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A great feeling at Cappielow..

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He's right about O'Connor, but whether he's right or wrong isn't the issue. It's completely unacceptable for the Chairman of the club to be taking public digs at players. Just going to copy and paste the post I put on the Morton forum last night:

People wanted Rae to give us his views on a long term plan for building a sustainable future for the club, and on plans with regard to full-time/part-time status for next season. He's said absolutely nothing about a long-term plan for the future of the club and has said he hasn't even thought about next season yet, which is an astoundingly stupid thing to say.
While failing to answer the questions on plans for the future - the subject that's actually his responsibility and is of such importance that fans need to know it - he's repeatedly had a go at the manager, which absolutely no one with a modicum of sense wants him to do in public. He's singled out players for criticism, discussing his thoughts on their performances and what players should be doing in order to remain at the club next season, which is a decision that should have absolutely nothing to do with him.
Whether he's to blame for relegation or not isn't the issue here. I'm amazed that anyone can look at Rae's conduct in the last two days and think it's anything other than shambolic. The only debate to be had with regard to his statements to the media is whether he's genuinely oblivious to the damage he's causing, in which case he's clueless, or knows fine well that he's publicly undermining the manager and players and turning the club into a circus, in which case he's a disgrace.
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Dougie Wonka and Shiels both talk a good game but seem to take what is said to them at face value. I feel they are both genuine enough individuals but have been getting the runaround behind the scenes from previous managers (Wonka) and players (Wonka+Shiels) ang goodness knows who else. Dougie having a go at stay away fans isn't the best idea either. Winning teams put bums on seats, Morton have had a horrible season and crowds have dropped. Hardly rocket science?

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His comments on the support only serve to remove whatever goodwill he had left. There's never any attempt from Rae to attract people to watch Morton or even thank those who do attend, only criticism, then when they don't turn up he has a go at them and drives them further away rather than reaching out to them and try to convince more people to attend. It's a genius marketing approach.

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Rae pushing Hutton close in the 'chairman that say whatever the f**k they want' bracket.

Mon now, Rae is the clear leader in the 'controversial lower league Chairman of the year' competition. This is the sort of stuff that actually gets fans attention. More power to Wonka.

Hutton really needs to do something quick, or he'll be completely out of the running. Luckily we have the cup final on Sunday, which should offer plenty of opportunities to court a bit of controversy.

Rae is treading over old ground with the attack on the fans though. Hutton beat him to that one by a couple of seasons.

Hutton is behind Rae, in that he's never publicly slated a manger or singled a player out for abuse. He needs to work on that. Unfortunately we don't have anyone as fat as Gary O.

Edited by Scary Bear
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Gary O is obviously a real bone of contention for Rae. As he's being so candid, it would be interesting to know just how much money they've spunked away on the signing and wages for this guy.

Edited by Scary Bear
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Dougie Wonka should have questioned the O'Connor signing. Especially after the bother he had with that Gloop lad down at the sweetie factory ;)





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I'm sure he's quite a successful accountant.

Thanks Scotty - first I'd heard of that

Morton fans may not like that, but its actually hard to argue against much of what he says

You're not far wrong

His comments on the support only serve to remove whatever goodwill he had left. There's never any attempt from Rae to attract people to watch Morton or even thank those who do attend, only criticism, then when they don't turn up he has a go at them and drives them further away rather than reaching out to them and try to convince more people to attend. It's a genius marketing approach.

I agree that Dougie can be somewhat dismissive in his approach but I think you're overly precious about the fans 'always getting the blame'. Maybe you should find a club where the Chairman gives everybody a hug at the turnstiles. I'm sure there are plenty out there -_-

Having said that, I believe that it's time for Dougie to pass on the baton (or poisoned chalice) to someone else. The question is ... who would be willing to accept it. He is being absolutely honest in that only an idiot (or a fan) would buy the club . We were fortunate that he was in the latter category when he bought GMFC but his legacy is being soured the longer he stays on. I also don't disagree that he has too much to say on some topics , and not enough on others. While his 'idiot buyer' statement may not be the best strategy for selling the club :unsure: ... anyone in a position to buy a football club will probably be well aware of the pitfalls anyway. If all this makes me a 'rae apologist/fan' then so be it.

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And to think there are some Saints fans pissed off that we never hear from Stewart Gilmour. Can't help but think Rae loves being the centre of attention. Should make for some good entertainment given Shiels is exactly the same.

That was my thought too - better to say nothing than look a total moron. Does he still have his column in the match programme?

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Does Dougie expect the slating of the fans to bring people back though, cornbeef? It would be far more beneficial for him to come out and thank the fans that have stuck with the team through this shite season than coming out and blaming them for the team on the park. It does absolutely no good at all. Will fans who haven't been attending suddenly think to themselves " that p***k Rae is saying am no a real fan, I'll show him, I'm buyin' ma season ticket right away"? It's a ridiculously stupid thing to say.

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Thanks Scotty - first I'd heard of that

You're not far wrong

I agree that Dougie can be somewhat dismissive in his approach but I think you're overly precious about the fans 'always getting the blame'. Maybe you should find a club where the Chairman gives everybody a hug at the turnstiles. I'm sure there are plenty out there -_-

Ever since McInally, the blame for pretty much everything the club has fucked up has been shifted onto the fans. Making huge losses in the seaside leagues? That's nothing to do with paying large wages, nothing to do with exorbitant transfer fees, nothing to do with Rae appointing a manager who wasn't capable of getting us out the league despite our relatively large resources - it's because not enough of you lot are turning out, why aren't you bringing your friends? Bottled the playoffs? Nothing to do with McInally's tactics, it's because you b*****ds booed the poor wee lambs off after drawing 0-0 in the home leg. Dreadful home record in our first season back in the First Division? Nothing to do with McInally's tactics and Rae's reluctance to sack him - he fucking well rejected his resignation in the January - it was all down to the home support being too negative and we were told we should be more like Celtic fans.

I could go on and on but you get the picture: time and time again Rae has attempted to deflect from his own failings by having a go at the support. Can you remember Rae holding his hands up and apologising for a mistake at any point in his time as Chairman? Even admitting he's made one?

Honestly, you can call me precious but what really bothers me is that he absolutely cannot admit how much he's responsible for so many of the problems at the club. It's the fact he's hiding from own mistakes that's infuriating rather than the fact that the support are the scapegoat he uses. The issue here is that he's quite simply doing much, much more harm than good and his actions in the last few days have convinced me we're past the point of no return. I've not been one to jump on the bandwagon of lambasting him for cutting the budget this season: unlike some have suggested, that absolutely didn't condemn us to relegation. Allan Moore's dreadful use of the budget did. That doesn't change the fact he's completely lost the plot

We're all well aware that he saved the club and that he isn't another Hugh Scott, that gave him huge popularity in the first few years but it can't give him a free pass forever. His time in charge of the club has been an utter shambles. There's never been any kind of long-term planning, the fact the club has run at a loss for his 13 years in charge is not testament to his benevolence but to his incompetence. When difficult questions are asked, he either hides, lies or lashes out.

Ultimately, while we'll never forget that he saved the club after Scott tried to kill it, what's his legacy going to be? He took Morton over when we were newly relegated to the third tier, we were a total shambles just emerging from administration with attendances under 1000 and no long-term plan for to build a sustainable future for the the club. Now, 13 years into his ownership, we're about to be relegated to the third tier, we're heading for attendances under 1000, we've no long-term plan for a sustainable future for the club, we've tidied up the stadium and added a few hundred seats and we've got £2 million of debt to show for it. What are the successes of Douglas Rae's time in charge of Morton?

Obviously we don't want the club going to just anyone: the fact people are saying they'd welcome the Easdales is quite frankly terrifying. Either way though, this club is being run into the ground. The fact that Douglas Rae isn't doing it on purpose isn't any consolation. We need a change.

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