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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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you just do not get the whole issue do you?

If not go back and start re-reading all about this.

boycotting is nonsince m8

real fans support there teem !

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What a gutless, spineless bunch of knob-ends the SPL board and chairmen are! They are talking about not having a vote today. That way they can see which way the SFL clubs vote next week. If Sevco are voted into D1 then they will happily vote against them playing in the SPL and can ponce about like peacocks announcing to all and sundry that they have voted for integrity. However if Sexco are voted into D3 then they will do a quick about-face and vote them into the SPL, claiming financial necessity. Should the latter occur then I hope the bâstârds go bust as soon as possible. And make no mistake about it they will be required to reapply to SFL 3 with 3 year of accounts. :angry:

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A lot of doom-mongering in the last few pages. The paranoia is acute.

Nothing has happened yet. It's a high pressure time for everybody involved- whether directly as a chairman, or indirectly as fans on here.

It's not time yet to say we're all walking away. These are the desperate last twitches of a dying old system. Doncaster by the sounds of it got a rough ride yesterday and he'll know that Rangers won't win entry into SFL1, for all his scaremongering and grubby blackmail.

Hence the threat to postpone the SPL vote. Rangers simply cannot be re-admitted to the SPL as UEFA won't wear it and the Scottish national team and qualifying clubs for Europe will be banned until the situation is righted.

The SPL have nowhere left to go even if they postpone their vote today and opt for another week's worth of pressure on the SFL chairmen. I'll be absolutely astonished if the SFL vote to set aside their own rules and vote Rangers into division one- it's simply isn't going to happen, hence the SPL's panic.

Rangers (at best) are going to SFL 3. It's taking us a while to get there, but we will. Time and again this crisis has shown that knee jerk and emotional reactions are misplaced and turn out to be wrong in the face of actual events.

Scottish football will suffer as a result of this in the short term, but in the long term it will emerge stronger, better and fairer.

We all just need to be patient and keep the head for a while longer yet, as the farcical endgame plays out.

I would dearly love this to be true. I really wish that Scottish football has the foresight to actually go through with this and to re-structure, re-finance and rebuild. The majority of us however have grown up with watching 'the big two' get everything and anything go their way, and the footballing authorities bowing to their every want and desire, and this is beginning to feel like it all over again. One thing that will absolutely happen is that at some point UEFA will actually have to get directly involved, because at the moment everything is being played out within the confines of Hampden and the Scottish authorities, we do however eventually need to say to UEFA, 'excuse me this is our plan, is that okay?'. In which case we need Platini et al to actually follow up on their promises regarding financial fair play and integrity.

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Its called budgeting based on income.

Well, not really. It's budgeting based on anticipated income. Which I fully accept is an occupational hazard for football clubs. It's why Falkirk got into difficulties - key sponsors went bust, so the anticipated income from their sponsorship didn't materialise.

We are currently faced with 2 months notice to slash budgets where the majority of outgoings are fixed term contracts.

Yeah, I genuinely do have sympathy for this. If Motherwell cannot renegotiate contracts with players, or meet the shortfall with soft loans from directors/fans, then administration has to follow. Longer term, that will absolutely be in Motherwell's favour.

Motherwell do not face liquidation as a result of contracts that cannot be fulfilled going forward.

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boycotting is nonsince m8

real fans support there teem !

I assumed your last post was a woosh. I thought "no-one as stupid as this could master the technology to post this". Now I see this post I'm not so sure.

Fes up - tell us you're at the wind up. :)

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The way ahead.

We have to take on board the words of Turnbull.

Hutton said: "There is going to be a bit of pain. But in essence the SPL is like a dead parrot. It's financially unsustainable. So it's hardly up to the First Division to sustain that.

"There could maybe be a recognition from the top that accepts the SPL is dead, so let's wind it up. It hasn't worked for 14 years, it has been a failure.

"It's all gone belly-up. Let's start again and I'm sure the SFL would welcome applications from some of the teams who are currently in the SPL to join an organisation based on sporting integrity.

Get rid of the self serving organisation that is the SPL which has no interest or consideration for anyone or anything that does not allow them to feed off and exploit others. And their charitable trust MUST go with it.

The SPL was created at a time when money was available to them, they could run themselves badly and still get support from BoS, until 2008 happened. Of course 5 went bust during this time as well. Governance was woeful, with D Murray just the most high profile example.

Time for Alex Salmond to make the call. Tell the SPL you are not getting any money from us directly or indirectly. We MUST see clubs in Scotland being properly run and it starts with the most outrageous examples, you lot in the SPL.

Also a call to the SFA to say that Campbell must go NOW, get your articles and regulations sorted between you and the SFL, show leadership and develop teeth where wrongdoing exists or suspected.

Only if you do that can we include you in any initiatives or funding.

Just as Bob Diamond got the call and had to jump, now is the time for the Scottish Government to address the fallout of Scotland's shame and tell the guilty to jump.

Edited by thelegendthatis
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there is lots ov fake on fans on here . i will support my club no matter wot cos im our number 1 fan . boycotting fans hang ur heads in shame. ur team needs u m8

exactly, our teams DO need us - so lets hope they vote the right way

Morton fans got rid of theri previous chairman Hugh Scott by boycotting - they boycotted for the better good of the club, and believe me, fans up and down the country will do the same if need be.

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A lot of doom-mongering in the last few pages. The paranoia is acute.

Nothing has happened yet. It's a high pressure time for everybody involved- whether directly as a chairman, or indirectly as fans on here.

It's not time yet to say we're all walking away. These are the desperate last twitches of a dying old system. Doncaster by the sounds of it got a rough ride yesterday and he'll know that Rangers won't win entry into SFL1, for all his scaremongering and grubby blackmail.

Hence the threat to postpone the SPL vote. Rangers simply cannot be re-admitted to the SPL as UEFA won't wear it and the Scottish national team and qualifying clubs for Europe will be banned until the situation is righted.

The SPL have nowhere left to go even if they postpone their vote today and opt for another week's worth of pressure on the SFL chairmen. I'll be absolutely astonished if the SFL vote to set aside their own rules and vote Rangers into division one- it's simply isn't going to happen, hence the SPL's panic.

Rangers (at best) are going to SFL 3. It's taking us a while to get there, but we will. Time and again this crisis has shown that knee jerk and emotional reactions are misplaced and turn out to be wrong in the face of actual events.

Scottish football will suffer as a result of this in the short term, but in the long term it will emerge stronger, better and fairer.

We all just need to be patient and keep the head for a while longer yet, as the farcical endgame plays out.

I was pretty confident that SFL wouldn't vote for Newco Rangers until i heard Turnbull Hutton on the radio last night :(

Scottish Football is going to suffer regardless where Newco Rangers are going to go. As if they get back into SPL/Division 1 - fans of diddy clubs will walk way.

If Newco Rangers go down to division 3 then they will lose a lot of fans while rumours that SPL clubs might go into Administration but is that scare tactics?

What a horrible position Scottish Football is in because of David Murray and a lesser extent Craig Whyte.

Edited by betting competition
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Calm down lads, I was bored and thought I'd take the piss out of the illiterate idiots and wee boys who are claiming they are the real fans in the midst of this.

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A lot of doom-mongering in the last few pages. The paranoia is acute.

Nothing has happened yet. It's a high pressure time for everybody involved- whether directly as a chairman, or indirectly as fans on here.

It's not time yet to say we're all walking away. These are the desperate last twitches of a dying old system. Doncaster by the sounds of it got a rough ride yesterday and he'll know that Rangers won't win entry into SFL1, for all his scaremongering and grubby blackmail.

Hence the threat to postpone the SPL vote. Rangers simply cannot be re-admitted to the SPL as UEFA won't wear it and the Scottish national team and qualifying clubs for Europe will be banned until the situation is righted.

The SPL have nowhere left to go even if they postpone their vote today and opt for another week's worth of pressure on the SFL chairmen. I'll be absolutely astonished if the SFL vote to set aside their own rules and vote Rangers into division one- it's simply isn't going to happen, hence the SPL's panic.

Rangers (at best) are going to SFL 3. It's taking us a while to get there, but we will. Time and again this crisis has shown that knee jerk and emotional reactions are misplaced and turn out to be wrong in the face of actual events.

Scottish football will suffer as a result of this in the short term, but in the long term it will emerge stronger, better and fairer.

We all just need to be patient and keep the head for a while longer yet, as the farcical endgame plays out.

Well said - just hope you're right! We've been like this at every major decision point - and so far it's still going (slowly) in the right direction! I firmly believe that the SPL will defer the vote - and SFL will just wholly abstain from any action next week!

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I understand all the talk of being 'finished with Scottish football' if Newco are placed back into the SPL but surely the only organisation which is coming out with any sort of credibility from this is the SFL. I fully understand the SFA are the governinng body and Regan is a fud, but it's the SPL who will be the main c*nts if Newco are back there. I don't see too much reason to ditch your SFL team.

If Rangers are 'parachuted' as they like to call it (what a load of cock), into SFL1...then I will seriously consider my position with supporting the senior game. As has been said, what's the point in supporting something corrupt and rigged.

What west coast junior teams are not mini Rangers love ins? St Anthony's, although its a mini Celtic. Anyone??

Do you seriously think that the SPL would even talk about adjourning today`s meeting unless they had recieved certain assurances from Longmuir?

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Cheers for the reasoned responses guys, especially you p45.

There needs to be a balance found between upholding sporting integrity and ensuring that our own clubs don't go out of business through no fault of their own. Is that better?

Highland dogma I think it was - read the St mirren report. It clearly states that sponsors are withdrawing with no rangers and some will want to renegotitate. Personally I believe someone who is within Scottish football and has spoken to the sponsors over someone on the internet's opinion.

That bit in bold isn't entirely true though. Those clubs who can't afford to lose Rangers and everything that goes along with them are clearly operating to a broken business plan. Not only that but years of historic overspending prior to the current business plan have put them in a position which is vulnerable to even slight errors in judgement. They've no one to blame but themselves. If any of these clubs were in the black then they could swallow a modest drop in income (and the figures talked about are modest in the scheme of things), redraw their plan and move on without the newco.

I include my club in that situation. United overspent terribly to put themselves in this position. They've reigned back well in the last few years and made a dent in the debt but if they can't survive a Rangerless league then it's their own fault. Hell mend them.

I've bought my season ticket already, on the back of the baldy shagger's announcement the other week. I shall not be a happy bunny if it turns out he was being coy/dishonest.

Edited by Pull My Strings
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Its called budgeting based on income. We are currently faced with 2 months notice to slash budgets where the majority of outgoings are fixed term contracts.

If we can survive this season we'll be able to.downsize this time next year

14th February to 4th August is nearly six months not two. Clubs should have been looking at the worst case scenario even as a plan B. If the posters on here could see it as a possibility (even remotely), the club boards should have seen likewise.

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Pedantic head on:

True. It's certainly a common symbol in some branches of Buddhism.

It was to indicate the four positions of "The Plough" at each quarter.

Pedantic head off.

Sounds like at attractive symbol for Sevco United to put on their shirts. huh.gif Away strip shown below.


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boycotting is nonsince m8

real fans support there teem !

So why did you boycott English at school?

ETA: Baws. Currently removing large hook from my cheek!

Partick Thistle fan - looking back it's so obvious!

Edited by Mark Connolly
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