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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Not being funny, but how the f**k are they off to Germany for pre-season when they've got no money? That really is ridiculous. Surely they should be looking to cut down upon such needless expenditure. rolleyes.gif

Getting into practice for the future. Roedinghausen are in the seventh tier.


Surprised but delighted and looking forward to an attractive game in front of a full house of 2,500 :lol:

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Carol's hot, but not as hot as the delectible Susie Dent., phwoaaar !

Just in from the pub....it's aufy quiet.......IS THIS THE CALM BEFORE THE STORM ?

It surely must be time for a special edition of The Harry Hill Show and a massive BUN FIGHT !

ps - anyone else in the Judith Ralston fan club ?

Dent may be a lion in dictionary corner but I bet she's a mouse in the bedroom......she's got "shite ride" written all over her and probably only knows 2 positions........1of which being "with the lights on" !

Vorderman for me although I would enjoy destroying Riley..........but I'm pretty sure she wouldn't thank me for her anal prolapse cool.gif

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Really enjoy your blog ( the bits i understand biggrin.gif ) but it has been very interesting to see the inner workings of what has been said. This particular one really shows, despite H&D trying to claim otherwise, HMRC has kept control of this situation from the outset which has maybe led to the many delays we have seen over the piece.

It will be interesting to see what comes of the Green vs Whyte share agreement. Unless it is on paper in a water tight agreement i suspect green may have lost his £2.

a 200% loss?

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A couple of points:

1. If Airdrie get taken over by Ra Gers then technically 2nd Div Airdrie will become a 1st Div club due to Ra Gers demise and the leqagues being shunted about (Dundee go up from 1st to SPL and Airdrie Utd/ Ra Gers go up to 1st from the second). This may make the appeal of Airdrie even better from Ra Gers viewpoint.

2. If the SFA panel decided to suspend Ra Gers from the league for a period (say a year) do they have the provision to suspend the suspension, for good behaviour? Or did the Orcs block that avenue when they went to CoS and insited that they be punished by one of the listed four punishments?

3. What is happening today? I can remember sommat about today but with all the deadlines passing and being rescheduled I can't remember what is supposed to happen today?

4. Where is Michael Johnston? He has went very quiet or has he wandered back into the cesspit of crap that is Rugby Park. (Aye its nicer than Somerset but ours has character!!!!)

Thanks in advance for any answers.

PS Number 4 is retorical, for any of my Killie mates and No.8

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They stay in a hotel before Celtic games too apparently. Must be awfy bad traffic in Glasgow.

Many clubs put their players in hotels before a game in the vain hope of keeping the bricks away from their favourite boozers and slags.


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3. What is happening today? I can remember sommat about today but with all the deadlines passing and being rescheduled I can't remember what is supposed to happen today?

Today was initially touted as the possible day for the Appellate Tribunal to reconvence to consider a new punishment.

That has fallen by the wayside, and I think that the smart money is that the Appellates will not meet until the 21 day appeal period after the CofS ruling passes (the thought being that if the Appellates came up with another sanction the buns didn't like in the meantime then they might appeal about the Lord Glennie ruling - I.e. frustrating the process again by appealing that the matter should have been sent all the way back to the original Panel).

The delay is no bad thing in my opinion............let the buggers sweat............it sure won't be a big inducement to Green's backers to progress so long as a possibe suspension/expulsion continues to hang over their heads.

Edited by Claymores
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A couple of points:

1. If Airdrie get taken over by Ra Gers then technically 2nd Div Airdrie will become a 1st Div club due to Ra Gers demise and the leqagues being shunted about (Dundee go up from 1st to SPL and Airdrie Utd/ Ra Gers go up to 1st from the second). This may make the appeal of Airdrie even better from Ra Gers viewpoint.

2. If the SFA panel decided to suspend Ra Gers from the league for a period (say a year) do they have the provision to suspend the suspension, for good behaviour? Or did the Orcs block that avenue when they went to CoS and insited that they be punished by one of the listed four punishments?

3. What is happening today? I can remember sommat about today but with all the deadlines passing and being rescheduled I can't remember what is supposed to happen today?

4. Where is Michael Johnston? He has went very quiet or has he wandered back into the cesspit of crap that is Rugby Park. (Aye its nicer than Somerset but ours has character!!!!)

Thanks in advance for any answers.

PS Number 4 is retorical, for any of my Killie mates and No.8

I wondered about a suspended sentence, but would it be seen as a cop out? It would, of course, make the task of finishing them off that much easier when the dual contracts come around.

It could be a dangerous game to play though. Say they get a suspended sentence, come back into the SPL but then are guilty of a minor rule break. They could find themselves thrown out for something petty and innocuous - can you imagine the backlash from the Orcs?

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It's probably best that the panel doesn't reconvene today - last thing we want is some carnage at the weekend because Rangers got kicked out the league. A quick guilty verdict on Monday giving them the rest of the week to cool off at work (haha right) and hopefully the fallout won't be quite so bad, at least the murders might not run into double figures.

...Or they could wait until England got knocked out the Euro's for a nice double whammy.

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Wouldn't it be fairer to kill them off now so Dundee have time to put a side together to compete in the SPL.

Sorry I'm just desperate to see them squashed.

Not sure how far forward a suspension/expulsion decision would take it in practical terms as I'm sure the scum would try appealing to CAS, the RSPCA, Roger Cook and the United Nations !!!

Maybe the most effective tactic is to continue to let them self-destruct piece by little piece! Not great for Dundee or the SPL teams, but thems the shakes.

Edited by Claymores
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