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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Speak for yourself. If Arbroath were lost to football for whatever reason, I couldn't imagine ever supporting another team.

Yeah and I couldn't imagine supporting someone other than Killie. What's your point?

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Thats a bit weird then. Most people I know supported a team because of their parents, because it was the first team they really heard about, or because they got taken to a match and really enjoyed it. Very few people sat down and considered all the pros and cons before picking a team. Does that mean that if you wanted to, you could just support another team?

I grew up and realised that the team I was supporting represented my home town, was properly run, didn't encourage such as racism or bigotry, attending matches was safe and I wasn't being subjected to verbal bile when attending every match.

I also grew up believing in Santa Claus and with Conservative voting parents. When I was old enough to see through both I made my own choices about those too.

There is no excuse for the supporting either bigot brother. It is a choice they make. It's funny how I've yet to hear any of them say that. Most make the inherited excuse for their choice. f**k them.

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Also in Green's statement:-

"Also, I do not believe that by opting to vote against the CVA proposal, HMRC will generate more cash by pursuing those they believe as responsible - but that is a matter for them.

"I am particularly saddened by the fact that this decision will mean that small shareholders will lose their shares in The Rangers Football Club plc, something which we were trying to avoid happening."

It's worth reading in full the statement. Rings of something pre-prepared to me..

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The party's over

It's time to call it a day

They've burst your pretty balloon

And taken the moon away

It's time to wind up the masquerade

Just make your mind up, the piper must be paid

(and HMRC :lol: )

(not really, the party is just about to start)

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I think there will be a Rangers and once that Rangers have paid for their misdemeanors (sp?) they will be entitled to continue to play and to work their way back up the divisions. That doesn't mean we will need to like them, their probable bigotry and arogance will ensure we don't.

I do not think Rangers will be in the SPL next season.

On a wider note I think Green is an asset stripper. He's probably delighted that the CVA is going to be rejected. However I think Haudit & Daudit will not be allowed to sell him the physical assets. I said a couple of days ago there will be at least one legal challenge to this.

There's already a Rangers playing in the 3rd division, without some sort of Pythonesque newco/takeover can of worms exploding in an "I'm Spartacus" sense, & they ARE English.

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"The solemn promise I can make to Rangers fans today is that this Club will continue as Rangers Football Club and will continue to play at Ibrox Stadium.

"We will be liaising with the football authorities at the earliest opportunity to establish our position regarding the SPL.

"I, along with my investors who believe that Rangers can have a bright future, will fight tooth and nail to ensure the Club recovers from this catastrophic phase in its proud history.

"The fans deserve better and we will work tirelessly to realise their ambitions."

How can he promise that?

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I grew up and realised that the team I was supporting represented my home town, was properly run, didn't encourage such as racism or bigotry, attending matches was safe and I wasn't being subjected to verbal bile when attending every match.

I also grew up believing in Santa Claus and with Conservative voting parents. When I was old enough to see through both I made my own choices about those too.

There is no excuse for the supporting either bigot brother. It is a choice they make. It's funny how I've yet to hear any of them say that. Most make the inherited excuse for their choice. f**k them.

You mean you don't vote Tory now?

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Blue in work been very subdued this morning. So much so that Green even said he would buy us lunch. Blue said thanks, and asked where we fancied going. Green said that despite their differences and the ribbing he's been giving Blue for the past few months they are still mates, and that we should go to Pizza Hut for the all you can eat buffet.

He could have fuckin' left it there, but oh no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"At least at Pizza Hut we can have unlimited ice cream. laugh.gif"

There maybe bloodshed before the end of the week. dry.gif

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Yeah and I couldn't imagine supporting someone other than Killie. What's your point?

So if you were a Rangers supporter, and had been from childhood, could you imagine changing your mind and choosing to not support Rangers? My argument, and I noticed the posts from Gaz and SH on this, is that the emotional attachment to the club is greater for many than being able to take an easy choice. I know a couple of people who stopped going to Ibrox because they didn't like the bigotry (one only choosing to go back for the first time in years last year), but they still identified as Rangers supporters. My brother got into Rangers because they were the first team he heard about in school. Even as an adult, he didn't make a cold choice, weigh up the pros and cons, and decide not to support Rangers. His views were too entrenched and the emotional attachment was too strong for that.

My point is that many fans don't "choose" to support the OF, and couldn't imagine supporting anyone else.

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