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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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He said: "We could watch the grass grow, or put sheep on the pitch. Make some money in livestock but it would be difficult for clubs in Scottish football to make money without Rangers."

Uh oh.

Sheep? Makes a change from the overpriced donkeys they've had on the pitch for years.....

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I DID suggest that the contents of the Trophy Room should be gettin' listed on eBay to help recover monies for the poor fleeced creditors, but someone else came up with the idea of a "Cash in the Attic" Special.

Sash in the attic ???

I would make them donate all the contents of the trophy room to the Hampden Museum and then charge ex-Rangers fans to come see them :)

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As taken from todays Sun

Liquidation could see assets like Ibrox and Murray Park — valued at £109.5million — sold off.

Rangers also have a leasehold at a car park near the stadium, thought to be worth almost £3million, while goodwill and trademarks for the club are put at £660,000. The playing staff have been valued at around £7.5million while fixtures and fittings are thought to be worth £4million.

Surely this is a no brainer for creditors....far better than Chasbo's offer which in reality could muster about 2p in the £ depending on outcomes!!!

You can see just how ridiculous Greens CVA really is, at the end of the day, taken down to it's bare components and taking into consideration all the external factors, his proposals would see creditors get nothing whilst he inherits everything. If I was a creditor I'd be putting his CVA in the bin and taking my chances with an HMRC backed liquidation, at least you'd know from the outset that you were guaranteed a better return and that's the fact of the matter.

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The first port of call for eradicating bigotry should be abolishing religious segregation in the country's schools.

It creates the first visible division for children and without it then it can only help to remove the initial differences between RC's and Protestants.

Obviously there's still the problem of knuckledragging parents but i don't think it would take too long to make big inroads when children aren't faced with the religious aspects when they start school.

I fully agree but to voice such opinions makes you part of an anti catholic conspiracy according to the church hierarchy and their brainwashed flocks.

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People say you shouldn't mock a situation in which folk may lose their jobs, but I make no apology for saying I'll be cheering the roof off the day that drum-banging halfwit Sandy Jardine gets his cards. (or should the euphamism be 'Marching Orders' ?!)

Edited by Claymores
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Liquidation could see assets like Ibrox and Murray Park — valued at £109.5million — sold off.

So what was this £5 million pish?

Have H&D vastly undervalued them so Green can take them for next to nothing?

If they have then they really should be investigated.

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You can see just how ridiculous Greens CVA really is, at the end of the day, taken down to it's bare components and taking into consideration all the external factors, his proposals would see creditors get nothing whilst he inherits everything. If I was a creditor I'd be putting his CVA in the bin and taking my chances with an HMRC backed liquidation, at least you'd know from the outset that you were guaranteed a better return and that's the fact of the matter.

Add the above to that the fact that if you're a creditor it must be sickening to have Green talk about "money in his back pocket" that would mysteriously appear to buy players etc once a CVA went through.

Would you seriously say "OK, I'll accept tuppence and look on whilst Rangers continue debt free". No chance. I'd see liquidation, as described in The Sun (can't believe I typed that) as the best option for getting the most cash.

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So what was this £5 million pish?

Have H&D vastly undervalued them so Green can take them for next to nothing?

If they have then they really should be investigated.

They've used a figure which would basically be the value of the land basically imo. If any property, commercial or not, is a forced sale valuation, there's no way with the open market valuation being £100 million that the figure of £5 million would be in any way accurate, it's a HUGE undervaluation by D&P and I'm truly surprised no one has made more of this issue.

It is little wonder HMRC are moving to have D&P removed from the process, they've really been quite naughty throughout the administration.

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"Politicians must help us get a CVA" (WHY?????)

I thought the politicians weren't allowed to get involved as per FIFA and uefa rules?

Mind you, neither was CoS and we see how that went

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Add the above to that the fact that if you're a creditor it must be sickening to have Green talk about "money in his back pocket" that would mysteriously appear to buy players etc once a CVA went through.

Would you seriously say "OK, I'll accept tuppence and look on whilst Rangers continue debt free". No chance. I'd see liquidation, as described in The Sun (can't believe I typed that) as the best option for getting the most cash.

I know it is only gonna take HMRC or Ticketus to knock it back for the CVA to fail, but hopefully every single creditor has read this, this morning and realises the best return for them is the HMRC liquidation route and a flog off of all assets (players and grounds included) They should also read Chasbo's ramblings about how money is gonna get pumped into Ibrox if the CVA is accepted. Basically we will give u lot 2p in the £ or thereabouts and once you accept that we will give Sally a £20,000,000 war chest for the team!!! Hopefully the creditors can see right thru Chasbo!!

Edited by Sting777
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As Edmund Burke once said


When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.

Edmund Burke was a very smart man. He knew how to see through contradicting arguments and see the essential truths of life; such as................................

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As Edmund Burke once said


When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.

Edmund Burke was a very smart man. He knew how to see through contradicting arguments and see the essential truths of life; such as................................

If its quotes, I prefer the Steven Segal one, presumably when asked on the Rangers situation....

You have the right to remain dead

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They've used a figure which would basically be the value of the land basically imo. If any property, commercial or not, is a forced sale valuation, there's no way with the open market valuation being £100 million that the figure of £5 million would be in any way accurate, it's a HUGE undervaluation by D&P and I'm truly surprised no one has made more of this issue.

It is little wonder HMRC are moving to have D&P removed from the process, they've really been quite naughty throughout the administration.

I'm afraid I think the £5m for the physical assets is about right.

I understand it is based on Murray Park having an estimated disposal value of £4-6m, with it having restrictions on future land use (the £4-6m is basing on it's conversion to another sporting/leisure purpose), and estimating it might take 2 years to shift.

A agree with Ibroke having a notional disposal value of Nil with no sitting fitba team, it being riddled with asbestos, and having a listed frontage. I forsee no great potential for conversion to housing or other commercial use in that part of Glasgow. You also have to factor-in that there would be Orcs camped-out in front of the bulldozers the day they moved-in, and any developer and their family would be sure to be subjected to abuse/presents through the post. It simply makes the land too toxic to clear-up for alternative use.

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As for the suggestion that "politicians" should be involved, well it's good to see that they have all backed off now they realise that voters don't like tax dodgers.

Politicians should be encouraging them tae pay their bloody tax!

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I know many of you desperately wish for the extinction of Rangers but the market value of Ibrox is basically zero. Where are the buyers for a large football stadium? Or for land in Govan which would need to have a large football stadium removed from it? Auchenhowie isn't worth much on the market either especially since there are planning restrictions.

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Add the above to that the fact that if you're a creditor it must be sickening to have Green talk about "money in his back pocket" that would mysteriously appear to buy players etc once a CVA went through.

Would you seriously say "OK, I'll accept tuppence and look on whilst Rangers continue debt free". No chance. I'd see liquidation, as described in The Sun (can't believe I typed that) as the best option for getting the most cash.

But the creditors are being asked to vote on an unknown outcome, how can they vote to accept a "mebees aye and mebees naw" proposal, especially when there is only one party really winning out of the CVA being accepted i.e. Sevco, they'd really need their heads examined.

As far as politicians getting involved goes, they've already tried that approach and unfortunately for them, I think you'll find there are no politicians willing to step up to the plate, in fact they've all taken a step back, gazing to the sky and whistling, not one of them are willing to be associated with a club who have not only clearly cheated for decades but are guilty of tax evasion, tax avoidance, ruining the game in this country and bringing the game into disrepute. Dream on Chasbo !

We can expect more ramblings from the wierder than a bottle of chips Charles Green as the noose tightens.

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