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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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There is nowt for the banks to go on.

They don't know who owns the stadium / MP.

They don't know the situation re. playing staff.

They don't know the situation re. income (ST's)

They have BDO / HMRC / Strathclyde's finest waiting in the wings.

Craig Whyte / Dave King waiting in the wings.

Cardigan Consortium waiting in the wings.

A right mess. Would you entertain that lot if you were a lender ?

Not just that but we're now told Ibrox isn't worth the ground it's built on, so how is a bank going to lend money on "£100M assets" which everyone now knows are worth pennies? They have seriously shot themselves in both feet. :lol:

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Surely it's a fair assumption, after everything that has went on up until now, that 1st division entry for a rangers newco isn't outwith the realms of possibility.

The Thistle and the Morton chairmen obviously do not represent the views of the vast majority of their fans, and like most chairmen just see £ signs in front of their eyes - and yes, THEY WILL BE TELT

If you look at the SFA decision still to come following Rangers appeal, I think you will find that Rangers will be chucked out. So no SPL not even the SFL.

Craig Graham from Spartans is on the panel.

Spartans have already stated they will not be applying for any place that pops up to join Div 3. Think they said they would not consider an application directly but look to get in via the new pyramid structure. Now this is an ambitious club with excellent facilities, who applied at the time Annan got in. So the question is, why not apply this time?

From Spartans

"I think 12 months down the line is optimistic [to see the introduction of a fully-functioning pyramid structure] but in the next 12 months we should be looking to get into a position where the season after next we can go forward.

"There is a will there for it to happen and it would help teams find their true level.

If they were seen to benefit from a panel decision to chuck Rangers out, then Craig Graham could be accused of having a conflict of interest. By the club making a public statement they will not be applying is eliminating that accusation.

The way has already been prepared to show Rangers the door.

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If this time last year I had said after total implosion the SPL will be a Blue Cheek free zone,

And they will be lucky to be in the SFL3,

Young / Traynor / Dodds and other media types would have been disgraced as incompetent bampots,

A creditors report would show they owed the HMRC £94,000,000.00 alone, destroying any weaselling CVA plan before it started.

They would bully their way from our disgust to total contempt and hatred with their attitude and spokesmen.

We would be sitting with the genuine prospect that a liquidator investigation could result in court proceedings against many involved.

And they may not have enough money to pay the wages at the end of the month never mind start of the season and the sponsors of the Ramsden Cup are talking about having to re-draw their tournament to let them in.

You would have called me insane and a dreamer – but you would have taken this result in a second.

Enjoy where we are at people.

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Lets hope that everyone can rally round and help each other now. Get the locals back inside your grounds and take healthy travelling supports to help your fellow Scots teams. Important to remember though that there are three senior leagues below the Spl as well. Idealistic maybe but I want to see all our teams get a shot in the arm now and thrive. There has never been a better chance so lets grab it

For once it is a delight to agree with a Queen of the South supporter! Collectively the clubs must take advantage of this wonderful opportunity to reinvigorate the Scottish game. "There has never been a better chance so let's grab it" Spot on!

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If this time last year I had said after total implosion the SPL will be a Blue Cheek free zone,

And they will be lucky to be in the SFL3,

Young / Traynor / Dodds and other media types would have been disgraced as incompetent bampots,

A creditors report would show they owed the HMRC £94,000,000.00 alone, destroying any weaselling CVA plan before it started.

They would bully their way from our disgust to total contempt and hatred with their attitude and spokesmen.

We would be sitting with the genuine prospect that a liquidator investigation could result in court proceedings against many involved.

And they may not have enough money to pay the wages at the end of the month never mind start of the season and the sponsors of the Ramsden Cup are talking about having to re-draw their tournament to let them in.

You would have called me insane and a dreamer – but you would have taken this result in a second.

Enjoy where we are at people.

You're still a dreamer until it's 100% confirmed.

As it stands, I am taking the result in 4 months, 8 days and counting!

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Just a thought, please bear(!) with me:

If the SFA grow a pair and suspend Sevco5088s membership for a year then that would leave 41 senior clubs, or in other words 1 team short.

Would Division three play on with 9 teams for the year until the suspension is served?

Would Spartans/ Cove/ Gala or whomever come into the league to take the place of the suspended club.

Who would make way one the suspension is over?

This is a point that no one has asked and tbh I have no idea of an answer. Perhaps the much vaunted league reconstruction shall happen, but I don't know.

This is mental.

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Nicked from KDS :-

This from FF

I understand that.......

...........despite all the (secretive) promises to the RFFF, Green desperate to get access to this money to fund tax securities.

What is a tax security?

In a situation like ours, once the newco starts trading, the taxman will come along and serve something called a Notice of Requirement. This means that the newco will have to put up a cash security equivalent to say 4 months vat in advance. The taxman will keep this for say 2 years, if you like insurance that the newco pays the VAT on time.

They will also do something similiar for PAYE tax.

If the security is not paid, then the newco is trading illegally, and will be closed.

Green urgently needs to find this money, as he had not considered this.

Meantime, recently failed "bidders" continue to mount there next move.


Hector - once bitten, twice shy. :lol:

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Just a thought, please bear(!) with me:

If the SFA grow a pair and suspend Sevco5088s membership for a year then that would leave 41 senior clubs, or in other words 1 team short.

Would Division three play on with 9 teams for the year until the suspension is served?

Would Spartans/ Cove/ Gala or whomever come into the league to take the place of the suspended club.

Who would make way one the suspension is over?

This is a point that no one has asked and tbh I have no idea of an answer. Perhaps the much vaunted league reconstruction shall happen, but I don't know.

This is mental.

Perhaps we should remove the sectarian f*ckwits that are Celtic to even up the Leagues.

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If you look at the SFA decision still to come following Rangers appeal, I think you will find that Rangers will be chucked out. So no SPL not even the SFL.

Craig Graham from Spartans is on the panel.

Spartans have already stated they will not be applying for any place that pops up to join Div 3. Think they said they would not consider an application directly but look to get in via the new pyramid structure. Now this is an ambitious club with excellent facilities, who applied at the time Annan got in. So the question is, why not apply this time?

From Spartans

"I think 12 months down the line is optimistic [to see the introduction of a fully-functioning pyramid structure] but in the next 12 months we should be looking to get into a position where the season after next we can go forward.

"There is a will there for it to happen and it would help teams find their true level.

If they were seen to benefit from a panel decision to chuck Rangers out, then Craig Graham could be accused of having a conflict of interest. By the club making a public statement they will not be applying is eliminating that accusation.

The way has already been prepared to show Rangers the door.

Let us hope you are correct. However, it is worrying that the SFL could be in a position where the only applicant for a vacancy is the newco and they feel forced to let them in rather than run with a 9 team Third Division. So I think we need to establish a campaign here to ensure that there is at least one other applicant for any vacancy.

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Just a thought, please bear(!) with me:

If the SFA grow a pair and suspend Sevco5088s membership for a year then that would leave 41 senior clubs, or in other words 1 team short.

Would Division three play on with 9 teams for the year until the suspension is served?

Would Spartans/ Cove/ Gala or whomever come into the league to take the place of the suspended club.

Who would make way one the suspension is over?

This is a point that no one has asked and tbh I have no idea of an answer. Perhaps the much vaunted league reconstruction shall happen, but I don't know.

This is mental.

If one of those clubs came in to make up the numbers then TCFKAR would have to wait for a new opening to appear before they could apply to re-join the league set up....& that could take years :D

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Just a thought, please bear(!) with me:

If the SFA grow a pair and suspend Sevco5088s membership for a year then that would leave 41 senior clubs, or in other words 1 team short.

Would Division three play on with 9 teams for the year until the suspension is served?

Would Spartans/ Cove/ Gala or whomever come into the league to take the place of the suspended club.

Who would make way one the suspension is over?

This is a point that no one has asked and tbh I have no idea of an answer. Perhaps the much vaunted league reconstruction shall happen, but I don't know.

This is mental.

Ideally, Dundee would fill the gap left by Cheats FC. Promote from 3rd into 2nd and from 2nd into 1st and the gap in div 3 would be Sevco FC. Suspend them for a year but leave them in the league with the other 9 clubs awarded 3 points and a 3-0 win for every fixture against them. The following year, they can start playing their way back towards the SPL.

That's assuming that the SFL elect them and not someone more deserving.

I would prefer that the SFL tell them where to go too and the healing process of Scottish Football can begin in earnest.

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Just a thought, please bear(!) with me:

If the SFA grow a pair and suspend Sevco5088s membership for a year then that would leave 41 senior clubs, or in other words 1 team short.

Would Division three play on with 9 teams for the year until the suspension is served?

Would Spartans/ Cove/ Gala or whomever come into the league to take the place of the suspended club.

Who would make way one the suspension is over?

This is a point that no one has asked and tbh I have no idea of an answer. Perhaps the much vaunted league reconstruction shall happen, but I don't know.

This is mental.

Don't know if it's an issue but there was a story on one of the Aberdeen boards today that Cove Rangers' application for Planning Permission to improve / develop their ground has been KB'd by the local kooncil.

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