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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Based on the outcome of the 10000Hours for St Mirren's majority shareholding this afternoon, I would expect St Mirren to follow a similar model to that just announced by Motherwell (well played 'Well!). I imagine Mr Gilmour et al would happily sidestep having to make the call on this matter.

I reckon there will be in the region of 900 - 1000 members of the CiC (myself included) should it go through, so this would seem to be a reasonable representation of the broad St Mirren support. I can confidently assert that the vote will be a resounding No to the newco. This would be a truly magnificent manner in which to commence the new chapter in our club's history, and I would be immensely proud to be a part of that.

This ICT "in for a pound" thing. Could we all buy in for just a quid and get a vote? And how much to join the 'Well Society? (That might choke a bit, though)

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I don't think United fans are being cowards. I think they are being irrational. If they all seem content to walk away and happy to martyr their club or at least risk it's future prosperity then fair enough. I wouldn't want to put Motherwell at more risk because of the sins of Rangers.

It also lacks a bit of decency. This argument has been framed by those who want Rangers out as having nothing to with money " you can't put a price on Sporting Integrity" so why is withholding money now suddenly relevant? I believe some United fans won't go back but I believe others are holding out to try and strong arm their board. I think the fans arguments would hold more weight and be more convincing if they showed a strong backing for the club.

Someone else posted that since season ticket sales are up clubs will find it easier to boot out Rangers. I think that argument has a certain amount of truth. If finances are going to get bad clubs need to know they have a strong core support who will stand by the club through thick and thin. If anything united fans are pushing them towards the money men at Sky/ESPN.


I hate to say it but I think utd and any other clubs fans who are witholding their purchase of ST's to make a stance are to be applauded.

You're making it out as if fans are contradicting themselves by beating the drum about 'sporting integrity' and then witholding money?! You are twisting it to suit your agenda. They're not refraining from buying ST's to withold money, it's to send a message that they won't be back if their clubs vote newco in.

How else do you suggest fans get chairmen to get the message?

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This ICT "in for a pound" thing. Could we all buy in for just a quid and get a vote? And how much to join the 'Well Society? (That might choke a bit, though)

My first thought on reading Motherwell's statement was "How do I join?"

Then I read it's £300 ...

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My first thought on reading Motherwell's statement was "How do I join?"

Then I read it's £300 ...

In all seriousness, this could be an issue.

I wonder if they will set a dealine on when subs must be paid to avoid voting being skewed by "Motherwell fans" suddenly joining to have their say.

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We all know TTFKAR have no qualms about heading to the courts to sort out football matters, but if they did manage to buy any english club and relocate are there any EU laws that would allow them to compete from a different country?.

I don't think they could be refused to compete due to location but i'm prepared to be shot down :lol:

To be honest i don't actually think there would be a problem from where the club plays it football,and which league it is in. The Welsh league gets to be represented in europe,yet they have Welsh clubs who play in England who can also qualify for Europe.

If Green does buy Bury then it is no different to when Jim Ballantyne bought Clydebank,he only renamed,and relocated the club.Everything else was as is.So if he does buy Bury then they will not be a Scottish club,they will still be English,only renamed and moved to Glasgow.So european qualification will still be the same for them.The SFA have not got a leg to stand on either as they are not part of the Scottish football setup,and have no right to refuse anyone from England to play their football from Scotland.If UEFA/FIFA get involved it may be different,but Green just points out they are still an English side,who now unfortunately had to relocate to a bigger ground,which just happens to be in Scotland.Reminding them of the fact this already happens with Welsh teams and the Welsh league.

So i feel Green would have a very good case to get his wishes if he actually did buy an English side.

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In all seriousness, this could be an issue.

I wonder if they will set a dealine on when subs must be paid to avoid voting being skewed by "Motherwell fans" suddenly joining to have their say.

When Murray asked for money to save the 'Gers, they didnae cough up, so I don't see any of them buying in to this. Mind you, if they did it would be a wee Euro bonus for the 'Well. And they could still get a "No" vote. Now that would really nip their sphincters.

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In all seriousness, this could be an issue.

I wonder if they will set a dealine on when subs must be paid to avoid voting being skewed by "Motherwell fans" suddenly joining to have their say.

From the statement:

"The final date for votes cast will be Friday 29th June 2012. All existing members can vote. Anyone joining between now and the date of the ballot will be required to pay in full to secure a vote."

Genuinely heartened by the club taking this step.

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Smart move by the 'well board.

I'm sure the Fir Park fat cats are as keen to chase the Rangers $$$'s as the next team, and they're probably quietly confident 6 others will vote "Yes". This way they can play the "it's no our fault" card and get the best of both worlds- keeping long-suffering fans' loyalty and keeping Rangers in.

Whether that's the cynic in me or the realist, who knows? Maybe they're the one club in the world who really do give a shit what their fans think...

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I don't think United fans are being cowards. I think they are being irrational. If they all seem content to walk away and happy to martyr their club or at least risk it's future prosperity then fair enough. I wouldn't want to put Motherwell at more risk because of the sins of Rangers.

It also lacks a bit of decency. This argument has been framed by those who want Rangers out as having nothing to with money " you can't put a price on Sporting Integrity" so why is withholding money now suddenly relevant? I believe some United fans won't go back but I believe others are holding out to try and strong arm their board. I think the fans arguments would hold more weight and be more convincing if they showed a strong backing for the club.

Someone else posted that since season ticket sales are up clubs will find it easier to boot out Rangers. I think that argument has a certain amount of truth. If finances are going to get bad clubs need to know they have a strong core support who will stand by the club through thick and thin. If anything united fans are pushing them towards the money men at Sky/ESPN.

Are you serious mate? Really?? You don't seem to get it at all IMO. Perhaps using analogies to disassociate you from this into the moral context that the word 'integrity' implies will help.......

I have a car. Its a good car. Or so it would seem from the outside. Nice and shiny, no dents, looks the same as last year. Only the engine is missing. Would you still want to pay book price on it?

Now, if I tell you I'm waiting on a new engine but I have a lot of people interested in the car, you can secure the purchase if you put your cash in right now. Interested? No? Didn't think so.....

EDITED TO ADD: Seems other clubs even agree with this sentiment having just reviewed the recent statements......'mon the Well Society!! tongue.gif

Edited by chrismcarab
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I don't think United fans are being cowards. I think they are being irrational. If they all seem content to walk away and happy to martyr their club or at least risk it's future prosperity then fair enough. I wouldn't want to put Motherwell at more risk because of the sins of Rangers.

It also lacks a bit of decency. This argument has been framed by those who want Rangers out as having nothing to with money " you can't put a price on Sporting Integrity" so why is withholding money now suddenly relevant? I believe some United fans won't go back but I believe others are holding out to try and strong arm their board. I think the fans arguments would hold more weight and be more convincing if they showed a strong backing for the club.

Someone else posted that since season ticket sales are up clubs will find it easier to boot out Rangers. I think that argument has a certain amount of truth. If finances are going to get bad clubs need to know they have a strong core support who will stand by the club through thick and thin. If anything united fans are pushing them towards the money men at Sky/ESPN.

In any negotiation if you have the money in your control, you hold onto it until you get things EXACTLY as you want them to be. Verbal promises and even legal agreements are meaningless. Control of the money is understood by all.

So good on all season ticket potential buyers. Sit on your hands. Let you club deliver what YOU want. Jim McLean (an Undercover Bear) and his fellow Rangers supporters have been strong armed by Murray and Green. Now complains when the fans try a bit back.

Loyalty to your club is helping create a club you are proud of, not jumping to short term expedient decisions.

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If they do it will just go to show that everyone, SPL, SFA, clubs have been passing the gun around to finish the job and now they have realised that the only ones who have the balls to do the job properly are the fans. Just filled out the ICT supporters' trust "in for a quid" application form I got last week, I can't miss an opportunity to fire one of the shots. Go on Kenny Cameron, let us pull the trigger for you.

A quid? :angry:

That's a great idea though. Timing seems very co-incidental. :huh::):lol:

Fingers crossed.

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