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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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1340367385[/url]' post='6362178']

I'm not even convinced it'll make the vote. Let's be honest, the way things are going (Spencey aside), we'll have a screed of no votes by the end of next week.

Still, it's rather beautiful to watch.


I would urge just a little caution.

We have heard definitive action from 3 clubs. Motherwell are letting the society vote and two chairmen have officially announced their intentions. Although these two chairmen can be regarded as the mavericks of the SPL.

Vlad isn't an insider, he issues crazy statements, briefs against other clubs, his former players and delves into conspiracy. Stephen Thompson while not the only chairman against the 10 team SPL proposal was by far the most vocal which might mean his voice isn't listened to by the other chairmen and I don't think they were too pleased with his constant bleating to the press on the issue.

We know there have been meetings of the non OF clubs about the situation. Maybe Vlad and Thompson felt they werent being listened to so have went public. If there was a general concerns on this more official statements should be out shortly. If there is still a wall of silence from many clubs I would start to get anxious about a No vote coming through.

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Nicked from KDS :-

This from FF

I understand that.......

...........despite all the (secretive) promises to the RFFF, Green desperate to get access to this money to fund tax securities.

What is a tax security?

In a situation like ours, once the newco starts trading, the taxman will come along and serve something called a Notice of Requirement. This means that the newco will have to put up a cash security equivalent to say 4 months vat in advance. The taxman will keep this for say 2 years, if you like insurance that the newco pays the VAT on time.

They will also do something similiar for PAYE tax.

If the security is not paid, then the newco is trading illegally, and will be closed.

Green urgently needs to find this money, as he had not considered this.

Meantime, recently failed "bidders" continue to mount there next move.


Hector - once bitten, twice shy. :lol:

HMRC introduced this from 6th April 2012


HMRC will use securities to tackle the handful of employers who deliberately try to defraud the government. These employers:

  • deliberately choose not to pay
  • engage in phoenixism - this is where a business evades tax by becoming insolvent and then sets up a new company the next day to continue trading
  • have no qualms about building up large PAYE or NICs debts, including penalties
  • do not respond to HMRC’s attempts to contact them

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On a different note, any word about the SFA re-convening the appellate tribunal?

Exactly. Suspend the oldco and that would mean that share transfer is meaningless and Sevco would either have to wait it out for a year and die or admit they are not Rangers and start their new team.

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I tend to play music on my iPhone at random, and this came on this morning.

Leaving aside questions like "why in God's name would you have a song written by Mike Batt based on a Lewis Carroll poem on your phone" for the moment, it did seem to have a certain relevance to this thread :-)


Let's teach it a lesson it'll never forget

For a devious deed it will live to regret,

It's clear that the pig must die.

(Barrister + Jury)

We're of the opinion the pig must pay,

We can't let it live for another day,

We fear if the rules apply,

It's clear that the pig must die.

But their wild exultation was suddenly checked

When the jailer informed them with tears

Such a sentence would have not the slightest effect,

As the pig had been dead for some years.

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Statement from the RST


RST Board Advice to Members Friday, 22 June 2012 11:56 There are a number of major issues facing the club and the support at present, not least of which is the decision on when, if at all, to renew season tickets. Given recent revelations over the failure of season ticket money to be ring-fenced as the Chief Executive Charles Green had indicated, we feel there is no other option open to the support than to delay payment until it is clear that proper corporate banking facilities are in place and supporters cash is protected from liquidators.

The RST board has serious concerns with regard to Charles Green's business model and his ability to take the club forward. It remains unclear whether he will be able to raise the £30m investment pledged at the outset of his bid and with continued speculation that the club has no corporate banking facilities our fears are only increasing. Therefore it is incumbent upon the Chief Executive and Chairman to allay these fears with guarantees and hard evidence of investment and secure the relevant banking facility required for a business the size of Rangers.

Also, they decided to postpone the Walter Smth march :(

After discussions with the police and others it has been decided to delay for the time being this Saturday's march and rally in support of the Water Smith led consortium.

The enormous numbers showing interest in the event, the geography of Ibrox and the problems of ensuring that any street procession was deemed illegal within the current legal framework has sadly forced the organisers to reconsider.

We will work with the police and others to find the best way for the thousands of Rangers fans who wish to show their feelings a chance to do so safely and in the best of order.

We have discussed this with the consortium and they are totally in agreement with the need to delay in order to allow for proper planning to take place. This does not, however, in any way diminish our strength of feeling. We would urge Mr Green to step aside.

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Let us hope you are correct. However, it is worrying that the SFL could be in a position where the only applicant for a vacancy is the newco and they feel forced to let them in rather than run with a 9 team Third Division. So I think we need to establish a campaign here to ensure that there is at least one other applicant for any vacancy.

Why? Why can't Rangers go into the third division? I see no problem with that. They have a right to be treated according to the rules, and if they apply for the vacancy at the bottom of the run, they should be considered. They have the supporter base, the stadium, and the potential to benefit both themselves and the league as a whole, and they could be good for getting more media attention and bigger crowds for the other lower league teams.

They should not be allowed in the SPL or first, but I see no problem with them starting at the bottom as a new club and working their way up.

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Stephen Thompson while not the only chairman against the 10 team SPL proposal was by far the most vocal which might mean his voice isn't listened to by the other chairmen and I don't think they were too pleased with his constant bleating to the press on the issue.

Johnston was every bit as vocal, if not more so, on that issue. He even got into a slanging match about it with Ronnie McDonald live on radio. The ICT chairman had a lot to say about it too.

Why? Why can't Rangers go into the third division? I see no problem with that. They have a right to be treated according to the rules, and if they apply for the vacancy at the bottom of the run, they should be considered. They have the supporter base, the stadium, and the potential to benefit both themselves and the league as a whole, and they could be good for getting more media attention and bigger crowds for the other lower league teams.

They should not be allowed in the SPL or first, but I see no problem with them starting at the bottom as a new club and working their way up.

The rules say that a club needs 3 years of accounts to become a member of the SFA. While this rule is apparently not set in stone, it is clear that at least some rules would have to be waived to allow Rangers into the 3rd Division.

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Why? Why can't Rangers go into the third division? I see no problem with that. They have a right to be treated according to the rules, and if they apply for the vacancy at the bottom of the run, they should be considered. They have the supporter base, the stadium, and the potential to benefit both themselves and the league as a whole, and they could be good for getting more media attention and bigger crowds for the other lower league teams.

They should not be allowed in the SPL or first, but I see no problem with them starting at the bottom as a new club and working their way up.

It goes back to the "Are they, aren't they" argument.

If they are the same club, then there should be no problem with them applying at the bottom, but they should be liable for the sanctions.

If they aren't the same club, a precedent was set with Airdrieonians/United. No history, no accounts, no way.

I would have no problem with them applying to SFL 3, but as with the SPL, there is no way the rules should be fudged just to let them in.

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Ibrox season-ticket renewal money gathered by direct debit is being held in the oldco Rangers' bank account, where it can be claimed by creditors, after Charles Green's group failed to make the necessary banking arrangements. (Herald)


Charles Green on realising that he has fecked up again. :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Why? Why can't Rangers go into the third division? I see no problem with that. They have a right to be treated according to the rules, and if they apply for the vacancy at the bottom of the run, they should be considered. They have the supporter base, the stadium, and the potential to benefit both themselves and the league as a whole, and they could be good for getting more media attention and bigger crowds for the other lower league teams.

They should not be allowed in the SPL or first, but I see no problem with them starting at the bottom as a new club and working their way up.

'Rangers' cannot go into the 3rd div because they are extinct.

In order for any team to be considered for entry into the SFL they have to provide records of 3 years worth of accounts.

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Johnston was every bit as vocal, if not more so, on that issue. He even got into a slanging match about it with Ronnie McDonald live on radio. The ICT chairman had a lot to say about it too.

The rules say that a club needs 3 years of accounts to become a member of the SFA. While this rule is apparently not set in stone, it is clear that at least some rules would have to be waived to allow Rangers into the 3rd Division.

If this is true, then that is what should happen. 3 years in the wilderness followed by their application to join SFL3. Works for me.

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Well our chairman has made his stance very clear


From Jags to riches: Partick Thistle chief admits Rangers trade-off will bring crash

by Chris Jack

MONEY talks.

So, it seems, do those in the corridors of power at Hampden.

After years of inactivity and dogged stalemate, change appears imminent for Scottish football, with the demise of Rangers the catalyst for a radical overhaul of our game.

David Beattie knows the plans on the table will not appease everyone.

As chairman of Partick Thistle, the bottom line on the balance sheet is of paramount importance, yet he must judge the mood of his fellow Jags supporters as he ponders where the Scottish game is heading.

The Firhill supremo has been a long-time advocate of league reconstruction and the introduction of play-offs, giving teams in the Irn-Bru First Division a greater chance of claiming a place among our elite teams.

With newco Rangers set to be forced to play in Scotland's second tier next term, a revamp of our league system appears closer than ever.

The cash benefits of having Ally McCoist's side as opposition will be considerable for teams such as Thistle, Hamilton, Morton and Dumbarton, but the arrival of the Gers would all but kill off any hopes of on-field success.

Beattie admits the financial boom would be hard to resist for First Division chairmen, but the Jags supremo is adamant the league should not be turned into a Light Blue title procession in the coming months and has called for the best of the rest to be given a shot at promotion glory.

"I think the plans just now are a good compromise all round," he told SportTimes. "The balance between sporting integrity and commercialisation is one that has to be satisfied.

"This will not be to everyone's agreement. A lot of fans would like to see Rangers in the Third Division, but commercially that would be a nightmare for Scottish football.

"The key for me are the play-offs. What you don't want is Rangers coming into the First Division, winning it outright, which they probably will do, and going straight into the SPL again.

"If there are play-offs, then the rest of the teams have something to play for as well. I have said for a long time that there should be play-offs anyway. I know everybody won't be happy, but I think it is a good compromise."

Beattie has sanctioned four new signings at Firhill so far this summer, with boss Jackie McNamara building a squad he hopes will challenge for First Division glory.

The arrival of Rangers would throw a huge spanner in the works, how-ever, with the Jags no longer fighting the likes of Dundee and Falkirk for the league flag but likely to be left behind by McCoist's men.

Any on-field drawbacks would be offset by the financial gains, with the arrival of the Ibrox giants likely to generate significant funds for a cash-strapped league.

Clubs could benefit to the tune of around £250k if Rangers are parachuted into the First Division next term and Beattie hopes the cash boost will be significant at Firhill.

He said: "If the financial benefit was around £250k a year, I would be delighted –and so would Jackie.

"The problem is we don't have a lot of time and we don't know how much will be coming in until we have plans in place and the season starts.

"We are getting a restructuring of Scottish football, the move to one organisation is long overdue.

"Rangers are being punished, which is justified. There is a compromise between sporting integrity and commercialisation. Hopefully there is a TV deal. If that is something that comes out of this then great. I can see very few downsides to it just now.

"Friday night football is a good idea as well. Whether the Rangers fans would be happy with that, I don't know.

"Geography plays a big part in Friday night football. I don't think it should be all the time but in certain circumstances I am all for it."

Seeing Rangers stride out at First Division grounds may bring cheer to club chairman, but the reaction from fans has been decidedly mixed.

SPL followers have vowed to boycott matches if Charles Green's newco club are granted a return to the top flight, with the ultimate sanction – a place in the Third Division –the preferred option for many fans across the country.

Beattie said: "I can fully understand why some of the fans will be upset, definitely.

"I can understand why First Division chairmen will be delighted because they are getting some extra finance. That is the big compromise.

"I don't think putting Rangers in the Third Division would help Scottish football. Putting them in the First Division is a compromise. It is maybe not palatable for everyone, but it is a compromise that I think works. Out of adversity comes opportunity."


Edited by Sting777
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If it did come to pass that newco were banned for a year and SFL invited applications I could see Spartans going for this, they currently have set up that meets criteria.

Spartans have said they will not apply

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