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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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The point is he no longer lives here therefore does not have to pay anymore in tax here. Is that really so difficult to grasp? At least he is not jetting in every few months to promote Scottish Nationalism and telling the world how much he loves his country.

Does Dermott Desmond still pay his taxes in Ireland. God knows they could do with it. Maybe then they would stop coming to us with their begging bowls.

there's nothing difficult to grasp. People relocate to avoid tax, it's a moral argument. I quite agree about the private jet nationalists. The point is you couldn't make money in any society without the society being there in the first place, and for the society to be there people need to pay tax. Every bit avoided is just another bit you or I have to pay.

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Your club had a lucky escape. There was talk a few years ago of Rangers buying your club as a feeder club..It was around the time you moved to the new stadium.

Maybe we weren't lucky maybe just made the right decision. It seems that it was unlucky for you. You could have been our feeder club and you wouldn't be in the mire you find yourselves in. :)

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there's nothing difficult to grasp. People relocate to avoid tax, it's a moral argument. I quite agree about the private jet nationalists. The point is you couldn't make money in any society without the society being there in the first place, and for the society to be there people need to pay tax. Every bit avoided is just another bit you or I have to pay.

A good point explained well.

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This was posted on Follow Follow a couple a days ago..The response by the FF faithful was 3 or 4 pages of outrage from the hard done by Rangers supporters.....

A wee bit humility from our support and from those that are speaking on behalf of the club might have gone a long way. Why would any SPL Chairman vote us back in after the online support have repeatedly called for botcotts of all SPL clubs? What would be in it for them? People on here actually believe these clubs will allow us to beam back their home league games so we can all toddle along to Ibrox to watch on the big screens(which we haven't paid for) and give them nothing in return!! They think these clubs will send their U19s along to entertain us on the days our first XI are away from home so we have something to do while we boycott their clubs. Time to get real!!

Reading here and other Rangers forums you would honestly think it was the tax mans fault we are where we are. Rangers will be liquidated tomorrow and there are a few people at fault in this whole sorry saga but wee Hector is not one of them. Sir David Murray for selling the club to that Shyster Whyte. Whyte himself for running the club into the ground whilst not paying any outside contractors and robbing the employees PAYE and NI contributions. The ones who seem to be escaping everybodies wrath are those on the board and employed by Rangers who sat on their hands and said nothing. I knew well into last year that Whyte hadn't paid anybody. If i knew then it is unthinkable those in the background at Ibrox didn't know.

I can understand the supports anger..I was in fucking tears yesterday at what those b*****ds have done to our club. I'll never forget and i will certainly never forgive. But as a support it is time for cool heads and time to take stock of what is actually happening here. It is time to stop looking for conspiracies that don't exist. It is time to point the finger of blame at those who are ultimately responsible.

Yes We Are Rangers. Yes We Are The People...But for how much longer? You carry on fighting the authorities and antagonising every club owner in the country and they will finish us. Make no mistake about it. We have never been in such a vulnerable state in my 40 odd years of follow following.

just here to greenie any random post by you No8. as I'd stupidly negged one yesterday

EDIT: frig I must have hit my quota last night - I'll do it laters

Edited by Claymores
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Its only half 8 and i've already had a Rangers fan tell me that Green should do the 'honourable thing' and sell what he has to Smith and Co for the £5.5m paid as they know what "ra Gers" are all about. I then asked him where all his Rangers heroes were when it was steaming towards liquidation and Green was the only serious bidder at the end..even the BKs were found to have no cash and Greens liquidation bid was still better than theirs...funnily enough he had no answer but he did wander off in the huff

Rangers fans should really be asking why Uncle Walt and pals waited until someone came in and got the difficult bit out of the way...if they have £6m now (not forgetting a guy with a reported (!) £800m fortune), where the hell were they a couple of months ago when a decent CVA could have been struck?? If Walt and Co want the assets from Green then they'll just have to pay what Green wants, otherwise they're no better than any of the chancers before them

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If Dermott Desmond is cute enough he could repeat the act of solidarity demonstrated by the old Kelly regime, who famously loaned money to Rangers to tide them over a cashflow problem. Perhaps he could make a loan to Charles Green to help him through this conspiracy, with a floating charge over Ibrox, Murray Park and the Albion car park, of course!

Edited by mike rankine
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My take on HMRCs decision that the legal eagles can perhaps answer.

HMRC stated their refusal of the CVA would ensure a better return for the TaxPayer.

Now acceptance clearly would have killed any further return on the Big Tax Case.

Could they be playing an absolute blinder. Taking their time to ensure everything is above board. And then actually going after the 100+ individuals for the 40%+ that may be due ?

I would love Billy Dodds being given a bill for 40grand or whatever.

I note also that assuming the whole 5.5million eventually ends up at BDO or Admins or players pay then HMRC will collect taxes on the whole lot.

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Has any Newco ever been admitted to a top tier anywhere in Europe? I'm not aware of one.

Absolutely, so it makes it far easier for FIFA / UEFA to help clamp down on this. However, no league in Europe has a mid-season split either but that didn't stop the SPL going ahead with it. Like Rangers, they think they're special and at the forefront of everything despite being a bunch of diddies out on the far frontier of Europe as far as everyone else in it is concerned.

Edit: I wonder what magical thing's going to happen at the next milestone which will be page 1872? Not much probably seeing as that'll be later this afternoon!

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Is there enough working capital for newco to guarantee fixtures since players will maybe challenge newcos right to transfers ie more protracted legals and expense without revenue for newco and currently there are no tickets or sponsors revenue ....and may not be if sfa tribunal goes for even one year suspension ...if newco can't guarantee fixtures spl chairen must vote no!

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So what does sporting integrity mean? No, I am not directly comparing Rangers' current situation to that of Aberdeen and Falkirk's all those years ago. However, how can clubs in a league be so keen to decipher sporting integrity from commercial interests when a club who won promotion through sporting achievements were denied because of that leagues commercial interests?

Ah thiis brings me back. It wasn't Aberdeen who broke the rules, it was Falkirk.

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Few more nails in Gers coffin on beeb last night. Aberdeen definite no to newco now after that Gers guy's comments. Spence's line about 2 other SPL clubs (Killie + 1) ready to go newco if Gers succeed is shocking and shows it can't be allowed. And good old Brewer putting boot into Gers actions all over place. Great!

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Is anyone else starting to warm to Charles Green now after yesterday? biggrin.gif

I hope he gives Smith and co a good battle and wont bow to pressure to sell it on the cheap.

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Absolutely, so it makes it far easier for FIFA / UEFA to help clamp down on this. However, no league in Europe has a mid-season split either but that didn't stop the SPL going ahead with it. Like Rangers, they think they're special and at the forefront of everything despite being a bunch of diddies out on the far frontier of Europe as far as everyone else in it is concerned.

Edit: I wonder what magical thing's going to happen at the next milestone which will be page 1872? Not much probably seeing as that'll be later this afternoon!

Is that true about the split? I really don't think it is, but cant be bothered researching on my phone!

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Loved Green talking about The Rangers only playing exhibition matches. I think they'd have trouble with that too without an SFA licence?

I'm sure that a series of test matches against a Pie & Bovril XI at Cathkin Park could give them a run for their money once all their players abandon ship.

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The gall of Walter Smith is breathtaking from a neutral point of view. Where was he for all those months RFC was in desperate need of a buyer.? Where was he when RFC needed just an extra million or so to push through a half decent CVA to save Rangers history.? (now defunct with newco). He now comes out the shadows with a management team ready to take over and a guy worth an estimated 800 million as a backer.

He allowed Rangers to die and is now trying to 'unite' the faithful behind his banner. At least Green was there to take all the flack, at least attempt a CVA, in short at least Green tried to save the club. Walter Smith thinks he can then stroll in when all the hard work is done, when all the shit has been flying about re SDM, Whyte and the 3 monkeys Rangers Board. Where was Walter Smith when Rangers were on their knees..?? I smell shite..!! mad.gif

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