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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The club/fans would love Rangers in any event.. The suits took the money.. Oh it was 20 years out of 140 mind..Minus the 20 years.. How many titles did your club win?? answer honestly x


So what you're saying is "It's ok to cheat because we'd probably have won anyway"?


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The club/fans would love Rangers in any event.. The suits took the money.. Oh it was 20 years out of 140 mind..Minus the 20 years.. How many titles did your club win?? answer honestly x


1 day out of 140 years = cheats

140 consecutive years of cheating = cheats

23 years = cheats

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Guest Kincardine

I can't remember the exact wording but I believe there was a clause saying something to the effect of 'or any other punishment we deem fit'. Now my question, and I'm not trying to antagonise, I genuinely would like to know - What jurisdiction do the CoS have for telling a private club what it can and can't do (provided it is within the framework of the law)?

The CoS's role was to help The SFA's panel interpret its own rules since it was incapable of doing so itself. The CoS obviously agreed that Rangers had broken SFA rules but declared that the tribunal was incompetent in their choice of punishment.

From a selfish PoV this may backfire and we get a harsher punishment. There may well be pressure from the SFA panel from FIFA and we could be even more royally fucked than we are now. However, FIFA firmly believe that they are above the law and beyond scrutiny. Indeed, FIFA lickspittles use terms such as 'civil courts' in pejorative terms. You'll have seen that on this thread,

For sane people a civil court is a good thing. It means that there is some sort of accountability and pressure on the SFA to adhere to its own processes.

Any idea that 'It's a private club so we can do what we like' just flies in the face of common justice.

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Pish. He's an OF fan. There is very little he can say, especially with the lynch mob in full swing. I've disagreed with Kincardine's opinions before, but he's also hardly a knuckle dragging bigot.

I never called him any of those things. I think the first word used in your reply to me says a lot about you however. Maybe you should practise what you preach by not classifying us as all the same.

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Why are there good, intelligent posters on this thread feeding such an obvious Troll? :(

The dirty, cheating, unwashed hoardes have made me so angry I'm reacting to trolls too easily and too quickly. I'm embarrassed :(

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Mentioned, yes it's been mentioned about 100 times. The perceived 'wisdom' (and on this occasion I think it is correct) is that a condition of SPL/SFA membership for the newco is that sanctions/investigations will carry over.

Ah, thats what it is,it usually takes me about 100 attempts to let it sink in :rolleyes: Thanks for clarifying it though :D

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Glasgow City Council to set up a self-help group for supporters of the organisation formerly known as Rangers FC.

This group will be called RaPeepul Anonymous.

Weekly meetings to be held in The Loudon Tavern.

"Eh.....hullow innat, nowhitameanbyraway.........ma name is Billy and I.......am.......one......of.....RaPeepul..."


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If you're a sensitive soul then you're not really going to last too long on an internet forum, so either give it back or GTFO.

As for being called a bigot, you usually find that the people so outraged and obsessed with accusing all OF fans of bigotry don't really get the irony of it all.

OF fans get it far, far rougher than non OF fans on here. Sometimes deservedly, mostly not.

For sane people a civil court is a good thing. It means that there is some sort of accountability and pressure on the SFA to adhere to its own processes.

Any idea that 'It's a private club so we can do what we like' just flies in the face of common justice.

The problem is that if you start treating football like any other job, then it all falls apart. I don't know your job, but when was the last time a rival company offered your company a transfer fee for you? And if that fee wasn't acceptable, you had to stay there? What is to stop a football player deciding he wants to leave, and demanding complete freedom of movement in the courts? Or if a player isn't allowed in a squad because there are limits on foreign/over 21 players? Football works purely because it is a private club. If it was totally subject to law, then it would result in the complete breakdown of the international game.

Obviously, there are limits on this, but generally, sport is not law.

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Would love to take my children to 3rd division games.. Aged 11 and 7.. No hatred.. Bring on the 3rd Division.. All SPL fans are Evil.. And remember.. What goes around.. ALWAYS... Comes around.. All footy fans love the third division.. Pie and Bovril fans are not footy lovers but rangers haters.. your own clubs are doing what?? You haven't a clue


Hate to break it to you but any match in any division which involves Rangers will always involve hatred. Maybe your fans will figure out why one day.

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If I didnt pay my taxes.. I'd be fecked.. Another unemployed no nothing feck

Is that the same as the Rangers staff who might be "let go" by the liquidators/newco because their taxes weren't paid?

Are the staff at Ibrox who could lose their jobs in this mess also going to become "unemployed no nothing fecks"?

Perhaps if you had the knowledge of when to use the word "know" instead of "no" then you might know what you are talking about.

Maybe a "small creditor" who hasn't been paid and as a result has had to cut costs and terminate someone's employment thanks to your club is another "no nothing feck" too?

As it is, maybe you should stop self-medicating and take a course in manners, etiquette and the Queen's English while you are at it too.

You are the epitomé (look it up if you need to) of the idiotic stereotypical Rangers fan that Scottish football could really do without.

In all seriousness, if you are a nurse then I am going private!

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Would love to take my children to 3rd division games.. Aged 11 and 7.. No hatred.. Bring on the 3rd Division.. All SPL fans are Evil.. And remember.. What goes around.. ALWAYS... Comes around.. All footy fans love the third division.. Pie and Bovril fans are not footy lovers but rangers haters.. your own clubs are doing what?? You haven't a clue

no hatred? which game will this be clyde v elgin?

also i know whats going on at my club, see my sig rolleyes.gif

tell me whats going on at your club

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The CoS's role was to help The SFA's panel interpret its own rules since it was incapable of doing so itself. The CoS obviously agreed that Rangers had broken SFA rules but declared that the tribunal was incompetent in their choice of punishment.

From a selfish PoV this may backfire and we get a harsher punishment. There may well be pressure from the SFA panel from FIFA and we could be even more royally fucked than we are now. However, FIFA firmly believe that they are above the law and beyond scrutiny. Indeed, FIFA lickspittles use terms such as 'civil courts' in pejorative terms. You'll have seen that on this thread,

For sane people a civil court is a good thing. It means that there is some sort of accountability and pressure on the SFA to adhere to its own processes.

Any idea that 'It's a private club so we can do what we like' just flies in the face of common justice.

BOLLOX - Ranjurs had an option to take it to arbitration simply by telling SFA they were taking it to CAS. You intentionally broke the agreement by taking the matter to a Civil Court. An agreement you signed-up to. No matter how many times you say the same shite it doesn't make the truth less truthful

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1339623564[/url]' post='6333207']

The CoS's role was to help The SFA's panel interpret its own rules since it was incapable of doing so itself. The CoS obviously agreed that Rangers had broken SFA rules but declared that the tribunal was incompetent in their choice of punishment.

From a selfish PoV this may backfire and we get a harsher punishment. There may well be pressure from the SFA panel from FIFA and we could be even more royally fucked than we are now. However, FIFA firmly believe that they are above the law and beyond scrutiny. Indeed, FIFA lickspittles use terms such as 'civil courts' in pejorative terms. You'll have seen that on this thread,

For sane people a civil court is a good thing. It means that there is some sort of accountability and pressure on the SFA to adhere to its own processes.

Any idea that 'It's a private club so we can do what we like' just flies in the face of common justice.

Well I guess we'll have to disagree. IMO as long as the club's rules don't break any laws, they can do what they damn well please and if you don't like it, don't join.

And there's no such thing as common justice. That's just a meaningless sound bite.

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