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Much better episode that I'd expected / feared, based on the premise and trailers. Good fun, it was.

And it was (in a roundabout sort of way) good to see the Doctor willing to kill again, instead of some of the hand-wringing bollocks we've had at times during new-Who.

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I enjoyed the first two episodes. Its like they had a look at what worked and didn't worked during the last two series, and then made an effort to be a bit more like the Tennant era who, but with (obviously) better writing. A bit less self referential, and aimed at casual fans, rather than the much smaller geek audience.

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Weaker this week, I thought - not as dramatically tight and the morality lessons were laid on with a trowel. Still alright though, it has indeed been a promising start to the season and Smith is still an excellent Doctor.

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One for the real Sci-Fi nerds here, but I personnally thought it was incredibly cool seeing Stargate's Lt. Colonel Cameron Mitchell, Fascape's John Crichton and the legendary Biggs Darklighter from Star Wars all in the same episode of Dr. Who!!!:ph34r:

Other than that I did quite enjoy this episode, but I'm wondering if anybody else saw The Gunslinger and think "Smeeeee" and then have it stick for the rest of the episode???

"You're a smeeeee heeeeeee". Honestly, that's all I could think about every time I saw the character!!!


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1347898555[/url]' post='6635830']

Is it just me or does the next episode look like the start of a 2 parter?

And is there a mid season break this year?

There is a mid season break Mizfit - there are 2 more episodes in this block - The Power of Three next Saturday then The Angels take Manhattan the following week - that will see a heartbreaking event - won't elaborate for those that don't like Spoilers!!

Then the series returns at Christmas with the special then I think there are another 7? Episodes in the Spring

Really enjoying the new series so far - some cracking lines in last Saturday's episode

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