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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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That looks pretty simple then..blink.gif

Apologies, formatting must have been fucked because I copied and pasted from my post on the Morton forum... I'll try again.

Highlights include:

"the Tribunal considered whether it should terminate Rangers FC membership of the Scottish FA and concluded that punishment was too severe."

So, they did in fact go for what could be seen as a lenient punishment, despite all of McCoist's whinging. Which leads us nicely to:

"The identities of the members of the (original) Tribunal were disclosed to the parties in advance of the Tribunal. There was no objection raised by any party to any of the members."

As suspected, McCoist knew all along who was on the panel and his demands for transparency were merely pandering to the morons. Nothing like a bit of incitement.

Then we get 'Panel felt offences were so serious that "only match fixing might be a more serious breach."'

Some pretty damning language being used. Obviously it's a different panel, and it appears from the reaction of Thistle fans that Cowan'll be sympathetic, but in light of all that are they really going to overturn every punishment? Increase it for a frivolous appeal, go on.

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A Scottish Football Association tribunal gave consideration to terminating Rangers’ membership during a case against the club on five breaches of the governing body’s rules.


I defy anyone to try and claim that that hearing wasnt fair.

Alex Thomo is definitely putting in the work. Bet every time he phones UEFA to ask about Rangers, he finishes every call in the same whispered voice.... 'remember Manchester'

So any Rangers fans who think UEFA are against them. Guess what? You're bang on the money. That's human nature. You lot ruined one of their showpiece nights a few years back. I doubt UEFA were impressed with the TV revenue you lot can generate that night......at least when we lost a final, we stood and applauded both teams off the park and UEFA bought us a stand for it.

Doesn't matter who are you, from the secretary to the top of the tree, you remember that night in Manchester and you remember Rangers. And as such, the SFA cannot be seen to be any more lenient in UEFA's eyes or risk the consequences. I think the appeal panel members will be made fully aware of that.

Also with the document out in the open, it drops Sally right in it. A full and grovelling apology is required or possibly even the truthful explanation of his actions would be required to reinstate any sympathy I had towards McCoist.

From the top to the bottom, Chairmen, Manager, Fans. With very few exceptions......good riddance.

Yup, same here. Both for his "numpties" claim and his, vile, outing of them

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@GrahamSpiers: The SFA notes reveal that, in avoiding PAYE and other dues, Rangers FC saved themselves about £1.1m per month from August 2011 onwards.

@STVGrant: The Scottish FA judicial panel considered terminating Rangers' membership but decided it would be too severe: http://t.co/SYZZONlj

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My two favourite bits

A Scottish Football Association tribunal gave consideration to terminating Rangers’ membership during a case against the club on five breaches of the governing body’s rules.

The document continues: “It appeared to the Tribunal that in a case such as this the punishment should relate in some meaningful way to the unpaid taxes arising from high wages and salaries amongst certain players.

You are banned from registering players for being too stupid to balance your books.

However, it explained the decision to punish the club was based on legal precedent, which allows a company to be held liable for the behaviour of a director.

"The Tribunal took into account the extraordinary circumstances of the offences and the extent to which Rangers FC through its directors had been apparently misled and deceived by Mr Craig Whyte," it is said.

"Against that it took the view that whatever their position a number of individual directors and employees must have known that what was happening within Rangers FC was entirely wrong and illegitimate but they chose to do nothing to bring it to the attention of the public."That may be matter for their long term reflection but it does reduce the mitigatory impact of the suggestion that Rangers FC were innocent victims."

Jardine - You had a job with the title Director and have claimed you knew stuff. Should have said something so get it round ya.

My interpretation of the findings.

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They're seriously getting touchy now:

North Rd, on 11 May 2012 - 11:04 AM, said:

Tom English ‏ @TomEnglishSport

@GrahamSpiers You're right, Spiersy. Sandy Jardine will be getting the cardboard and crayons out for more banners and another protest march

Thius absued son if the rahtigan was been waiting and waiting to let rip. Playing the sensible one then ripping into the Rangers.

Has been alleged that this son of the rosary and carbon copy dresser of the son of the flocker of his female flock. Spent some personal time in the gents loo at a certain West End pub many are of the understanding regarding this alleged meeting, as for the giver or the receiver have not heard anything regarding this.


My link

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To be honest, after reading that I can't see the grounds upon which the appeal is based. Pretty damming stuff.

Ally should have kept schtum as it's pretty clear he knew fine well who was on the panel (or was in spitting distance with someone who did).


McCoist is a clown, but what he did following the panel's decisions was pretty unsavoury (to say the very least).

Is there any charge associated with lodging the appeal?

At the very least, you'd have to assume that there are expenses, legal fees etc. involved.

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A Scottish Football Association tribunal gave consideration to terminating Rangers’ membership during a case against the club on five breaches of the governing body’s rules.

The club were handed a 12-month registration embargo in late April by an independent inquiry, as well as receiving fines of £160,000, having been found guilty of breaking four regulations.

In its deliberations, the judicial panel concluded Rangers' actions meant that "only match fixing in its various forms might be a more serious breach” of the Scottish FA’s rules.

In a 100-page document published on Friday, which gave the full reasoning for the panel’s decisions, it is stated: “Having regard to its view on the undoubted gravity of the breaches, the Tribunal considered whether it should terminate Rangers FC membership of the Scottish FA and concluded that punishment was too severe.

“It considered whether suspension of membership was a less serious but an appropriately severe punishment, but concluded that too was too severe.”

Explaining the severity of the punishment handed down to the club, which was heavily influenced by their failure to pay taxes, it is said the tribunal felt that “the registration prohibition struck a balance which was relevant to the mischief and proportionate to the breach.


Mischief. Mischief... Mischief is something Oor Wullie causes when he fires off his catty and knocks off PC Murdoch's hat.


Edited by DeeGeeOneHamer
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i think we should stop slaggin him off. he checks the forums.

Hiyah alan hiyah pal. I always thought you were the best chairman we ever had. f**k all those people on the jags trust. and remember as a true jag you agree with the sentiment of FTOF

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The following will either happen:

1. a further delay will be announced until next week. H&D will apologise but say that "it's important we get this right"


2. BK / TBK will be announced as "preferred bidder" and then will withdraw early next week when they say that their absurd pre-conditions haven't been met / the books are a lot worse than first envisaged


The decision on the Rangers appeal against punishment will also be postponed next week "in light of the complexity of the case"

at least two more imaginary new 'consortiums' will fill up the back four pages of Wednesday-Friday's tabloids

then, on Friday, H&D will announce "with immense regret" that the process of liquidation must begin in order to secure the interests of the creditors they have barely mentioned until now.


1. no one among the footballing authorities can be blamed for "killing oor club"

2. H&D get their money and hightail it back to London, which they seem to be increasingly desperate to do ASAP

3. Craig Whyte's company still has hold of the assets and profits via a liquidation sale. Hell, even if he only gets £1 million for the sale of the land and fittings, it's a million pound return on a non-investment. And a tidy sum with which to take on Ticketus in the lengthy legal dispute over the blue bigot corpse.

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"Report says Martin Bain on behalf of indep panel commissioned investigation into Whyte's business dealings. That yielded 'worrying' info, which Bain gave to Sir David Murray, who said he was under pressure from Lloyds to sell to CW. He urged Bain to get indep board approval for sale, Bain refused and his relationship with SDM was damaged."

He was absolutely desperate to get the rid of the club before the shit hit the fan.

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