's leaving comments like, "Could really do with cheering up", "Feeling shit and in much need of some pampering". This is the same lassie who has never worked a day in her life and is bankrolled by her Granddad to allow her four holidays a year (not counting long weekend shopping trips to London and weekends in Newcastle), nice flat, etc, if she doesn't win, she'll just get him to pay for it anyway, so I don't see the need for the desperate pleas.

Wait, I do; attention seeking.

Edit to add: The latest post is in capitals:



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A guy I know posted this:

OK... I do not drink much... It is not really my thing but I contributes to this story so I do apologise.. So today I had not been feeling to good.. I had a bad stomach all morning and just could not get my mind of it. So Tonight I went to my best friends house and watched a few movies, During this time I had a few beers and then we moved on to whisky in the hope that my little stomach had settled... Now I thought that it had and had a good night up until an hour ago when I felt a little sick/Run down and decided to walk home..

Fraser stays 5 minutes away by foot so I decided to walk. Hell the fresh air will do me good. I had my headphones and a good pace and then it happened... This idiot jumps out with knife in hand...To begin with all I heard was Charlie browns teacher as I had my headphones on and his demands sounded like a mumbled mess over the music. As I slid of the headphones I heard the demand of “ give me your wallet” ...Now. I stay in an area where this happens often and im well versed in this bull shit.. Hell I only had £5 in my wallet so it would easier just to give him it...This idiot keeps on shouting and barking demands as my hand moves to my back pocket to get my wallet... And then it happens....

All that sick feeling manifests its self in me and becomes projectile vomit...Now it comes out and I bend over in discomfort.. This means I start spraying this guy from the face down with a mixture of.. salad, beer, jerky and whisky. All the way down to his shoes.... Keep in mind that he was shouting orders at me when this happened so his mouth was fully opened and I hit him in the face.

The knife drops and he starts to vomit on the floor... screaming for help as if I had just tried to mug him... His screaming subsided and he ran off... I still cant believe what happened...

Hell my stomach is feeling awesome now though !


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Colin Sommerville

My gf just thought that Eathiopion was a disease hahaha,,,, sorry to break it to u babe but its not lol its a language :P — with Kelly McCully.

app_2_2254487659_1473.gifLike · · Share · 2 hours ago via BlackBerry ·

I really do detest the human race. The sooner the apocalypse comes the better it will be for the universe. Although, judging by these oxygen thieves, as the asteroid plummets into Earth, they'll be airing their confusion on Facebook about why the "moon is so big tonight, innit, ken".

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Colin Sommerville

My gf just thought that Eathiopion was a disease hahaha,,,, sorry to break it to u babe but its not lol its a language :P — with Kelly McCully.

I wonder if these two mouth breathers were discussing the highly damaging death of Meles Zenawi, and the problems it could cause for one of our biggest African allies?

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There is a boy from my homoetown that died a few weeks ago. An RIP page was set up but some girl just posted:-

your popularity is trotting down! hahaha, ur deadddd!!:P:P:P:PP:



I know a couple people who posted on that where was this person from?!

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Just had to click on Colin Corsa's profile and amongst his likes are Barack Obama and Jeremy Clarkson, Mr Bean, Skittles and 'im not right in the head.com.

Wonder how many of those he thinks are languages.

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Corsa Colin's Pal Robert Gallagher is proudly showing off his pimped out Zafira, he is also the co founder of Scottish Cruisers United which I presume George Michael and Boy George are also members of.

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