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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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St Johnstone 1884@stjohnstone1884 Saints' ability to finance a deal for L Croft hinges on Rangers being in the SPL according to @GavinBrowne77 of the Manchester Evening News.

The propaganda machine is in full swing already.

Falkirk's ability to finance a deal for Messi hinges on me winning a triple rollover Euromillions.

As has been stated elsewhere, St Johnstone and Dundee Utd will be happier with Dundee rather than Rangers.

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My team: Other :lol:

So what if Unitedlad has as his team "Other"? Some of us that frequent more than one of the football forums on here do so because we'd rather not put up with the pish from fannyspangles like you saying "you cannae post in here, your team's no in this league"/"oh, so X is your wee team is it" clusterfucktardery from those with IQs that could be beaten with one dart - or Old Firm fans to use the technical term.

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It could have been about the dual contracts. I just remember you were going off on one about Rangers wanting to choose their own punishment.

Now they are a new company..in all respects a completely new club there is little chance that they will be punished. The SPL clubs shouldn't vote them back in to the SPL...Relegate them to division..at best. Then it is up to the SFL if they should start in SFL 3 or 1.

Now, let's just say that spineless tits such as Michael Johnston vote yes to the newco swanning straight into the SPL on the grounds that 'Rangers have been punished enough', would you still make this distinction and reel at the fact that they were remaining in the top division?

FWIW, I get the distinction you are making, and posted to this effect at lunchtime. All this shite about punishment is merely obscuring the main issue - ie: that a new club should be afforded direct access to the top division, as this simply renders the entire competitive system a risable embarrassment. It isn't really about punishment any longer. This is a smokescreen to try and deflect from the fundamental wrong that could be perpetrated on our game in a few days time.

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@BBCchrismclaug: #SPL investigation into possible dual contracts at #Rangers to be put on hold until there's clarity over newco accountability. #BBCSport

Aw for the love of God! Another bloody delay! What now?

@BBCchrismclaug: #SPL source: Part of newco application for membership could depend on them taking responsibility for possible past transgressions. #Rangers

:) :) :)

AAHHH! Now that is an interesting one.....

I'd prefer WILL rather than Could depend, but it should produce a few more sweat stains on Hughie's suit.

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I was referring to the time left to sell season tickets and the "void" that is the uncertainty of what will happen, will they vote them in and lose supporters and season tickets, will they vote them out, keep supporters, season tickets possibly the club alive ? At the moment it is suggested certain clubs are quickly running out of money, you might say they shouldn't put themselves into that position but they didnt, the cheats have created this whole mess, as said on newsnight last night its not like they have a few years to compensate for loss of tv money this has been thrown on them because of a cheating club ?

what u want sympathy for spl clubs because sky pull out ,thats a joke all us 30 other sfl so called diddy teams have to live within our means .the spl dont deserve any cash the product is garbage

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Falkirk's ability to finance a deal for Messi hinges on me winning a triple rollover Euromillions.

We should follow Whyte's example as revealed in the Private Eye, and buy him on the basis that we're thinking of starting a company exporting Boddingtons to Vietnam.

Worked for him until it didn't..

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Good spot.

Seems that a UEFA ban, a 10 point deduction and Whyte being in charge was enough of a punishment for him.


Why can't people get this right? It is not a UEFA ban, the club do not meet the required criteria to enter European competition they are NOT banned.

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If the SPL had any balls they would impose a sporting integrity fine of £100m on Les Buns Nouveaux ...

That would be a fair reflection of 20 years competitive advantage @ £5m a year. Peanuts really.

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If all the players tupe over and decide to stay till the end of their contracts and refuse any transfers. Then operating losses going forward wherever they are would be massive. Surely for the 20 plus grand a week brigade they can't expect more elsewhere even on a free now. Let's face it they are overpaid and pretty shyte

If I am correct they stand to lose over £20 million in talent for a pittance.And I do not envisage Greenback investing £20 million in a club without Euro football for 3 years.

And if the players decide to walk does the transfer money go into the pot for the creditors ? and not into the pocket of the new owner !.

So the newco will be busy trying to replace key players if the transfer embargo is not enforced on them.So looks like they could be in the market for sub standard free agents as they may not have the cash for big wages.

Coupled with if it happens there is a season ticket boycott or any game boycott by the orcs against Greenback massively reducing the income stream meaning they could end up with a complete crappy team fighting what could be a 25 point deduction from day one.

I am possibly looking at if they stay in the SPL that things at Ibrox before the end of the season could throw up some interesting twists like fighting relegation after Christmas and with the cardigan brigade applying heaps of pressure on Green to sell before the club !!!!!! wait for it !!!!!.



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Gregory Ioannidis @LawTop20

@Paulmcc12 @evanjhenderson @mdkster Just to help: SPL may vote to apply sanctions to NewCo but it would be in violation of national law

Gregory Ioannidis @LawTop20

The 'transfer' of the OldCo's liabilities to the NewCo, would mean a serious violation of the separate corporate personality principle.

Gregory Ioannidis @LawTop20

It is impossible to punish New Rangers for the sins of Old Rangers. Two different entities unrelated to each other

Gregory Ioannidis @LawTop20

There is no dispute that Old RFC is dead. The new one starts afresh. New VAT Number, new name, new badge, new history. All facts.

Gregory Ioannidis @LawTop20

This is a valid legal opinion and everything else to the contrary that has been reported it is utter nonsense.

You're no Rangers anymore.

If the SPL vote them in it will open up a huge can of worms.

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Am I reading this right?

Cockwomble has bottled out again and suspended the decision on EBTs until it is decided what The Ranjurs are (newco or oldco).

If its a completely new entity then it starts at the bottom and works its way up.

If it gets into the SPL as a continuation of Ranjurs FC then it must follow that they baggage (titles etc. Oh and penalties for being cheats) comes with them to the SPL.

It is not difficult is it Mr Cockwomble. Everyone on P&B can see it why can you not?

Oh yes, if you defer making a decision (ANY decision), for long enough the league will have started and you cannot expel them because of.......

'Sporting Integrity'. Total bollox.

Mr Cockwomble may just have lost Scottish football a large number of fans. Well done. Tosser.

It's just a fukcing shambles. The game is almost over in this country. Well done, cun*s.

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Is what newco Rangers is trying to do any different from me setting up my own team and bypassing every level of football and going straight to the top on the basis that we have more fans than most of you and the TV want's to show us?

It really says it all that it is even being considered, whether it get's through or not.

If Bo'ness Utd applied for the SPL how much consideration would they get?

If a major investor in football were to appear on the scene and ask the SFA and SPL bigwigs to appear on TV at every game with a huge dildo up their hoop and they will give the league £10m per season, would they do it?

It seems money rules so i wouldn't dismiss the notion.

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Why you smiling? To me this says, welcome back with a slap on the wrists.

Maybe my glass is half-empty, but with my half-full head on:

Fans of whatever this hideous rebirth is called will insist they are still "The rangers", no matter what anyone else says.

Fair enough, bring them up before the SPL and say to them "OK, you're still rangers. You cheated like a set of cheating fucking cheats for years. Here's your SPL transfer document, and here's an updated list of SPL winners, with exactly half of the seasons marked as "competition void because of institutionalised fraud." Now, forget your prize money for the next ten years, forget being allowed to represent Scotland in Europe for ten years, and oh, yes. first ten matches this year? Behind closed doors. Mind how ye go, don't let the door bang you on the arse on the way out."

Later, across the corridor at Hampden:

"So, ye've come back to get a punishment that we're allowed to give you, then. Let's see, now - "Bringing the game into disrepute, wasn't it? Well, we tried to work with you on that one, but no, CoS it was. Not allowed, that, ye know. Michel told us. Quite cross he was. Fairly sure it's written down somewhere.

"Anyhoo, we're all grown-ups here, and I'm sure that in the meantime the club has gone some way towards showing remorse for their actions. Oh, threatened boycotts, you say? Running a three-card trick to pull a shiny new club from the rubble, is it? Debt-free and ready to get straight back to showing the diddies, sorry "our enemies" is the expression I believe, who's boss. Well, I suppose you are too big to fail, after all - and certainly bigger than the reputation of the Scottish game.

"Tell you what, why don't you go f**k yerselves? We tried, God knows we tried to help you, but no, survival was never enough, was it? You want a punishment we're allowed to give you? Expulsion it is then. Hopefully your QC will agree that's within our remit. Sadly you'll never know, 'cos he won't talk to you for free and what was left in the RFFFFFFFFF was spunked on Frosty Jack when they heard the tax-dodging cardie was coming back."

"Off ye go, and if the door hits you on the arse on the way out, tough shite.

"Did I mention I'm the chairman of Spartans, by the way?"

Back on the other side of the corridor:

"Expelled from the SFA, you say? Well, the good news is you won't have to worry about those penalties we mentioned earlier......."

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I think Doncaster is correct to suspend the ruling until they take some legal advice over what is an available sanction for EBTs. This doesn't mean there will be no sanctions if the SPL votes for the share transfer since the SPL just changed the rules so they could impose sanctions on the newco.

The SPL certainly can't levy fines or future points deductions for EBTs now so that means if found guilty the vacating of trophies. I don't think trophies should go to runners up, instead there should be no winner so that when anyone looks at a history book they immediately know something was wrong and I don't particularly agree with re-awarding trophies well after the fact since any joy gotten by the new winners is completely false and overshadowed by the feeling of losing at the time.

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You're no Rangers anymore.

If the SPL vote them in it will open up a huge can of worms.

With respect to his tweets, he has been wrong before. He claimed that UEFA demanded that teams were relegated if they went to the civil courts, which wasn't true.

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