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Annoying things people write on Facebook


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fucking dirty work shy ignortant fucking b*****ds give me one reason why I shouldn't petrol bomb yous ya c***s

From the comments it becomes clear that this anger is directed at the Job Centre for not giving him money, which makes the work shy comment rather ironic. He goes on to say:

No there trying to say that I'm at fault and there's nothing they can do bet if I was a fucking junkie or an asylum seeker they'd be jumping through fucking hoops

Always good to see morons outing themselves.

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It's almost as if she's speaking directly at them.

I also guarantee she has no idea who Darren Clarke is, or why the idea of him having the 2nd most successful 2011 in British sport is laughable.

To be fair, I have no idea who Mo Farah is. Now to Google him/her to find out...

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My Facebook is doing overtime with the amount of c*nts going on about Xmas. Especially the single mums who want to share every detail about how excited there wee one is.

Dreading the start of January as it will then be full if comments such as " I cannot wait to detox this year...blah..blah blah..pish"

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To be fair, I have no idea who Mo Farah is. Now to Google him/her to find out...

And we get complaints about playing English people with Scottish parents/grandparents in the national football team?

A Somali-born Englishman who grew up in Djibouti and lives in Portland, Oregon... well that's loyalty to your country!

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'I sometimes feel like an ugly duckling in a world of swans.'

Oh dear.

So that person just came out on Facebook, or are we giving them the benefit of the doubt of being thick and not going down the gay parable route?

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So that person just came out on Facebook, or are we giving them the benefit of the doubt of being thick and not going down the gay parable route?

Fair assumption to make. Most likely the latter, as she is a female who very recently posted a status saying 'One day I hope my Prince Charming will arrive.'

Looking at her profile picture, I'd think that it's very unlikely that her hopes will be fulfilled. She has more chance with Prince 'Charmin', as she looks like shit.

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To be fair, I have no idea who Mo Farah is. Now to Google him/her to find out...

All I knew was that he's an athlete - I wasn't sure in which discipline, although I think he's a runner of some kind.

I'll be honest I don't have much idea as to what Cavendish has done either - never been interested in cycling.

Part of the reason why I didn't ever make a song and dance about them doing well in a contest of which I am really quite dubious of anyway.

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I hate it when people post about private matters on Facebook. For example, "Thinking of you Gran at Christmas. Miss you loads", etc. We all probably have someone in our life that has died, but it's not something that should be shared over the internet.

I have to agree with you there. My granny died the other day and my cousin put up some cringy mess about her on facebook. Sometimes I wonder...

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just getting this point across right if you hate on me then tuff shit thats your problem not mine you think i'm a dick cool dont care but people i get along with yous are all great but if you hate me and want to forget about it then pm me cause tbh cbf with this and i'm sorry to all i have giving shit to in the past wee while just have alot off shit going on and i'm sorry like this if you accept my apologie! as people know i can be a proper dick when i choose to be but people who are close to know i actually have a big heart and care about alot and do everything i can to help! x

Thankfully, I don't have this person as a friend on Facebook, a friend of mine commented on it so it appeared on my home page.

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