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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Mr Cosgrove.

If you are reading this, please give that deluded, rangers pandering, self preserving, lamb feasting, agenda touting, armagedon voicing, scaremongering, job loosing, waste of space, Jim Traynor an absolute pounding tonight.

All the best.


Well said. Can't wait to hear him tear that Vogon p***k apart at 6:10pm. :D

Today's vote is a big step forward, well done to the 10 SPL chairmen who voted NO. I feel for the Killie fans though, Johnston really is a moron who is putting the club in deep shit with his decision to abstain in the vote. Now it's up to the SFL clubs to hopefully do the right thing despite all the scare tactics from Cockwomble and his pals and force Newco to play by the rules and apply to the Third Division like any club would.

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Is Traynor on tonight? Sounded last night that he wasnt to be appearing.

Probably writting up an exclusive from a high up source that Sky are definately leaving, 4 clubs are bankrupt within 2 weeks and the price of curly wurlys are going to increase.

Liam McLeod on Twitter earlier said that Traynor was definitely on.

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It's going to be quite funny seeing Daily Record headlines line, "Rangers swoop to sign Arbroath starlet."

Too late, Dunfermline have already signed Josh Falkingham :P

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I know it was posted earlier but this auld dearie cracks me up" whit aboot the hearts no paying thur players??"

yeah we know they didnt pay them , but they were telt and they done whit they were told !!! laugh.giflaugh.giflaugh.gif


ETA media link cos Im a total fud!!laugh.gif

Edited by rustyarabnuts
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And morton.

So the list of No to Newco in SFL1 now looks like:

Raith Rovers, Clyde, Dunfermline, Stranraer, Stirling Albion, Peterhead, Ayr Utd and Morton.

Eight clubs is fantastic at this point. Anyone got any more? Or conversely, are any of the above likely to waver?

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... Arbroath starlet set to turn down Gers, as interest from SPL club Dundee is revealed.

Fizzy pop forum for these headlines.

I'm looking forward to the Sevco stories next season, it'll be like a series of Scottish Cup 'diddy wee team' articles:

Joiner Bob Smith doesn't usually finish work until 10 at night and can only train twice a week, but he can't wait to pull on the famous blue and white strip of his boyhood heroes Rangers.

"Uv bin a big Gers fan aw ma days, I cannae wait tae run out at Ibrox oan Setterday. I never dreamed I'd get this opportunity and a cannae wait tae tell ma grandkids aboot it"

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If Rangers go into SFL 3 the big losers are the current SPL clubs. Their budgets are bloated because of SKY and Rangers money. If Rangers go to SFL 3, then that will be a boon for the clubs in that division. Assuming Rangers escape that division, clubs in the other two divisions will subsequenlty receive their share of the "Rangers money".

The SFL could strike a TV deal and create more revenue.

Rangers bugdet will be cut to size, I don't think they've got many high earners left anyway. They'll be forced to live within their means. They'll have a share issue in a couple of years, and generate millions.

In the meantime the SPL will be a one horse race and worthless as a competition. Clubs on bloated budgets could fall by the wayside. Who wil be the next SPL side in SFL 3 ?:D

Some of the most deluded pish yet seen on this fine thread. Operating Ibrox and MP, with more than a hundred non playing staff with spl crowds, sky money, cl crowds and and cl tv money left your rabble losing more than a million per month.....now you think at £12 a ticket, with no tv cash and the inevitably tiny crowds you will able to live within your means?? How ?give us the numbers to back this up? how will you cut costs on business rates,tax,ni,maintenance, utlities and other fixed costs?? McCulloch and Wallace cost more than the entire budget of most sfl3 teams. SPL clubs will only lose out on 2 visits from rfc...but will save a fortune on policing and security (and insurance ) and have more access to prize money and european revenue.

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So the list of No to Newco in SFL1 now looks like:

Raith Rovers, Clyde, Dunfermline, Stranraer, Stirling Albion, Peterhead, Ayr Utd and Morton.

Eight clubs is fantastic at this point. Anyone got any more? Or conversely, are any of the above likely to waver?

East Fife should be on that list also

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Actually a resonable statement from Green there , SFL should come out now and place them in SFL3 , games over lets get on with the season. f**k the SPL

Green said that he was "deeply disappointed" by the 'no' vote.

He added: "If our application were to be accepted, Rangers will play in whichever division the SFL sees fit and we will move forward from there."

The first hint from anyone at Sevco or Rangers that is anything less than arrogant, usually with some veiled threat included.

I suspect Green is beginning to understand the reality of where they are and how little support exists for them, outside their own inbreds.

It would be nice of the usual apologists such as Jabba, the Rangers 'ambassador', Ally and ex players learn what a slice of humble pie tastes like. biggrin.gif

Edited by thelegendthatis
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Ok, so based on feedback from davej and magnethead I will change the list of SFL clubs saying No to Newco in SFL1 to:

Raith Rovers, Clyde, Dunfermline, Stranraer, Stirling Albion, Peterhead and Ayr Utd

In addition we have Dundee and Airdrie who I believe will be abstaining next week. I wonder how that will change the required number of Yes votes needed? I have a feeling that Cockwomble will try to convince Longmuir it needs to be 51% of Yes/No votes, not 51% of the number of member clubs...

Thistle today have said that they would not support the Newco in Div1 proposal.

Cowdenbeath will vote Yes I'm sure.

I think Sevco's only hope is that all the 1st division teams vote for it and they can sway a few more from Div 2 and 3.

Seriously though what Div3 or 2nd Div club is going to vote for it? I certainly wouldn't.

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I think the SFL's next dialogies should be along the following lines:

"Good afternoon Cockwomb Mr Doncaster, I understand you want to cut some sort of deal involving Sevco entering the First Division in exchange for the crumbs of a TV Deal and some league reconstruction, which should be happening anyway?"

"Yes that's correct. Rangers going into the Third Division is not viable"

"It's Sevco Neil. Rangers no longer exist you fucking buffoon"

"I don't think it's viable to refer to Rangers as Sevco"

"Shut the f**k up, here are OUR terms:

1. You will give us the play off spot and all the other goodies regardless.

2. Sevco WILL go into the Third Division whether you fucking like it or not. Any attempts by you to bully the SFL into any other outcome will not be looked upon favourably re the application.

3. Should you proceed with any risible SPL2 threats, we'll broker our OWN TV deal and ALL the money will stay in the lower leagues. You should note that this will last for a minimum of three seasons, based on the assumption that Sevco win the Third, Second and First Divisions at the first time of asking.

I don't feel that's a viable solution.

Well, we feel it's perfectly viable, and we hold all the aces, so either agree, or f**k off.

Good day to you.

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