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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Guest Kincardine

The reaction from normally sensible Rangers fans that I know is one of seething fury at all and sundry. The Revenue, SFA, SPL, ******s etc.

I've taken a diplomatic silence on my facebook, throwing in a wee comment here and there, and have to admit to thoroughly enjoying every minute.

f**k them.

We must know different Rangers fans. Yes, 'seething fury' is right. We do have some issues with the SFA. However, most 'seething fury' is reserved for our previous owners. Oh and a wee bit of 'mild fury' for ourselves in being twatted.

Edited by Kincardine
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I thought I'd use my first ever post on any forum to tell you all a wee story, and hopefully hold out some hope for our poor, unfortunate, newco-supporting chums on this site.

I was born and brought up in Govan over 40-years ago, signed up to my first Rangers Supporters Club by my Dad at the grand old age of 2-weeks old, and attended my first games at Ibrox with my Dad when I was 6 or 7. The first Rangers game I can clearly remember (not the first I attended) was Sandy Jardine's testimonial at Ibrox. I remember many occasions after that standing in The Enclosure in the Main Stand when John Grieg's team played in front of a half-empty stadium. As I got into my mid-teens money was tight, so I got a job at Ibrox as a steward, which really just meant getting paid £15 a game to watch Rangers (killed 2 birds with one stone). I knew all the 'party tunes' (can still remember most of them) and, since I also had a number of Celtic-supporting, Catholic pals I was the perfect example of a teenage 90-minute bigot.

By the time I got further into my teens, though, I started to question what I was doing. My last season as a Bluenose was '86-'87 - Souness' first full season in charge. After the previous few years it was great to follow a team that was both entertaining and successful. I attended every home game and only missed two away games all season. The problem was though, that I was becoming more and more aware of how morally repugnant the whole "No Surrender", "No Pope Of Rome", "Up To Your Knees In ****** Blood" shite actually was.

At the end of that season Rangers made me redundant (they outsourced the security to Rock Steady) but I already had a decision to make - I just couldn't identify with that shite any more. So I stopped following football for a couple of years. I missed it (a lot) but couldn't figure out what to do instead. After a while, I decided that I would try watching another team to see if I could connect. So who??

Couldn't be Thistle (no-one in Glasgow would believe me anyway - "Aye, but who's your real team?") and I didn't want to watch anyone who played against my beloved Glasgow Rangers. So who should a good Glasgow boy, still living in Govan, and with no family connections outside the city decide to follow? Easy decision in the end - Falkirk! Why? Because a pal had a brother-in-law who played for them, and he was going along one Saturday, so as a skint teenager he could get me in for free. Easy.

The first few months were surreal. Where was all the bitterness and bile you were expected to spew at the opposition? Why was no-one singing about the evils of Catholicism and battles that had happened 300-years ago? My first season we had Jefferies as manager and a team including Gordon Marshall, Yogi Hughes, Simon Stainrod (I was in Brockville when he scored against St Johnstone from the kickoff) and Eddie May - the football was also fantastic to watch. After a few games I was hooked. After a season I was a Bairn. I might have had a very recognisable Weejie accent, couldn't have found Falkirk on a map, and struggled to understand the locals at times ("Who is that 'Ken' guy?"), but I was a Bairn. Some moments were particularly strange for me. Sitting in the only stand in Meadowbank Stadium on a wet, Wednesday evening with a few dozen other hardy souls watching a game of football being played a long, long way off in the distance (how far away was that pitch from the stand?), but in general it was fantastic. And we won the league (so I suppose I really was just a glory hunter)!!

That was over 20-years ago. Since then I've enjoyed all the ups and downs that you expect as the supporter of a diddy team. Wins, defeats, promotions, relegations, highs and lows. I've even moved out to live near Falkirk (not because of the football, just a happy coincidence). Do I miss supporting Rangers? You kidding? That shower of bigoted, ignorant, arrogant wankers (of which I used to be one, of course).

But the point of the story, as I said at the start, is that there is hope for them. I was 18 years a *** and I've since been over 20 years a Bairn. And it's been great. So as an attempt to reach out to the Rangers fans on this site:

- if you are a genuine bigot, who revels in all that shite, then f**k off and enjoy the memories of your dead team - this isn't for you

- to all the guys who identify themselves as non-bigoted Rangers fans - your team is dead. When it cones to picking a new one, you don't need to automatically follow Newco and remain associated with that shite. There are dozens of better options available to you now, and I can absolutely promise you that it can work.

And in closing - 'mon the Bairns!!

Edited by BairnFree
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You tell me of one Rangers fan who today doesn't look like he has had a gazillion volt 'current' up his erse dry.gif

Current is measured in Amps (or Amperes to be strictly correct).....Potential in Volts.........just saying like. ;)

Edited by Big G...
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Thank you. We agree. This is just what we did.

In what way is a footballing punishment for activities related to football "a business issue"?

You weren't contesting that you should have been punished, you were contesting the choice of punishment. The choice of punishment was a footballing one - namely preventing you from registering players.

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1339618595[/url]' post='6332739']

The person who put the transfer imbargo on rangers is shutting down a care home.. Arran house..Cause he is not even remotely good at this.. Oh and I got a cheque for the thousand pound owed.. I could have phoned the sun.. But I didnt

Go to the Court of Session instead. biggrin.gif

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The person who put the transfer imbargo on rangers is shutting down a care home.. Arran house..Cause he is not even remotely good at this.. Oh and I got a cheque for the thousand pound owed.. I could have phoned the sun.. But I didnt


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Local comapnies should have recourse to local courts in such situtations. I don't see why this is unreasonable.

Because sport by necessity operates on a set of rules above and beyond that of common law, enforced by contract. This is why, for instance, players don't get to sue referees for loss of earnings if they get sent off.

Look, I don't think anyone disagrees that the sports authorities occasionally overstep the line between "we must regulate this in order for the sport to work" and "we are above the rule of sovereign nations". Forcing the Brazilian government to sell beer in stadia so as to not piss off beer sponsors, for instance. And there are obviously specific cases where the law has to intervene in matters that the footballing authorities would rather deal with themselves (for instance, human rights issues regarding players: Bosman has fucked shit up for club football, especially smaller teams, in a big way, but it simply had to be done). But in terms of how the competition itself is actually run, it isn't at all difficult to understand why allowing local courts to make decisions which would override those laid down in the contracts that clubs sign would cause chaos. For all this talk of "mickey mouse courts" and whatever, Rangers broke a contract. If they were a normal business, you'd suppose that the courts would consider such a breach to be grounds for the SPL / SFA to summarily tear up their membership.

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The person who put the transfer imbargo on rangers is shutting down a care home.. Arran house..Cause he is not even remotely good at this.. Oh and I got a cheque for the thousand pound owed.. I could have phoned the sun.. But I didnt

No, you chose to post anonymously on an internet football forum.

Well played!

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I thought I'd use my first ever post on any forum to tell you all a wee story, and hopefully hold out some hope for our poor, unfortunate, newco-supporting chums on this site.

I was born and brought up in Govan over 40-years ago, signed up to my first Rangers Supporters Club by my Dad at the grand old age of 2-weeks old, and attended my first games at Ibrox with my Dad when I was 6 or 7. The first Rangers game I can clearly remember (not the first I attended) was Sandy Jardine's testimonial at Ibrox. I remember many occasions after that standing in The Enclosure in the Main Stand when John Grieg's team played in front of a half-empty stadium. As I got into my mid-teens money was tight, so I got a job at Ibrox as a steward, which really just meant getting paid £15 a game to watch Rangers (killed 2 birds with one stone). I knew all the 'party tunes' (can still remember most of them) and, since I also had a number of Celtic-supporting, Catholic pals I was the perfect example of a teenage 90-minute bigot.

By the time I got further into my teens, though, I started to question what I was doing. My last season as a Bluenose was '86-'87 - Souness' first full season in charge. After the previous few years it was great to follow a team that was both entertaining and successful. I attended every home game and only missed two away games all season. The problem was though, that I was becoming more and more aware of how morally repugnant the whole "No Surrender", "No Pope Of Rome", "Up To Your Knees In ****** Blood" shite actually was.

At the end of that season Rangers made me redundant (they outsourced the security to Rock Steady) but I already had a decision to make - I just couldn't identify with that shite any more. So I stopped following football for a couple of years. I missed it (a lot) but couldn't figure out what to do instead. After a while, I decided that I would try watching another team to see if I could connect. So who??

Couldn't be Thistle (no-one in Glasgow would believe me anyway - "Aye, but who's your real team?") and I didn't want to watch anyone who played against my beloved Glasgow Rangers. So who should a good Glasgow boy, still living in Govan, and with no family connections outside the city decide to follow? Easy decision in the end - Falkirk! Why? Because a pal had a brother-in-law who played for them, and he was going along one Saturday, so as a skint teenager he could get me in for free. Easy.

The first few months were surreal. Where was all the bitterness and bile you were expected to spew at the opposition? Why was no-one singing about the evils of Catholicism and battles that had happened 300-years ago? My first season we had Jefferies as manager and a team including Gordon Marshall, Yogi Hughes, Simon Stainrod (I was in Brockville when he scored against St Johnstone from the kickoff) and Eddie May - the football was also fantastic to watch. After a few games I was hooked. After a season I was a Bairn. I might have had a very recognisable Weejie accent, couldn't have found Falkirk on a map, and struggled to understand the locals at times ("Who is that 'Ken' guy?"), but I was a Bairn. Some moments were particularly strange for me. Sitting in the only stand in Meadowbank Stadium on a wet, Wednesday evening with a few dozen other hardy souls watching a game of football being played a long, long way off in the distance (how far away was that pitch from the stand?), but in general it was fantastic. And we won the league (so I suppose I really was just a glory hunter)!!

That was over 20-years ago. Since then I've enjoyed all the ups and downs that you expect as the supporter of a diddy team. Wins, defeats, promotions, relegations, highs and lows. I've even moved out to live near Falkirk (not because of the football, just a happy coincidence). Do I miss supporting Rangers? You kidding? That shower of bigoted, ignorant, arrogant wankers (of which I used to be one, of course).

But the point of the story, as I said at the start, is that there is hope for them. I was 18 years a *** and I've since been over 20 years a Bairn. And it's been great. So as an attempt to reach out to the Rangers fans on this site:

- if you are a genuine bigot, who revels in all that shite, then f**k off and enjoy the memories of your dead team - this isn't for you

- to all the guys who identify themselves as non-bigoted Rangers fans - your team is dead. When it cones to picking a new one, you don't need to automatically follow Newco and remain associated with that shite. There are dozens of better options available to you now, and I can absolutely promise you that it can work.

And in closing - 'mon the Bairns!!

dont have a 'greenie' left to positive your post - but great thoughts mate.

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The issue wasn't about a transfer embargo's legality or not. It was about the panel's ability to impose a transfer embargo or not. The two are different.

I do agree that Rangers tugged a thread. I also agree that we'll be bitten in the arse - probably. However, I do uphold their right to take the SFA to judicial appeal and amazed that you think otherwise.

God, how thick can you lot be? You're being lined up against a wall in front of a firing squad and you're arguing about whether the captain of the guard has a right to offer you a blindfold or not.

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The person who put the transfer imbargo on rangers is shutting down a care home.. Arran house..Cause he is not even remotely good at this.. Oh and I got a cheque for the thousand pound owed.. I could have phoned the sun.. But I didnt

You should go to The Sun about it now so they can envestigate this imbargo business.

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The person who put the transfer imbargo on rangers is shutting down a care home.. Arran house..Cause he is not even remotely good at this.. Oh and I got a cheque for the thousand pound owed.. I could have phoned the sun.. But I didnt

Please God let my memory be true, did Souey not have amoney spinning involvement in death cam, eh, care homes back in the 80/90's that ended badly?

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I can't keep up with the pace of this thread. But in case it hasn't been posted, i'm not sure anyone should be voting this club in or out of the SPL until the full facts are known.

The SFA tribunal may suspend them on the disrepute charge. The SPL and SFA may throw them out altogether for having double contacts and gaining a competitive advantage to the tune of about £75m.

Before anyone decides whether a team that just flushed £100m of debt like it was an irritating wee jobby should be allowed to carry on as if nothing had happened, maybe they should be aware of just how great the extent of their cheating has been. And they have already had the cheek to go to court.

Fuckin wankers. I hope they fuckin bury them and the press release is clear that they are not fuckin wanted unless they start again as Clydebank did with a supporters trust.

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