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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Maybe I have missed something over the last few pages but I dont see much comment on the article in today's Record that reveals in great detail that not only were the Rangers' Board well aware of the dodgy dealings going on they colluded by keeping their mouths shut. This is such a damning report that if the sanctions against Rangers are diluted at the Tribunal then Scottish Football will be percieved globally as being totally corrupt. For anyone in any doubt about Rangers' punishment then read this.

Record article

Does anyone have a link to this published report, Spiers, Thomson & co cant believe what their reading, Thomson calling them cowards including their beloved Greig is sending them into a rage.

I reckon the cowards sat and took the money while their club was being destroyed, what did they do, nothing because it was the boss who was destroying them and their a bunch of greedy power hungy bar stewards laugh.gif

I cant believe they sat back and watched them die, please please someone make a mini TV programme when this is all done cool.gif

Regarding future support, they should just die with dignity, id be to f**king embarrassed to have anything to do with a club like that laugh.gif

Edited by wulliamwallace
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Quantum, is that one of those words that you use when you haven't got a clue what you are on about but are confident that no-one will want to look a richard by asking what it means?

Look at where bankers using words/phrases like that led us.

p.s. What's a quantum in Kennedy's context? :P

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Hello St Mirren chums and thanks for the great days out at NSMP.

The old ground was St Mirren Park i think most people call it the New St Mirren Park. :rolleyes:

There was also a point in there about St. Mirren's attendances. Go on, see if you can spot it.

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Quantum, is that one of those words that you use when you haven't got a clue what you are on about but are confident that no-one will want to look a richard by asking what it means?

Look at where bankers using words/phrases like that led us.

p.s. What's a quantum in Kennedy's context? :P

It is worthy of another outing!:


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Some season's (including ours) aren't finished yet, and some are only just started. But within that site, you'll find more recent stats as well.

Just with a bit of due diligence! rolleyes.gif

Here's Belgium's for this season:


Hahahaha Beerschot - I like my beer in pints :lol:

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Mark Dingwall owns Follow Follow and bans posters who are critical of the fat twat. TBH there are quite a few really decent posters on there if you take the time to look through the utter drivel posted by most. A couple of the better Rangers posters from here post regularly on there.

I am afraid Rangers Media seems to be the home of the Union Bears/ Blue Order...Daft wee boys playing at being all grown up but failing miserably. The bigotry is pretty rife on both but far worse on RM.

Mark Dingwall got right behind Craig Whyte and was still championing his cause long after it was clear he had 'Duped' everybody...He then got right behind TBKs and still is even though it is absolutely clear that they simply do not have the financial clout to get the CVA through!! Only last week he promised to answer ANY question on the bid..When asked directly about the finances he went back to this Quantum bollocks...JUST TELL US WHERE THE MONEY IS COMING FROM YA FAT TIT!!!

With Follow Follow so openly backing TBKs RM decided to back ANYBODY but them and have back Ng and Millers bids. Their problem is the sectarian element and i would say they are a halfway house between the more moderate FF(don't laugh) and the Uber Loyalist Vanguardbears

Aye. Like there are loads of decent rangers fans around with no bigoted views, as long as you ignore the "minority" of knuckle dragging troglodytes who seem to get all the publicity....:rolleyes:

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different thing


I have stuck up for Captain Indefencible, I need a shower now.

So our First Division average is double the Irish Leagues and eight times the Welsh League but if Rangers leave the SPL will end up with the same crowds as the Irish or Welsh Premier??????

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Does anyone have a link to this published report, Spiers, Thomson & co cant believe what their reading, Thomson calling them cowards including their beloved Greig is sending them into a rage.

I reckon the cowards sat and took the money while their club was being destroyed, what did they do, nothing because it was the boss who was destroying them and their a bunch of greedy power hungy bar stewards laugh.gif

I cant believe they sat back and watched them die, please please someone make a mini TV programme when this is all done cool.gif

Regarding future support, they should just die with dignity, id be to f**king embarrassed to have anything to do with a club like that laugh.gif

I wonder if any of those that made the findings have any knowledge of company law or the responsibilities of directors.

I'd say that paras 20, 69, 70, 71, 72 and 80 here (at a quick glance) would provide get outs for most of the charges laid at the door of the directors, most of whom resigned citing the lack of transparency in the clubs finances and lack of board meetings as the reason, others were removed for asking questions/to see the books.

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Does anyone have a link to this published report, Spiers, Thomson & co cant believe what their reading, Thomson calling them cowards including their beloved Greig is sending them into a rage.

I reckon the cowards sat and took the money while their club was being destroyed, what did they do, nothing because it was the boss who was destroying them and their a bunch of greedy power hungy bar stewards laugh.gif

I cant believe they sat back and watched them die, please please someone make a mini TV programme when this is all done cool.gif

Regarding future support, they should just die with dignity, id be to f**king embarrassed to have anything to do with a club like that laugh.gif


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So our First Division average is double the Irish Leagues and eight times the Welsh League but if Rangers leave the SPL will end up with the same crowds as the Irish or Welsh Premier??????

I agree, was only pointing out the Paisley Plum was using average/per capita as opposed to a straight average.

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A great question earlier is unanswered...

Where is that p***k David Edgar in all of this?

Not sure, but in trying to find out I discovered the RST aren't winning any battles in the transparency stakes: My link. No accounts and no minutes uploaded since 2009, tut tut.

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