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I watched it again, and again, I really liked it. Clara is more than just amazingly good looking, she is an excellent character and is just perfect for her role. The low point of the series for me has been the Journey to the Centre of the Tardis, which didn't quite come together, but there have been some outstanding episodes. I've made more repeat viewings than I have done in years, it seems that they have finally got it together this series.

And Neil Gaiman is up next week. Moist.

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The evil creature last night was a bit pathetic me thought.

It reminded me of the creature from the Tom Baker (!) era in the 70's that was really just a maggot filmed in close up to make it look big and scary.

John Pertwee: The Green Death 15/5 to 23/6 1973 IIRC

ETA: I remember it first time around ;)

Edited by Raidernation
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Significantly disappointed tonight. Not sure whether it's because I'd built it up to be bigger than it was, or whether it was genuinely disappointing.

Seemed like such a "cop out" ending.

Naysayer. Clever, amazing, wonderful! :D

I did really like the reference to the Turk at the start of the episode, as well as actually making the cybermen seem like proper baddies, rather than clunking comic relief.

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Quite enjoyed that one, although the children annoyed me. Never a huge fan when there's too many companions.

Not entirely sure I like the red dwarf like sets and special effects that have suddenly shown up this series. All looks a bit naff.

One thing I did notice was when the girl said in a really pronounced way that she'd be queen of the universe one day. I'm not one for thinking ahead or working out plot lines, but it just stuck out the way she said it.

Edited by port-ton
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Quite enjoyed that one, although the children annoyed me. Never a huge fan when there's too many companions.

Not entirely sure I like the red dwarf like sets and special effects that have suddenly shown up this series. All looks a bit naff.

Wait, what? I...agree...with you about an episode of Dr. Who. I think the universe may have just imploded.
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Guest The Phoenix

Also, re: assistants, totally agree there shouldn't be too many of them.

Aye, next thing you know there'll be goal line technology.

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Didn't enjoy this weeks very much. I hate how they seem to be shoehorning these characters in as returning "favourites" every series.

Although is it wrong that I fine the lizard woman incredibly attractive?

No, not wrong at all.

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Quite enjoyed that one, although the children annoyed me. Never a huge fan when there's too many companions.

Not entirely sure I like the red dwarf like sets and special effects that have suddenly shown up this series. All looks a bit naff.

One thing I did notice was when the girl said in a really pronounced way that she'd be queen of the universe one day. I'm not one for thinking ahead or working out plot lines, but it just stuck out the way she said it.

Definitely agree. The girl particularly irritated me, although the way she delivered her conclusion that Porridge was the Emperor was quite good. Perfectly captured the way kids can be smug little b*****ds when they've outsmarted an adult. And it wouldn't surprise me if that queen of the universe thing does come back at some point.

Overall though I was quite underwhelmed by this latest episode. It wasn't nearly as good as Gaiman's previous episode although to be fair he really knocked that one out of the park imo. The big success of this episode, and someone else mentioned it above, is that it did make the Cybermen a credible threat again. I liked the way it showed a little cunning in taking it's head off to catch out the soldiers.

Warwick Davis was quite good although if this had been a two parter then they could have developed his character a little more. I thought they were going down the route of making him some ex-soldier or military official so the reveal about him being the Emperor caught me out a bit.

When Amy and Rory left the Tardis in between stories in the first half of this series I was alright with it as I figured it would be a novelty, a one-off. However Clara's doing it now too and I get the sinking feeling that is how Moffat wants Doctor-Companion relationships to work from now on. Anyone else find it a bit creepy with The Doctor's comments about Clara's tight skirt at the end of the episode considering that he's presumably about 1100 years older than her?

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Loved that episode. First one I can say that about for this run of episodes. The opening 2 mins before the credits were glorious really. Just brilliant to see all the old Doctors again. I still don't like Vastra and Jenny but Strax is absolutely fantastic imo.

So what do we all think of John Hurt's appearance? I don't think he's a future incarnation but his possible name (and who I'm betting he'll be) was mentioned at one point in the episode.

He's the Valeyard surely? After setting up the Dream Lord in series 5 they must be going for The Valeyard now?

I won't lie, I was expecting David Tennant to show up at some point in some scene specially filmed for this episode. The end of this episode was just ripe for the 10th Doctor to show up and go "What? What? WHAT?"

If I did have one criticism it's that after a series and a bit building up to it, the resolution to Clara's story felt like it was pushed to the side to accomodate the Doctor-Trenzalore story.

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