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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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A really praiseworthy step from the club as they will know what the result is likely to be already - they should be rightly praised for their stance and it will hugely strengthen the credibility of the 'Well society I'm sure. It will likely be up to the fans to plug whatever financial gap is created if the "correct" decision is taken and I sincerely hope that everyone that has been vociferous about this is ready to do what they can - I certainly am. Proud of the 'Well and I hope other clubs can do similar in their own circumstances.

If it is possible to be proud of another teams Board then I am. The people who have taken this decision have shown great courage. I have ran out of green dots otherwise would dot you and all like-minded Well fans.

How many members does the Well Society have?

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What chance that the Bury pish is to distract us from the fact that they are currently in negotiations with an SFL team to buy their way back into the league once the NewCo application is rejected. Not based on anything just pure speculation.

And i wont need to guess too hard which team that would be,perfectly suited to them as well.

Ah well,it's been fun guys...but if that happens my footy days will be well and truly over.

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I don't think United fans are being cowards. I think they are being irrational. If they all seem content to walk away and happy to martyr their club or at least risk it's future prosperity then fair enough. I wouldn't want to put Motherwell at more risk because of the sins of Rangers.

It also lacks a bit of decency. This argument has been framed by those who want Rangers out as having nothing to with money " you can't put a price on Sporting Integrity" so why is withholding money now suddenly relevant? I believe some United fans won't go back but I believe others are holding out to try and strong arm their board. I think the fans arguments would hold more weight and be more convincing if they showed a strong backing for the club.

Someone else posted that since season ticket sales are up clubs will find it easier to boot out Rangers. I think that argument has a certain amount of truth. If finances are going to get bad clubs need to know they have a strong core support who will stand by the club through thick and thin. If anything united fans are pushing them towards the money men at Sky/ESPN.

Are you serious mate? Really?? You don't seem to get it at all IMO. Perhaps using analogies to disassociate you from this into the moral context that the word 'integrity' implies will help.......

I have a car. Its a good car. Or so it would seem from the outside. Nice and shiny, no dents, looks the same as last year. Only the engine is missing. Would you still want to pay book price on it?

Now, if I tell you I'm waiting on a new engine but I have a lot of people interested in the car, you can secure the purchase if you put your cash in right now. Interested? No, didn't think so......

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If it is possible to be proud of another teams Board then I am. The people who have taken this decision have shown great courage. I have ran out of green dots otherwise would dot you and all like-minded Well fans.

How many members does the Well Society have?

Around 700 someone mentioned on another thread.

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Anyway what a load of absolute shite, I can't believe a newspaper actually printed that fabrication. It manages to be staggeringly less believable than Rangers setting up EBTs for refs.

If it`s the same Alan Nixon I`ve known for many years (and it almost certainly is given that he`s been described as a shady character in an earlier thread) then he`s a Thistle fan of many years standing who now works in the North West. Do you honestly think that naming Bury was some sort of coincidence given the Newco situation? Even journos have a sense of humour.

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What's your basis for that? (I'm assuming you aren't referring to a couple of posters on P&B as your sample, as that would clearly be preposterous). Ask the Motherwell Chief Exec, Director Andrew Wilson or our Media guy Alan Burrows - all of them on Twitter and very responsive - what the overriding feeling amongst 'Well fans is on this - you'll get exactly the same answer as you would from an other club.

And Motherwell being retrospectively punished for exiting admin legally via a CVA 10 years ago - hmmmm - can't see that possibility keeping anyone awake at night quite honestly.

If you read on a little further, you can tell it wasn't particularly serious, and more a dig at the "couple of posters" you mention. I'm sure you can guess which ones even without reading my subsequent posts!

From what I can tell, most Motherwell fans, like most United fans, would go mental if The Newco FC Rangers 2012 were readmitted to the SPL. And rightly so.

Though Motherwell actually exited admin in 2004 ;)

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Based on the outcome of the 10000Hours for St Mirren's majority shareholding this afternoon, I would expect St Mirren to follow a similar model to that just announced by Motherwell (well played 'Well!). I imagine Mr Gilmour et al would happily sidestep having to make the call on this matter.

I reckon there will be in the region of 900 - 1000 members of the CiC (myself included) should it go through, so this would seem to be a reasonable representation of the broad St Mirren support. I can confidently assert that the vote will be a resounding No to the newco. This would be a truly magnificent manner in which to commence the new chapter in our club's history, and I would be immensely proud to be a part of that.

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When this news spreads you're going to get an influx of new members although you'll probably have to filter out the NEWCO supporters trying to nobble the vote :ph34r:

They'll be easy to recognise.

Any one with their forehead bigger than the rest of their head will be jettisoned immediately!

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