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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Any club spending £150m+ of other peoples money could easily become 'the most successful club in history'.

We Are Totally Phucked

"But it's not the fans fault but" is the response I expect to that. Followed by some smug nonsense about being a better person because they gloryhunt support a better club than you.

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My last post was my opinion only on the subject as a whole without prejudice.

Celtic's stance ? has me guessing myself ! maybe they are just standing by letting all the other clubs boot the carcase till it breathes no more.

I just don't know and have heard nowt myself.

But in the lack of public opinion from Celtic you could take it as ? they want the B*stards back by lack of information from Parkhead.

No, I take the lack of any kind of comment from Celtic to be highly unusual. They are not usually averse to an opinion, as you well know. If Celtic BOD were opposed to any of this, I am positive a statement would have been issued by someone. Response so far is heehaw. Speaks volumes to me. Nothing about sporting integrity, nothing about 20 years of cheating, nothing about not paying any bills, nothing about taking the SFA to the Court of Session, nothing about intimidation of other clubs, officials and disciplinary panel members?. Nothing about this attempt to corrupt the rest of Scottish football. You get the picture. Why not? Because they need their cousins?

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The sad thing is earlier in this whole debacle the SFA were the ones coming out with a bit of credibility due to the decision on signing bans. Now, even if Rangers die or end up in the third division, the SFA will come out of this with even less credibility. Stupid, stupid error of judgement IMO.

BTW enjoyed your "picked the wrong day to give up popcorn" comment recently. Stuck in my head. :lol:

Ta. Entirely robbed from Airplane, obviously. Am now picturing a queue of Scottish football fans lining up with weapons to beat a hysterical Neil Doncaster. Of only.

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but it wont happen as we aren't a new club

pointless arguing with you lot i will watch and see what happens to your clubs in the future.

we will see in the next few weeks if your so called 'sporting integrity' takes place.

watch this space


You really have to take you head clean out your erse mate,you are a new club made from the ashes of one of the biggest cheating and most corrupt clubs ever on the planet.

You keep your history as it is history only,you have been bought into the idea that your club is still alive !.

The records will show that your newco hasn't even won a trophy or kicked a ball,instead it will say the former club won them cheated awards but the newco that took Rangers license and place is not a continuation but a replacement of a defunct company.

And if you are not a new club ! THEN PAY YOUR FCUKING DEBTS THEN ! and ask yourself why in the media your newco is being touted as a new shiny club without the debts of the old club because the newco is not the old club FCUKFACE :lol:.

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Folk are looking the wrong way here.

Its not Doncaster, Regan, the SPL, the SFL nor the SFA that is attempting to come up with a solution to keep Rangers in Scottish football.

Its Celtic.

Celtic are the driving force.

Fans need to wake up and realise that Celtic are absolutely desperate to keep the Old Firm alive. Their business model depends on a sectarian rivalry with Rangers. They can't survive as they are in the long term - or even the medium term - without Rangers.

Supporters need to keep the pressure on their clubs to ensure that the Old Firm do not win the day here.

I have been thinking the same thing all along.

Celtic have been conspicious by their absences, they were invited to a meeting of the SPL to discuss Rangers to but chose to stay away.

Every club in the SPL, bar Celtic, have made overtures to, and listened to, their fans in relation to Rangers in the SPL.

The lack of serious comment on their behalf has been extremely suspicious.

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Email sent this evening to Michel Platini.


Quick translation

"Attempted corruption in Scottish football

Mr President

I am writing to you about the scandalous attempts by the SPL to impose the presence of a team calling itself "The Rangers" in t he seconf level of the structure of Scottish Football. As you are aware this club is presently in the process of liqidation and should normally have to apply for entry to the fourth level. More than 90% of fans, including the traditional Rangers fans agree on this.No later than last week 3 of the 12 clubs in the SPL voted against this club directly joining the top level.

However, today we have learnt that a committee composed of members of the SPL/SFL and SFA has proposed reforming the football structure in Scotland to permit the presence of a club which has no stadium and no team, as many players have refused to join the new club, while at the same time threatening to cut teams from the third and fourth level off from promotion if they do not agree with the new formula.

Supporters in Scotland are scandalised by this attempt of corruption in the name of a deal with Sky which imposes four matches per season between Rangers and Celtic."

Perhaps he may listen to the argument in his own language.

Dear Concerned Dunfermline Fan

I have read your letter but I am afraid I cannot act as to do so would expose the double standards at play here. The EBT thing...........it's shite, there has not been an outcome to the case and several EPL teams have admitted using them yet are not being classed as cheats. The whole non-payment of tax equals cheating it bothers me, we have let Atletico Madrid keep playing unpunished despite two years of non-payment of taxes and a total tax debt of of 115m Euros without fines added on. We even turned a blind eye when Atletico found 40 million to buy Falcao rather than pay off some of that tax debt. You see we at UEFA believe that when it came down to it 11 Atletico Madrid players beat 11 Athletic Bilbao players on the pitch so they are the champions.

My hands are tied, you probably have the least corrupt league in Europe. Suck it up, grow some balls and take your anger out on Sammy the Tammy.

Best Regards


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we will let fifa decide that . if we are punished in even any 1 way you are acknowledging our history. if we are a so called New-Club no sanctions and division 3.

the mere fact everyone is trying to punish us shows we are the same club

but none of the fans of any team want 'punishments' we just want you to go to division 3 and try to win your first ever bit of silverware, whilst the SPL strips off 5 titles off the club you used to support, you know the one that died the other week.

everyone is happy with that except cockwomble

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Is it really so depressing for you that you'll no longer have the excuse of blaming Rangers for your own teams being shite?

Do you just post the same inane stuff here that you do on SevcoMedia?

It's depressing that you can only see from one point of view. Not unexpected though. WATP - Pff. Who, the beggars?

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we will let fifa decide that . if we are punished in even any 1 way you are acknowledging our history. if we are a so called New-Club no sanctions and division 3.

the mere fact everyone is trying to punish us shows we are the same club

Not letting a new club into whatever league it fancies isn't a punishment, fuckwit.

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All this talk of oor fitba being a busted flush without newcorpse, just remember that on this day, ICT sign a former Madrid (both clubs) and Villareal goalkeeper.

They attracted him without newcorpse in the League.

We will survive fine without them, but with them, the Game is doomed, as it would show up our governing bodies as being corrupt as the oldcorpse.

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Can someone explain to my why the SFL will die if they dont comply? Whats going to cause this death knell?

Am I being thick again?

Because they'll miss out on the spare change that the SPL grudgingly throws their way once per season presumably.

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Can someone explain to my why the SFL will die if they dont comply? Whats going to cause this death knell?

Am I being thick again?

Yeah, I don't really get it either. We are well run club with no debts with a squad and budget to match our ambitions and financial constraints.

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I appreciate that ur here to debate with and aren't one of the trogs and don't take it as an insult that I utterly disagree with u. The reason that clubs are carrying debt is due to the sdm cheating model. He and the MSN have tried to espouse the drip down economic model that Reagan and Thatcher did in eighties...what happened was rich got richer and poor got screwed. I've still not seen any hard numbers to support the assertion that newco will bring a fiscal benefit to any league...that's outside of all the moral arguments mind? What's contingency if they finish bottom of sfl one?? If they run o of cash ten Wks in? If they are not top of sfl one and fans desert them again leaving opponents picking up higher costs for policing insurance etc

I can only partially agree that clubs screwed their finances due to the SDM model. It was a model used by other clubs too, you only need to look at the trail of debts in the English leagues to see that Rangers weren't an exception. I don't balme Rangers for John Boyle splurging £9M. There was a culture of football debt spurred on by ever increasing revenues, this couldn't last forever.

The only solid numbers we will have is if we see companies either reduce contracts or there is a significant difference in realised value. There is also a quantifiable amount that Rangers bring due to their away support, no one knows how much support newco will get. So figures are vague right now but I think there is a consensus that the SPL is more valuable commercially with a fake Rangers compared to no Rangers.

If Rangers finishing outside promotion then they won't be promoted. Clubs will continue on and face financial dangers of an unattractive league. If they get relegated same thing, if they go bust the SFL still have £1M for TV rights and all the other good things they are getting from the deal and policing costs while higher for OF away supports are easily covered by the increased attendance.

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