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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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I don't remember the Daily Ranger and Traynor being that supportive of Dundee when we had the 25 points penalty.

I have always said that I symapthised with fans of clubs who went into Admin - but Rangers fans and the whole mess at Ibrox are making me have second thoughts.

You were banned from buying players for most of last season as well, were you not?

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I don't remember the Daily Ranger and Traynor being that supportive of Dundee when we had the 25 points penalty.

I have always said that I symapthised with fans of clubs who went into Admin - but Rangers fans and the whole mess at Ibrox are making me have second thoughts.

I don't. Certainly not in most cases. Portsmouth fans were foaming at the mouth as they got it up Southampton and won the cup, were high up the EPL, and were signing star names. Livingston and their fcuking drummer enjoyed an SPL 3rd place finish, European football, a trophy win, and signing players they couldn't afford. Dundee were signing Fabrizio Ravanelli FFS, and assembled a throng of skilful Argentinians and were looking to take on the OF. Leeds nearly won the Champions League FFS... No need to go on.

Obviously, every case is different - but it seems to me that while the good times were rolling on the never-never, most fans of these clubs were happy to act like Johnny big baws and lap it up.

Tough titty when the excrement does hit the air conditioning. Hey, just my opinion.

Edited by pozbaird
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Headlines all over Dundee stating that the 2nd best team in the city stand a chance of promotion if Rangers are liquidated after the season ends. My parade has just been rained on.

Rangers obliterated and replaced by a derby game for United. Maybe Stephen Thompson is behind the whole thing after all.

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The nutter who is oberfuhrer of Rangersmedia has surpassed himself today. Quoting the syphylitic loony Nietchze who inspired the Nazi party, he raves:

Ignorant or lazy understanding of philosophy. Most of Nietzche's writings are from before he went totally batty. Nietzche "inspired" many people both left & right. Nietzche was as responsible for Nazism as Martin Luther. Nietzche was a man who broke off his friendship with Richard Wagner because Wagner's anti-semitism was too much for him. He attacked nationalism & pan-Germanism in particular in many of his works. To quote the man himself in a letter to his sister, "After I read the name Zarathustra in the anti-Semitic Correspondence my forbearance came to an end. I am now in a position of emergency defense against your spouse's Party. These accursed anti-Semite deformities shall not sully my ideal!!''" It's entirely the fault of Nietzche's sister that his works are labelled as an influence of the rise of fascism as she became his guardian after his descent into madness & so she edited much of his then-unpublished work.

By all means point & laugh at Rangers fans being idiots, but stick to stuff you know about eh?

"No, we do not love humanity; but on the other hand we are not nearly "German" enough, in the sense in which the word "German" is constantly being used nowadays, to advocate nationalism and race hatred and to be able to take pleasure in the national scabies of the heart and blood poisoning that now leads the nations of Europe to delimit and barricade themselves against each other as if it were a matter of quarantine."

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This might have been posted before, but even if it has it's worth another read:



For the game against the schum after 10 minutes we should all just play dead.

Just collapse on the ground and don't move or speak for the next 80 minutes.

This may seem daft at first but think of the impact of only one set of fans singing. The cameras will swing round and we will all look Dead, the image will haunt the world audience who will then realize that the SFA are trying to kill our club.

I think this will show how terrible the game would be in Scotland without us and have a bigger impact than 40 people going into McDonalds to occupy McDonalds.

I hate what is being done to the club I have supported all my life, it's the one thing that brings me closer to my two sons an keeps our family so strong.

I am distraught, truly distraught.

Oh ma sides.... :lol: :lol:

Please say this is true :lol: :lol: :lol:


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Obviously, every case is different - but it seems to me that while the good times were rolling on the never-never, most fans of these clubs were happy to act like Johnny big baws and lap it up.

All the while journalists the likes of Chick Young lambast the diddy clubs for lacking the 'ambition' to do the same...

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I'd be careful about spending too much time on that site.

When you gaze long into the RangersMedia Forum, the RangersMedia forum gazes also into you. :o

Ooooh! Clever! Have a green thing.

The Record has Jim Traynor but we've got quotes from a philosopher with tertiary syphilis, so there!

Hang on..... my psychic powers are kicking in and thy're telling me what Jim Traynor will write his column tomorrow;

"Sometimes people don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed. The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind."

He's an awfy man, that Mr. Traynor.

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Duff and Phelps are total idiots complaining about these sanctions potentially stopping euro football which they need to pay the bills - european football is a prize awarded for sporting achievement carried out on a level playing field, not a cheeky way of servicing your overdraft ffs. Their sense of entitlement is unbelievable. Just die already Rangers!

Edited by ribzanelli
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Yeah I have tried countless times to find it but all us jags fans remember his article and it wont be forgotten...pretty sure he was with the Record at that time as well. The fecking annoying thing was that when Airdrie went tits up a bit further down the line he was pontificating every day as to why no-one was stepping in to save an instiution!!!! He is a fuckwit!!

If I remember correctly, it wasn't when Partick Thistle were in money troubles. It was back in 2008-2009 when they were battling it out for promotion to the Premier with St Johnstone.

He was objecting to the way the Scottish (read Glasgow) media were all getting behind Partick Thistle's push for promotion, with much of the "good old Partick Thistle" stuff in overdrive, and saying the way they'd reinvented themselves as the "cuddly club" of Scottish football was largely via stealing Third Lanark's grave clothes (who, contrary to Billy Connolly's revisionism, were the standard butt of jokes for the Jimmy Logans, Chic Murrays and other such post-vauderville "legends").

It was an easy swipe to make - were it not for their ludicrous number of draws that year, St Johnstone would have wrapped up promotion far sooner, being streets ahead of everyone else, so it wasn't as if he was pissing off any SPL apparant supporters, and he knew it.

The punchline of course was his assertion that having three Glasgow clubs in the top tier was "bad" for the game. Cheer up, Traynor, three years later and very soon there's going to be a permanent vacancy in your "two Glasgow Clubs only" slot.


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Ignorant or lazy understanding of philosophy. Most of Nietzche's writings are from before he went totally batty. Nietzche "inspired" many people both left & right. Nietzche was as responsible for Nazism as Martin Luther. Nietzche was a man who broke off his friendship with Richard Wagner because Wagner's anti-semitism was too much for him. He attacked nationalism & pan-Germanism in particular in many of his works. To quote the man himself in a letter to his sister, "After I read the name Zarathustra in the anti-Semitic Correspondence my forbearance came to an end. I am now in a position of emergency defense against your spouse's Party. These accursed anti-Semite deformities shall not sully my ideal!!''" It's entirely the fault of Nietzche's sister that his works are labelled as an influence of the rise of fascism as she became his guardian after his descent into madness & so she edited much of his then-unpublished work.

By all means point & laugh at Rangers fans being idiots, but stick to stuff you know about eh?

"No, we do not love humanity; but on the other hand we are not nearly "German" enough, in the sense in which the word "German" is constantly being used nowadays, to advocate nationalism and race hatred and to be able to take pleasure in the national scabies of the heart and blood poisoning that now leads the nations of Europe to delimit and barricade themselves against each other as if it were a matter of quarantine."

I never claimed Neitchze was an anti semite, only that some of his writings inspired the Nazi movement. Here for example, from "The Will to Power".:

A doctrine is needed powerful enough to work as a breeding agent: strengthening the strong, paralyzing and destructive for the world weary. The annihilation of the decaying races. Decay of Europe.-The annihilation of slavish evaluations.-Dominion over the earth as a means of producing a higher type.-The annihilation of the tartuffery called 'morality.' The annihilation of suffrage universel; i.e. the system through which the lowest natures prescribe themselves as laws for the higher.-The annihilation of mediocrity and its acceptance (The one sided, individuals – peoples; to strike for fullness of nature through the pairing of opposites: race mixture to this end). The new courage – no a priori truths…

Ring any bells?

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just loved the poor guy interviewed on ssn

"we need help and noone is helping us."

well boo fekin hoo.

was that the same doughball who kept saying "ah hink.."

ah hink ye know its a witch hunt a hink it is, a hink its terrible, thats what a hink....


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I see the RM faithful are trying to set up a lottery syndicate. I say we do the same, buy Rangers with the winnings and burn Ibrox to the ground. Who's with me? :unsure:

or better yet, promise to buy Rangers, then say you're not ready, then set a deadline, break it, promise you're still definitely going to buy them, but just not yet, but maybe now, or next week....

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Please say this is true :lol: :lol: :lol:


Totally true, it's on follow follow. Stick the boys user name into your google search bar and it should take you to it, although you need to register for the site. :angry:

The post is now all over Ra Sellic message boards to.

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how many of the protesters will get lifted at their demo, we should open a book.

i had a look at the sun this morning( i know, i know. i made sure i washed my hands afterwards) and after reading what that clown Andy Goram was saying, fat Sally's comments and just the general feel of what the fans are thinking about boycotts etc. it can now be confirmed that this shower believe they have a sense of entitlement. most of the shite that they come out with is not really about saving their club, it is an attempt by them to ensure that any sanction is light enough that they can get back quickly to dominate football here, a very large section of their support only follow Rangers for the glory. the SFA with these sanctions have taken the prospects of glory away for a few years at least. so what will an Ayrshire/Lanarkshire/Aberdeenshire/highland/Borders etc etc Rangers fan do when their lives become empty and "ra people" become just people.

rangers fans, unable to take the rough with the smooth

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