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Grand Theft Auto V

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Played it for the first time yesterday thought it was brilliant.  Had a problem with respawning at a point where I couldn't pick up enough speed to make it over the jump that I crashed at in the first place.  Is that when to commit suicide?  Couldn't see a way to end the race so exited online play after about 10 attempts and got a bad sport warning when I went back online.

Can do a midweek heist if 3 others from here are up for it on PS4.  I've got about 5 or 6 of you on my friends list from BF1.

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Not many people know about it, but the "Criminal Mastermind challenge" on heists nets you a one-time, $10m dollar bonus. However, it's incredibly difficult to do, requires a lot of communication and a lot of time. You have to do each of the five heists in order, on hard difficulty, with the same crew, and without anyone dying whatsoever. You're allowed to fail missions by blowing up objective vehicles/packages, but nobody can die at all. I somehow managed to do it with my chump mates, but only at the 4th or 5th time of asking. Of course, for people without excessive first-year-student-y amounts of free time, it's something which is basically impossible to accomplish. 

I wasted $8m of my winnings on a yacht which I've been on about twice. 

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I have this for the 360 but I couldn't see anything decent online. I was invited into a page where there were 8 choices for races and missions and it was great laughs but can't seem to find it again. The free roam thing is ridiculous! Anybody playing tonight?

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Back in the PS3 days I tried the heists in order on hard challenge, I forget which one it was (I think number 4) but we got to one mission where we had to hang on to a bin lorry picking stuff up along its route, we get to one part at a crossroads and cars come up from about three directions with gang members. Everybody dies at once. Livid.

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Just switched this on earlier for the first time in a couple of weeks and enjoying online about as much as the campaign.  Bought a nice £300k apartment with 10 car garage in Rockford Hills with my tax rebate, not bad for a level 11. Got into a Parkour deathmatch where all of us kept falling at a certain spot after jumping up 4 crates. One guy eventually made it over for a gun and everyone else ended up exiting the game rather than spend 30 mins getting blasted.

ETA just read that Parkour maps are made by online users?  That would explain how bad this one was.

Edited by The Diabolical One
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Heists are double cash and rp just now im sure so going to batter into them.

It's like that till the 15th. Easy way to make money. Talking about that if anyone on xbox wants to do a heist later, add CEMSFC
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Had an annoying thing happen during a heist at the weekend. It is the one that you need to steal a hydra we got onto the carrier and got the aircraft nobother shot down all the planes. just as the hydra was about to land one person decided to crash their plane into a mountain

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  • 1 month later...
So 4 years later than everyone else I have just bought this game. Maybe 10 missions in so far. Very impressed.

It really is an excellent game. I find the first few missions quite tedious, but that might have something to do with the fact I've restarted the game about six times.

Going online is always a good way to kill a spare hour or two - enjoy that!
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