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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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To be fair that would be the most sensible thing that shower have done, jaffa cakes are awesome.

Especially with that smashing orangie bit in the middle. They'll all be gobbling that up and loving it.

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How long is it going to take these c***s to come out and tell us the next glorious step they're making in our interests since we're too stupid to decide for ourselves? Get the game back from these fucking suits. Vive la révolution.

Edited by GiGi
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The thing that everyone seems to be missing is that the Inland Revenue do not vote for CVAs in football. The taxman said no to Dundee's offer of however many pence in the pound, likewise they don't allow English clubs to take this route.

With Rangers debt being overwhelmingly owed to the tax authorities.....how can they realistically avoid liquidation?

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The thing that everyone seems to be missing is that the Inland Revenue do not vote for CVAs in football. The taxman said no to Dundee's offer of however many pence in the pound, likewise they don't allow English clubs to take this route.

With Rangers debt being overwhelmingly owed to the tax authorities.....how can they realistically avoid liquidation?

Ticketus are biggest creditor at the minute.

The big tax case hasn't yet been charged.

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The thing that everyone seems to be missing is that the Inland Revenue do not vote for CVAs in football. The taxman said no to Dundee's offer of however many pence in the pound, likewise they don't allow English clubs to take this route.

With Rangers debt being overwhelmingly owed to the tax authorities.....how can they realistically avoid liquidation?

The same way they'll get into the SPL with a newco, they'll just enlighten everyone with their veiled threats, how the world will stop without rangers and threaten the demise of all and sundry should they not get their way.

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They'll be sitting there stuffing their faces with Jaffa Cakes right now.


The pink wafer was given "preferred biscuit" status over the popular Jaffa Cake, much to the delight of some drunken Hearts fan and the disappointment of the fans of other clubs biscuits.


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DST on Rangers Newco: Sporting Integrity and the Financial Reality

May 7, 2012

DST views with increasing concern the possibility that SPL clubs will vote to allow direct entry of a newco to the SPL with minimal penalties. The overwhelming opinion of supporters in Scotland is that a newco should enter senior football by applying for admission to the SFL 3rd division and working their way up again in a sustainable and honest way. Rangers like all other member clubs must be seen to comply with the rules and honour their debts, otherwise why should fans ever bother to turn up again, knowing for sure that the league is permanently rigged in their favour.

The mantra being repeated by most pundits and the officials of the SPL is that it is in the member clubs’ financial interest that a Rangers newco is immediately admitted to the SPL. The purported grounds are that Rangers along with Celtic bring about £700,000 a year to the other clubs by their fans attendance at matches and the TV deal. The message now being put about is that integrity and fair play is trumped by the financial imperative to survive since Scottish football will supposedly cease to be viable if Rangers are not in the top league. How can this stance be squared with Rangers and Celtic’s insistence in recent years that their departure to England/an Atlantic League would not be detrimental to Scottish football?

These assertions must be strongly challenged by the SPL club chairmen. Firstly, who are making the assertions? Many of the proponents of the “status quo” being essential have a vested interest. Media pundits and the press pack know that there will be far less appetite for their blanket coverage of the Old Firm if there is a transfer embargo and Rangers are facing East Stirlingingshire twice a season rather than Celtic. Their jobs hang in the balance. Clearly Rangers officials and supporters want their club at the top table winning trophies every season with guaranteed European football. They also have a vested interest for either financial or emotional reasons.

Now for the financial reality. In the case of our own club, in a season when AFC is in the top six, Rangers will normally add about 8000 over 2 games to the overall attendances for the season. Including programmes, food and other ancillary sales, the annual revenue is therefore about £200,000. Ranger’s fans represent about 4% of Aberdeen’s gate revenue in an average season, and if we have a good run in Europe, such as 4 seasons ago their effect is reduced to 2% of gate revenue.

Should Dundee (probably the best supported club in the SFL 1st division) be promoted into Rangers place, they have historically brought at least 2000 fans to Aberdeen matches, so the Rangers effect is reduced to £150000. If only 300 AFC fans fail to renew their season tickets and walk away from the club next season as a result of a misguided vote to allow a Rangers newco direct entry to the SPL, the effect of any Rangers support attending Pittodrie will be cancelled out. This is an entirely plausible scenario, which may well be repeated across all the SPL clubs given the strength of feeling being demonstrated across Scotland on this issue. SPL club chairmen will only finally count the cost of their decision when season ticket sales fail to materialise, by which time it will be too late to persuade the fans that the SPL is not permanently rigged in favour of the “too big to fail” clubs. The SPL chairmen should indeed “be careful what they wish for” if they vote for finance over integrity.

The TV deal melt-down scenario must also be challenged. If imaginative thought is applied, an alternative TV deal could be put together which would replace the current tired format. Rugby Super League in England has a £90m 5 year deal with Sky despite having lower attendances than the SPL. That is a better deal than the SPL had, so why can a minority sport with lower support do it and the SPL can’t? Probably because we are competing with the EPL and UEFA games, and therefore get less money and the lunch-time, Friday and Monday evening kick-offs to fill in the TV schedule gaps. If we go for summer football, we would be the only show in town for several weeks of the year and our product would be much more valuable. We could increase the league size as the customers want, have bigger play offs to keep the end of the season alive, and if OF games are actually essential to the deal, re-introduce the old League Cup qualifying groups at the start of the season with Rangers and Celtic in the same 4 team group to start the season with 2 OF games before the league starts. Overall, a revised programme for the season could easily generate the same cash as before from a TV deal, whether Rangers are in the SPL or not.

Finally let us address the potential absence of £500,000 a year income from TV. This could be replaced by increasing the average home gate by attracting only 1000 extra fans to every home game. The latent support for a successful Aberdeen FC is there to be had. 18,000 made the long trip to Glasgow for a 1215 kick-off only last month. If the AFC product on the pitch was more attractive and marketed as enthusiastically as a certain well known North-East house building company’s product, a target of 1000 extra season ticket fans to replace the TV income could easily be reached.

In summary, AFC like all the other SPL clubs does not need Rangers in the SPL to survive and thrive, and must vote for integrity in our national game.

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Ticketus are biggest creditor at the minute.

The big tax case hasn't yet been charged.

Except, that's totally irrelevant. HMRC have over 25%, which is enough to block it.

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I have been following Alex Thomson. It's amazing what an INVESTIGATIVE journalist can put forward & put's the WoS "Succulent Lamb" hacks to shame.

However, having read this, & agreed with everything he had to say. He has missed out another elephant in the room, in the case of the double contracts, which is also in contravention of SFA rules.

They have stiffed umpteen clubs, but worst of all, they've stiffed their own fans (who are too blind to see it).


Being in a situation where relegation to the bottom division is the only reasonable outcome. This inexplicable contravention of the rules, for what you can only assume is the whole of SDM's tenure at Ibrox, should further result in expulsion from the Scottish Football setup SINE DIE.

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I have been following Alex Thomson. It's amazing what an INVESTIGATIVE journalist can put forward & put's the WoS "Succulent Lamb" hacks to shame.

However, having read this, & agreed with everything he had to say. He has missed out another elephant in the room, in the case of the double contracts, which is also in contravention of SFA rules.

They have stiffed umpteen clubs, but worst of all, they've stiffed their own fans (who are too blind to see it).


Being in a situation where relegation to the bottom division is the only reasonable outcome. This inexplicable contravention of the rules, for what you can only assume is the whole of SDM's tenure at Ibrox, should further result in expulsion from the Scottish Football setup SINE DIE.

Am wondering what we are expected to believe with this list and what is it trying to tell us ??

Is it really suggesting that only the finalists in each competition should be the real winner ??

Not any other team that Rangers put out on the way to the final ??

IMO this is simply a totally nonsensical view of amended historical results.

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So to round up...

SPL Without Rangers travelling support & Reduced TV revenue = Closure of many clubs, pestilence, suffering and anguish.

1st Div (for relegated sides from SPL) without any TV money nor the travelling supports of Rangers AND Celtic = Not one recorded bankruptcy.


Edited by Hey! Ho! Jambo!
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I have been following Alex Thomson. It's amazing what an INVESTIGATIVE journalist can put forward & put's the WoS "Succulent Lamb" hacks to shame.

However, having read this, & agreed with everything he had to say. He has missed out another elephant in the room, in the case of the double contracts, which is also in contravention of SFA rules.

They have stiffed umpteen clubs, but worst of all, they've stiffed their own fans (who are too blind to see it).


Being in a situation where relegation to the bottom division is the only reasonable outcome. This inexplicable contravention of the rules, for what you can only assume is the whole of SDM's tenure at Ibrox, should further result in expulsion from the Scottish Football setup SINE DIE.

Wow, a treble and 3 league titles in a row! Fa's like us! And only 17 years ago, too. I think I'll live in the 90s now rather than the 80s. smile.gif

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Old Yorkston has a bit of a cheek, they spent money they didnt have to win the first division last season with the goal being the SPL and now its all gone wrong for them. how much debt are they in? didnt they creat a newco last season?

the spl saved aberdeen from relegation because aberdeen are too valuable to go down (just ask united). no surprises what will happen today.

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Wow, a treble and 3 league titles in a row! Fa's like us! And only 17 years ago, too. I think I'll live in the 90s now rather than the 80s. smile.gif

i dont think we could be given the scottish cup of 2003 given we were in 28million debt and ready to do an admin job. nice thought tho :D

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Has this been posted yet? Apparently written by a former sub-editor of many news and sport desks.

Didn't read past the start where Thomson presumably only got involved because of Celtic fans wanting to down Rangers. I can guess the rest. Same old, same old.

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