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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Time magazine brands Rangers fans "vile and violent"

"Although Rangers' administrators say that three other bidders have come forward, it's quite possible the team could be liquidated. And it's more than possible that this is a great thing for the game. Rangers and Glasgow Celtic have dominated the Scottish Professional League forever- they were both European powers once- but their bitter, sectarian-based rivalry has helped to undermine them. Their vile and violent fans-Protestants in the case of Rangers; Catholics for Celtic-are everything that's wrong with football. If Rangers were to fold, some of the religious hatred could be drained and perhaps new rivalries might develop in the SPL."


Edited by Tadénator
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Why aren't Hearts kicking up over Lee Wallace? They've lost a player and not even been compensated for him. Rangers even have the nerve to keep playing him.

Vlad has kept schtum ever since the Ibrox thing kicked off. No tales from the Jungle Book, nothing. I think he's worried about too much scrutiny over his own tax affairs to make a fuss..

Edited by welshbairn
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McCoist on Rangers TV tonight perhaps?

"Who are these people? I want to know who these people are.

Make no mistake about it, this affects Rangers.

They have agreed the consortium so therefore they are working for Rangers, but who are they?"

Hmmmm?......maybe not

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Are we having a Charles Green sweep? Put me down for this Friday.

I'm not picking a particular day, because when he goes, it'll be dragged out as usual with this sordid pantomime. It'll start with H&D making noises to Green to get a wriggle on, followed by Green asking for a couple more days to conduct 'due diligence' on the books. H&D will allow this, and will return to playing Angry Birds for another couple of days. The press will start asking awkward questions, like, erm, "What does this delay do to Rangers Champions League hopes next season?" Or, "This delay is hampering Ally's ability to sign players capable of getting it right up Celtic". Stuff like that. Anyway, when it does happen, baggsy me first dibs on the phrase 'Green for Go'... and not in a good way.

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I've read this twice, does anyone have a scoobie of what he's talking about?

I've yet to meet a Saints fan who understands anything Stu says. Have you read his match reports? :P

Oh, you meant Leggo, not Stu? Silly me. 8)

Edited by pozbaird
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Time magazine brands Rangers fans "vile and violent"

"Although Rangers' administrators say that three other bidders have come forward, it's quite possible the team could be liquidated. And it's more than possible that this is a great thing for the game. Rangers and Glasgow Celtic have dominated the Scottish Professional League forever- they were both European powers once- but their bitter, sectarian-based rivalry has helped to undermine them. Their vile and violent fans-Protestants in the case of Rangers; Catholics for Celtic-are everything that's wrong with football. If Rangers were to fold, some of the religious hatred could be drained and perhaps new rivalries might develop in the SPL."


Amazing what a lack of succulent lamb does to perceptions of the Old Firm.

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Time magazine brands Rangers fans "vile and violent"

"Although Rangers' administrators say that three other bidders have come forward, it's quite possible the team could be liquidated. And it's more than possible that this is a great thing for the game. Rangers and Glasgow Celtic have dominated the Scottish Professional League forever- they were both European powers once- but their bitter, sectarian-based rivalry has helped to undermine them. Their vile and violent fans-Protestants in the case of Rangers; Catholics for Celtic-are everything that's wrong with football. If Rangers were to fold, some of the religious hatred could be drained and perhaps new rivalries might develop in the SPL."


I have a new hero in Bill Saporito. Cannot believe that piece made it into the Scottish media let alone the Record. never have the words spot and on been so appropriate. Yet another example of those outside looking in seeing it as it really is and showing Scotland up for it's acceptance of the situation for so long.

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This has probably been asked, but anyway....

The buns did a 360 degree about turn and got stuck into the authorities for not doing due diligence on Craig Whyte. One must assume then, that when Soccerball Bill was in pole position, they would have wanted, no, make that demanded the authorities to do rigorous and in-depth checks on Bill Miller and his credentials to own a Scottish football club. Now with Hughie Green in the box seat, both him and his '20' backers must surely be subjected to a full and proper investigation by the SPL / SFA / Mr Custard the clown.

We are told that Rangers are on the brink, time is of the essence. How can the authorities undertake any checks for fit & properness if Hughie Green is keeping the identity of his 'global' consortium a secret? Surely H&D must be saying 'fcuk this anonymous shit, who are these people?'

Of course - that would entail the dynamic administration duo conducting themselves in something approaching a fit and proper manner themselves. Silly me.

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Call me simple, but I too don't understand the "creditors will get nothing from liquidation" line....

Oh the line is very easy to grasp: it's the evidence that falls down like a house of cards. It's straight from the Dundee and Livingston, co-written book of creditor brinkmanship: accept our derisory offer or get nothing instead. Unfortunately for Rangers, one look at their accounts shows that they have far, far more assets than either Dundee or Livingston. Not that HMRC swallows attempted financial bullying from football clubs in the first place.

Edited by vikingTON
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Oh the line is very easy to grasp: it's the evidence that falls down like a house of cards. It's straight from the Dundee and Livingston, co-written book of creditor brinkmanship: accept our derisory offer or get nothing instead. Unfortunately for Rangers, one look at their accou8nts shows taht they have far, far more assets than either Dundee or Livingston. Not that HMRC swallows attempted financial bullying from football clubs in the first place.

Given that Rangers have Ibrox, Murray Park, and a whole load of players who can be sold off, potentially for millions, in some cases they really are a completely different case. The Dundee administration, while painful for their HMRC will take their time and look to close off any loopholes that might be exploited. Dundee got away with it by exploiting who was and wasn't a creditor (as far as I'm aware), I really don't think HMRC will be happy to see that again.

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It would not surprise me if craigy white, duff & duffer & mr greenie had this all planned right from the beginning.

White phone his old mates at duffer & duffer, " here guys i know of a club thats totally f**ked, i can get it for a quid, ill bring you guys in to suck it dry right to the very end while you make lots of dosh, i also know of someone who will come in right at the end where ive told him he can get the club for as little as possible & asset strip, we all walk away richer and everyones happy apart from the nast bunch of bigot supporters"

You would think the dodgers would learn after white came in, but to be honest it just draws out the slow death even longer, theres no way HMRC will agree to such a low CVA when they can go after the likes of liverpool & man utd if they finally win this case out right.

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Sone Aluko, who scored a second half hat-trick yesterday, is one of those players now out of contract, although the club have offered him a new two-year deal.


How can Haudit and Daudit offer two year contracts to players?

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Will Green and his cabal of money men be scrutinised by the SFA to deem whether they are 'fit and proper' to run/own a football club in Scotland?

Yep, without it the SFA are being irresponsible but if they did do it it would be a bureaucratic mess to try and kick rangers when they are down rolleyes.gif

Oh yeah and I can give you the answer to that test - he absolutely isn't fit and proper.

Whyte was dodgy as f**k, most people suspected it but there was some doubt. This guy Greene has done the exact same thing before, he's clearly a crook and everyone knows it laugh.gif

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Why aren't Hearts kicking up over Lee Wallace? They've lost a player and not even been compensated for him. Rangers even have the nerve to keep playing him.

Rangers are up to date with their payments at the moment, so Hearts currently have no grounds for greivance.

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Time magazine brands Rangers fans "vile and violent"

"Although Rangers' administrators say that three other bidders have come forward, it's quite possible the team could be liquidated. And it's more than possible that this is a great thing for the game. Rangers and Glasgow Celtic have dominated the Scottish Professional League forever- they were both European powers once- but their bitter, sectarian-based rivalry has helped to undermine them. Their vile and violent fans-Protestants in the case of Rangers; Catholics for Celtic-are everything that's wrong with football. If Rangers were to fold, some of the religious hatred could be drained and perhaps new rivalries might develop in the SPL."


It's the elephant in the room ...but only in Scotland,everyone knows it's there but it's not to be discussed. There's a psychoanalytical thing about "Denial of denail" that also leads to DARVO (Deny the abuse, then Attack the victim for attempting to make them accountable for their offense, thereby Reversing Victim and Offender). Watch it all for free in response to this Time article. Hours of fun.

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Because they've written off the debt and getting something, however poor is better than nothing.

Which makes sense for creditors who are unlikely to have to deal with many debtors going into administration. You get some money back, and you aren't too likely to run into another one of your customers doing the same thing. The problem for Rangers is that this isn't a description of HMRC's position. They're in a very unique position, because they have to deal with pretty much every company which goes into administration, so they have to look at the impact any CVA will have in terms of other companies/clubs future actions.

In England they're hamstrung by the Football Creditors Rule (which they're challenging through the courts), but as far as I understand it that doesn't apply in Scotland. As a lot of people have said, if they allow Rangers to come out via a pennies in the pound CVA, it's going to send a message to other clubs that they could try this too. On the other hand, if they refuse to allow Rangers any leeway it will send a very, very, very strong message to clubs across the country. "You do not f**k with the taxman, and your public status will not save you if we catch you." The return that comes from that action should carry a lot of weight in any decision HMRC makes, and in my mind would heavily outweigh any monetary return of pennies in the pound on the tax bill. You look at the quotes already coming out from Greene and McCoist about spending six or seven million pounds each on three players, can't see that going down well with HMRC either.

(Oh, and I'm a Spurs fan with a soft spot for Reading when they're in the Championship. Been lurking here because it's better reading than RM on this entire topic, oddly enough. I fucking hate any club that tries to buy trophies, the tax dodge part of it just makes it even more annoying. Also have a dislike of the OF on the entire "We'll move to the EPL" thing, like f**k they ever will. Automatic assumption that they're bigger than our 'Diddy Clubs' in the Championship.)

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