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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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It has been explained and you honestly still don't get it :lol:

You have to be at the wind up

No, honestly, I don't. Please tell me which EU statute the embargo would contravene. I don't puff up my chest and bluster about my work, but in your case i'll make an exception. I manage a team of 8 people in a compliance role and have to deal day-to-day with HR issues, recruitment etc, in close conjunction with our HR department. A big part of my job is to read through and ensure implementation of complex procedures to ensure we stick to them and don't miss any of the finer points. So, point me in the right direction and I'll read through it.

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The judge was not asked to rule whether he considered it discriminatory..Rangers would have gone to the European court for that ruling

They would have been hilariously embarassed for doing so - the punishment had no bearing on their ability to employ anyone.

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It was age discriminatory...Get that through your thick skull.

You cannot discriminate in such a way under European Employment laws.

Is it really that difficult to grasp?

Why is there age discrimination? Rangers are entirely at liberty to employ whoever they wish conditional on them paying the a wage and deducting tax at source (that's the hard bit) .

So you can hire strategists, programme sellers, administrators, media stfaff, EBT spoksesperson - of any age, race creed or colour. You can even sign players on inflated wages and let them sit in the stand - you can sign Stanley Mathews old knickers if you want. The law is clear sign who the hell you want. What you cannot do is register new players during an embargo brought about by your club's own dispicable actions and the systematic evasion of tax. Scottish football far from being discriminatory has no restraint on age - many clubs will be buying players in the forthcoming weeks. You won't because you can't register them because of your own pathetic actions as a club.

Aberdeen's manager will be their oldest ever, ther will be veterans and young guns, wee guys and big guys - the SPL will be very diverse in age. It will be land rich in age-diversity. So face up to the actions of RFC and stop blaming everyone else.

The bitter irony of a Rangers fan arguing about the legality and unfairness of 'discriminatory signing polices' is not lost on the vast majority of this forum.

Found out - time to take the heat.

Edited by eightmile
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A self confessed celtic goes on the TV and openly lies about Rangers and he gets 1 email that the police are dealing with. While that is regrettable it is nothing compared to what others are experiencing right now

Lord Glennie who has no allegiance to any club and gave an honest judgement has been threatened with 1 in particular promising to 'Shoot to kill'

At the same time we have 3 Rangers players who have been targeted by Racists and have been suffering this abuse for months.

McCoists 17 year old son threatened with death and his only crime is his dad happens to be Rangers manager.

And so on and so on

Ah, the old "bu they other wans dae it tae"

... and so closely followed by ...

There crimes were not 2nd only to match fixing :rolleyes:

They should be fined..and they were. They should be punished but our greatest punishment was having SDM and Whyte owning the club. The shame they have brought upon us will take a lifetime to get over. We as fans are not totally blameless as we maybe should have asked more questions but at the end of the day you expect those in charge to at the very least to act within the law and pay the taxman

Do you think they should be thrown out the game because the Chairman robbed the taxman? I wonder if you would think any other club would deserve to be thrown out of the game for such an offence...I seriously doubt it.

I would think most supporters would have sympathy with any other club who had suffered from such gross mismanagement. It will take the club years to recover from this shambles if they ever do.

... "it wuz tha Whyte bloke no the club"

Why ambassador, with this shite, you really are spoiling us.

Maybe you'd like to explain how the lawyer in question openly lied about Rangers on national tv?

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It should also be considered that the likelihood of Rangers actually paying any fine that is levied against them is very very low, to the extent that a fine would probably make no difference whatsoever and wouldn't actually be a punishment as a result.

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They would have been hilariously embarassed for doing so - the punishment had no bearing on their ability to employ anyone.

You missed the point over the 3 foreigners policy?

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A self confessed celtic goes on the TV and openly lies about Rangers and he gets 1 email that the police are dealing with. While that is regrettable it is nothing compared to what others are experiencing right now

Lord Glennie who has no allegiance to any club and gave an honest judgement has been threatened with 1 in particular promising to 'Shoot to kill'

At the same time we have 3 Rangers players who have been targeted by Racists and have been suffering this abuse for months.

McCoists 17 year old son threatened with death and his only crime is his dad happens to be Rangers manager.

And so on and so on

The above is a perfect summary of why Scotland would be a better place without both sides of the the old firm

One top of your list we can add

The Rangers fans who sent the nail bombs to Lennon

The Rangers fans who targeted those on the orginal SFA panel

The Rangers fans who threatened to burn down Raiths ground

The Rangers fans who have been calling St Johnstone and leaving vile and threatening messages against Steve Brown. (I assume the rest of the SFA board got the same)

I believe No8 your nowhere near that level but I certainly would not let any member of my family associate themselves with the old firm on this basis alone, there are far to many fans who cannot see it as a game and for them its there whole life. Thanks to the corruption from Murry, to Whyte, from Greig to Billy Dodds their life's have been put in chaos.

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Dundee exercised a right-of-appeal to a 3rd party organisation, the SFA.

So did Rangers. After Dundee lost their appeal they then didnt go to the courts. Much like Livingston

You missed the point over the 3 foreigners policy?

I think you missed your medication.

Seeing as we're all so, obviously, thick why dont you explain to us how the three foreigners policy relates to a club transfer embargo?

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This no8 chap is beyond help, or seriously on the wind up. Does he think Joey Barton will be taking the FA to court, as he won't be allowed to play football for 12 games next season?

I just realised he is, he must be. Pleading discrimination from the football club with the most discriminatory signing policy ever, pot kettle and black, oh very funny, very, very good. Had me going a bit there.

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So did Rangers. After Dundee lost their appeal they then didnt go to the courts. Much like Livingston

I think you missed your medication.

Seeing as we're all so, obviously, thick why dont you explain to us how the three foreigners policy relates to a club transfer embargo?

1 final time.

The 3 foreigner rule was scraped as it went against European Employment laws...The ruling stated that you could sign anybody you wanted from whatever country but could only play 3 foreigners at any one time. So you could employ whoever but 'foreigners' were discriminated against as only 3 could play at any one time.

The SFA ruling was age discriminatory as Rangers could employ anybody they wanted but only players under 18 could be played...This clearly discriminates against players such as Gattuso that wants to join but Rangers wouldn't sign him as the ruling says he is too old to be registered.

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So did Rangers. After Dundee lost their appeal they then didnt go to the courts. Much like Livingston

Both had a first appeal heard by another body within the organisation (in SFL EGM; in SFA judicial panel). However, while Dundee/Livi could then make a second appeal outside - to SFA - Rangers could not. That's all my original post was highlighting.

They were allowed, under SFA rules, no avenue of recourse outside the organisation itself.

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