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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Do Rangers not still owe Dundee Utd their share of the gate money from the sparsely attended Scottish Cup tie at Ibrox? Yet they've been staying in luxury hotels before every game while they've been in administration? The SFA should be chucking them out of the Scottish Cup before they can boycott it.

Sorry if someone else posted this but it would be hilarious if they were thrown out of the Scot cup, mostly because the fans who want to boycott it would be outraged and start their standard "its no fair"

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Nope, it's Pugh, Pugh,....

They were twins :

My link

Big fucking deal. It's never been the same since Andy Pandy got put into rehab and the Flowerpot Men were binned for having a threesome with the weed.

Edited by Granny Danger
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This whole situation has been like a parliamentary debate, thousands of words and many relevant questions, but only spin, deflection, denial, temporary deafness and outright lies in response. If I had a 'truth serum' these are the questions I'd ask.................

To the SPL

Sporting integrity versus finance. If it was revealed that rainjurs had bribed referees and linesman, rigged cup draws, physically threatened and intimidated opposing teams and officials, put LSD in the half time cuppa of visiting teams, slept with your wives, sons and daughters and through identity theft had attempted to take out credit in the name of other football clubs...........would you still think the Sky contract and the dramatically overstated travelling support merited the continuing presence of rainjurs in the SPL?

To the Media

At what point will you realise that taste in your mouth is not succulent lamb, but is in actual fact fecal matter from the ringpiece of whichever recent rainjurs spokesperson you have recently entertained, and also that everyone in the world can see the brown smears around your lips and we all know it's not gravy?

To Rainjurs Fluteball Club (All official Representatives of said embarrassment to Scotland)

Are you ten years old? Do you really think that shouting loudly, threatening people, ignoring questions and facts you don't like, and generally acting like complete c***s will make all this go away?

To Fat Sally

Special case? Don't you mean special needs?

To Duff & Duffer

Do you get to keep ALL the money that you are extracting from the big hoose or does someone else get a cut?


In the light of recent government investigations into your ethical business practices wouldn't it be great PR for you to come out and announce your new TV deal with the SPL will continue ONLY if the league make an example of the morally corrupt organisation that is 'the rainjurs'?

To Rangersmedia 'guests'

Does reading this thread make you realise after a lifetime of membership of the Flat Earth Society that the world is actually round? Or is it all just a big tarrier conspiracy?


When are you going to put us out of our misery?

**Note** I realise rainjurs fans are asking the same question, but in Govan patois this would read "Hoi Hector ya tarrier bassa, when ur ye gaun tae try and shut ra big hoose cos big wullie puller and his mates are gaun tae kick her heid in, cuz we arra peepul, nae surrendar. But listen big man, doant cum roon oan a thursday moarnin cuz thats giro day"

To the SFA

Where did you buy your brave pills from? And do have any left you can give the SPL?

To eufa

What the hell are you waiting for?

To Ticketus

You met with Craig White face to face and genuinely thought it was a good idea to invest in the rainjurs? Really? Also, the guy that actually brokered the deal, did you know he was Craigy boys dad at the time?

To Hughie Green

I know they are stupid. They swallowed the guff from Murray, they thought Whyte was their Saviour, they were desperate for TBK to be for real purely because they had a cool superhero type name, most of them even thought Millar was serious. Do you honestly think they won't see that you have seen a serious assett stripping opportunity knock? Actually now I read this question back......................

Fellow Diddy fans

What percentage of your day is now given over to reading this thread, and are you hoping the last post is written before you get the sack, or distraught at the thought that when it all ends P&B will once again become the domain of triumphalist sellick fans and gif obsessed astro physics students with a walter smith mitty complex and you will be forced to actually do some work?

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This whole situation has been like a parliamentary debate, thousands of words and many relevant questions, but only spin, deflection, denial, temporary deafness and outright lies in response. If I had a 'truth serum' these are the questions I'd ask.................

To the SPL

Sporting integrity versus finance. If it was revealed that rainjurs had bribed referees and linesman, rigged cup draws, physically threatened and intimidated opposing teams and officials, put LSD in the half time cuppa of visiting teams, slept with your wives, sons and daughters and through identity theft had attempted to take out credit in the name of other football clubs...........would you still think the Sky contract and the dramatically overstated travelling support merited the continuing presence of rainjurs in the SPL?

To the Media

At what point will you realise that taste in your mouth is not succulent lamb, but is in actual fact fecal matter from the ringpiece of whichever recent rainjurs spokesperson you have recently entertained, and also that everyone in the world can see the brown smears around your lips and we all know it's not gravy?

To Rainjurs Fluteball Club (All official Representatives of said embarrassment to Scotland)

Are you ten years old? Do you really think that shouting loudly, threatening people, ignoring questions and facts you don't like, and generally acting like complete c***s will make all this go away?

To Fat Sally

Special case? Don't you mean special needs?

To Duff & Duffer

Do you get to keep ALL the money that you are extracting from the big hoose or does someone else get a cut?


In the light of recent government investigations into your ethical business practices wouldn't it be great PR for you to come out and announce your new TV deal with the SPL will continue ONLY if the league make an example of the morally corrupt organisation that is 'the rainjurs'?

To Rangersmedia 'guests'

Does reading this thread make you realise after a lifetime of membership of the Flat Earth Society that the world is actually round? Or is it all just a big tarrier conspiracy?


When are you going to put us out of our misery?

**Note** I realise rainjurs fans are asking the same question, but in Govan patois this would read "Hoi Hector ya tarrier bassa, when ur ye gaun tae try and shut ra big hoose cos big wullie puller and his mates are gaun tae kick her heid in, cuz we arra peepul, nae surrendar. But listen big man, doant cum roon oan a thursday moarnin cuz thats giro day"

To the SFA

Where did you buy your brave pills from? And do have any left you can give the SPL?

To eufa

What the hell are you waiting for?

To Ticketus

You met with Craig White face to face and genuinely thought it was a good idea to invest in the rainjurs? Really? Also, the guy that actually brokered the deal, did you know he was Craigy boys dad at the time?

To Hughie Green

I know they are stupid. They swallowed the guff from Murray, they thought Whyte was their Saviour, they were desperate for TBK to be for real purely because they had a cool superhero type name, most of them even thought Millar was serious. Do you honestly think they won't see that you have seen a serious assett stripping opportunity knock? Actually now I read this question back......................

Fellow Diddy fans

What percentage of your day is now given over to reading this thread, and are you hoping the last post is written before you get the sack, or distraught at the thought that when it all ends P&B will once again become the domain of triumphalist sellick fans and gif obsessed astro physics students with a walter smith mitty complex and you will be forced to actually do some work?

To Craig Whyte

Can I buy you a pint ?

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What I find totally ridiculous is the sheer indignation and stupidity of the support , not only the complete brain dodgers, but the ones that claim to be quite sensible. I had a mate who argued with me that it was the "diddy" clubs to blame for the state of Scottish football for not "spending enough money" over the last 20 years to keep up with Rankgers. There is absolutely no arguing with these people. Completely deluded. I'd say a fair proportion of the one in four people in Scotland with mental health problems may just rise when the orcs finally die.

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Have you ever read her problem pages? She likes to come across as a man hating old spinster, man has an affair he's a c*nt and needs castrating, woman has an affair then she needs comforting because her man treated her so badly. Excellent stuff for passing the time, I'd love to shake the bloke's hand that turned the old witch so bitter.

She's also missing the point that if Rangers were to disappear entirely - it will create an enormous change in this country's social affairs. Whether it stops mass sectarianism I don't know, but the vehicle disappearing would do something.

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The EBTs case seems to be the big problem for Rangers. Doing the dirty on the creditors is one thing and theyll just start a newco and act as if nowt has happened. However,

getting proved and found guilty of double contracts is another ball game altogether. If the SFA fail in their duty to turf them out then UEFA, (who lets be honest here dont show mercy and already had run ins with Rangers recently), will force the SFAs hand.

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Fellow Diddy fans

What percentage of your day is now given over to reading this thread, and are you hoping the last post is written before you get the sack, or distraught at the thought that when it all ends P&B will once again become the domain of triumphalist sellick fans and gif obsessed astro physics students with a walter smith mitty complex and you will be forced to actually do some work?

This is clearly the only downside to Rangers finally getting the big injection that see's them inhale their last breath. I will miss you guys and the banter after this is all overcrying.gif

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The guys at rangers media seem to have this boycott thing sussed


"The point isn't to get something out of it,the point was to show sponsors their support of the sfa would cost them money. Not a discount ffs."

i can only assume we have ourselves an accountant hererolleyes.gif<br class="Apple-interchange-newline">

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