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At last someone in the media telling it as it should be.....................await outcry from Rankgers fans complaining that with a name like that, what would you expect...lol. Well done Desdemona


Take a bow. Always thought he was a twat as well but good on him!

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Today's LEGGO!: http://leggoland2.bl...uplicitous.html

What is he trying to say, it's not very clear.

From the SFA Tribunal

Whilst the figure was uncertain,discussions prior to 6 May 2011 between Mr John McClelland and SirDavid Murray in connection with the financial situation of Rangers FC and Sir David Murray’s shareholding had raised a suggestion of anoverall group debt of the Murray Group to Lloyds being in the order of £700,000,000. The Murray Group was under very substantial pressurefrom Lloyds to reduce its overall indebtedness. The asset holdings of the Murray Group were predominantly in iron and steel, and inheritable property, and current market conditions were unfavourableto a profitable realisation of assets or the generation of funds fromthese sectors with which to reduce its indebtedness to Lloyds.

He (Bain) set out at length the matters which had beenexplored in the IBC and directors personal meetings with Mr Whyteand the lack of information which had been obtained. He expressedconcern at the lack of transparency and the lack of due diligencebeing carried out both by and towards Mr Craig Whyte by Sir DavidMurray and the Murray Group. Mr Bain disclosed the contents of theinvestigation report into Mr Craig Whyte and provided Sir DavidMurray with a copy of the report.

That Sir David Murray explained to Mr Bain that he was underpressure from Lloyds to dispose of and realise his MIHL shareholdingin Rangers FC to Mr Craig Whyte, and that in view of his overallfinancial position he was left with almost no option but to sell hisshares to Mr Craig Whyte. He urged Mr Bain to secure the agreementand approval of the IBC and the Board of Rangers FC to the sale of theMIHL shares to Mr Craig Whyte. Mr Bain declined to do so and from the time of that meeting prior to 6 May 2011 Mr Bain’s hitherto close relationship with Sir David Murray was damaged.

That In addition to the pressure on the IBC and the Board of Directorsby Sir David Murray to approve and support the sale of shares to MrCraig Whyte, Mr Alastair Johnston (Chairman and Director) was putunder pressure by Lloyds to secure approval of the sale. From hiscommunications with the officers of Lloyds his perception was that Rangers FC’s own debt and financial facilities situation with Lloyds would be seriously prejudiced were the opposition to the MIHL sale to Mr Craig Whyte to be maintained by the IBC and the Board


Ah well, throwing Rangers to the wolves was a price worth paying to save the Murray Group.

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Someone has posted on hibsrumours that Kennedy will be looking to invest in Hibs as he is a lifelong fan. Erm, yes..........

In my view, the rightful thing for Hibs to do would be to slap Brian Kennedy with a lifetime ban from Easter Road just for the way he's messing the rest of Scottish fitba around!

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At last someone in the media telling it as it should be.....................await outcry from Rankgers fans complaining that with a name like that, what would you expect...lol. Well done Desdemona


Good article, but he's hardly saying anything 90% of all Scottish football fans haven't been for the past 3 months.

I'll make no excuse for saying this, but if less money means lower wages and fewer players then that's the way it has to be.

Exactly. Lets move toward expenditure capping based on turnover, it'll be better for everyone in the long run.

Edited by Huistrinho
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f**k me, did Traynor actually say this? Just when you think he can't surprise you an more, he manages to descend further into fantasy.

I'm afraid so, and he's said it on numerous occasions. He's a pitiful excuse for a pundit, and hopefully when Rangers die, him and his succulent lamb brigade will be out on their collective arses.

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I'm afraid so, and he's said it on numerous occasions.

Has anyone called him out for it on Your Call? I only listen to the podcast, but he seems to repeat this lie every time he's on. TBH, I'm surprised Jim Spence hasn't called him out on it, you'd think he'd know better.

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I'm afraid so, and he's said it on numerous occasions. He's a pitiful excuse for a pundit, and hopefully when Rangers die, him and his succulent lamb brigade will be out on their collective arses.

I've always been a bit upset he gets a job and money from the BBC but really, REALLY. Just unbelievable.

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Good article, but he's hardly saying anything 90% of all Scottish football fans haven't been for the past 3 months.

Not many in the media have had the balls to come out with a article like that. Well done Des...has put full time media Rankgers lovers like Traytor, Jackson and Dung to shame with that article

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Has anyone called him out for it on Your Call? I only listen to the podcast, but he seems to repeat this lie every time he's on. TBH, I'm surprised Jim Spence hasn't called him out on it, you'd think he'd know better.

I haven't caught "Your Call" in quite some time as the neanderthals and drunks that phone in generally infuriate me. So I have no idea I'm afraid. But no, no-one has pulled Traynor up on it on any of the shows I've caught. But then, the last one he was surrounded by the mentally challenged Young & Dodds.

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I've always been a bit upset he gets a job and money from the BBC but really, REALLY. Just unbelievable.

As I've said, all we can hope is that after this is all done and the dust settles, these useless wastes of space are jetissoned. I wonder if "Points of View" would take note if we all wrote in criticising the entire Scottish BBC news & sports coverage?

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The last part of the Tribunal report starting "Concluding Note" is great stuff.

This is just part of it.

It was remarkable that the Tribunal was sitting in determination of matters of professional football regulation of significance during the very days in which the Tribunal,not immune to current events, was aware there were commercial matters of greatimportance under discussion elsewhere which would no doubt affect the parties.

TheTribunal, however, recognised from the outset that its task was a wholly judicial one indetermining the particular complaints of breaches of the rules before it according to therelevant rules and the procedures of the Judicial Panel Protocol, and determining uponthe evidence which was made available before it what was an appropriate sanction toimpose on each party having regard to the nature and degree of the breach of the rulesand the circumstances of the party.

It recognised that the Tribunal would be in seriouserror in its judicial function if it engaged in an exercise of speculation about matters suchas the terms of possible offers, not yet made, for the purchase of a majority shareholdingin Rangers FC, or the response of these unknown offerors to any adverse finding againstRangers FC.

The Tribunal would equally have been in serious error if it engaged in anexercise of speculation as to any sanction which might in future matters before football authorities be imposed upon Rangers FC for matters within those authorities’ jurisdictions.The Judicial Panel was established in response to a desire on the part of the member clubs of the Scottish FA to devise a system of regulatory discipline which was organisedand run in a fair and independent judicial manner, where disciplinary procedures were agreed and subscribed to and processes were in accordance with widely acceptedpractices in regulatory matters.

With all of the other members of the Scottish FA RangersFC subscribed to the Judicial Panel Protocol.

It should be wholly unnecessary in any judicial process to provide such an assurance, but for the avoidance of any doubt, and in light of public confusion as to the operation of theJudicial Panel Protocol, the Tribunal members who heard and determined the complaintsagainst Rangers FC and Mr Craig Whyte were never at any time prior to, or during thehearing the subject of any contact by The Scottish FA (including the Scottish FACompliance Officer) upon the matters to bedetermined, and no attempt was made at anytime by any officer, executive, member or any employee of the Scottish FA , or indeed anyother person, to influence the outcome of the Disciplinary Hearing.

Had any such approach or attempt been made the matter would have been scandalous, corrupt andimproper and would have been reported immediately both officially and publicly.Throughout the disciplinary process the Scottish FA have adhered strictly and properly to the Judicial Panel Protocol agreed by all member clubs, including Rangers FC


In particular this is showing how annoyed they are with the behaviour and spouting of various groups, but especially Ally.

Given this response from the tribunal, the only result from the appeal is to up the penalties. No way can they back down given the irritation shown at these attempts to pervert the tribunal decisions.

From someone very cynical about the SFA, I now have a warm feeling about them now.

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:lol: Who's jjkgc on Rangers Media, joined 23/4/12 and a rep of -48 already

Love todays topic of ''massive protest at Ibrox tomorrow at 1.00'' with the edit of 'No there isn't' - 6 pages already!

Posted Today, 08:31 AM

snapback.pngger50champ, on 12 May 2012 - 08:10 AM, said:

Your a wee c**t .Larkhall ? Name the place and time

First and final warning, wind your neck in.

The rest of you keep it civil as well.


Edited by wunfellaff
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By the way, when this is all over I think we should have a P&B "Rangers Administration" Awards Ceremony for posters who have contributed most, provided the most usefull analysis, or posted the most amusing memes etc.

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:lol: Who's jjkgc on Rangers Media, joined 23/4/12 and a rep of -48 already

Love todays topic of ''massive protest at Ibrox tomorrow at 1.00'' with the edit of 'No there isn't' - 6 pages already!

Aye, that's a beauty of a thread, especially on page 3 or 4 when they start challenging each other to square gos in Larkhall. RM v FF, it's getting really messy now. :lol:

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I don't get the Blue Knights and their posturing as wannabe saviours of Rangers. Kennedy is worth about £250 million and Douglas Park £80 million. Not sure what wealth Ian Hart, Paul Murray and Scott Murdoch have (or to be honest what they do).

Wouldn't have been hard for them to have matched the bid which Miller had accepted if they had wanted to.

Murray (Sir David), like him or loathe him, during his time at Ibrox poured a large amount of his (well BOS's) money into the place. When it came to share issues that, unlike those across the city, were poorly supported by regular fans he ended up buying most of the shares himself. It strikes me that the Blue Knights are just like those regular fans happy to buy a ticket, happy to bask in the glory but not willing to actually invest in their club.

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I was at the Armadillo last night, to witness the genius that is Elvis Costello play a blinding three-hour set that is up there with Springsteen for sheer unadulterated live concert wonderfulness. If wonderfulness is even a word. Anyway - the point of this is that sitting two rows in front of me was Graeme Spiers.

If wonderfulness isn't a word, it should be adopted to sum up that gig. Outstanding!

Spiers has good taste in music, but he's still a twat.

As I mentioned to you at the time, when Elvis played 'Tramp the Dirt Down' I was thinking of Thatcher and Rangers in equal measure.

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