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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Thanks Craig. You've allayed any fears I had that I am not good enough to work in Scottish media. If you can sustain employment with your shocking interpretation of Scottish football then there's hope for me yet.

Well that depends: can you cast aside intelligence and integrity, instead utilising your trolling and ignorance skills to sell newspapers? If it's the latter then well done, you are on your way to becoming a Scottish journalist.

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Very well written piece here on a little blog that I know. Not mine I hasten to add, I lack the insight that this guy has, as well as his ability to put it into words.

jagsforum blog - simply the rest

edited to add

I've now read what Burley has to say today and this is the antidote. A fan with a keyboard who says what all right minded fans are thinking.

Brilliant article in the JFB....Jeez I could have written that myself. Wonder who the mystery jags man is? Think he sums up just about every jags fan I know!

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I know it may be too late but we must do what we can which is very little except withdraw our services when corruption is finally approved on Friday. In the meantime email (again) Regan, Doncaster, Longmuir and your Clubs informing them that you, the paying customer, will walk away. Full stop.

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Regarding the Burley column; I like how he deliberately ignores the fact that all of those "wee tiny, insignificant teams" like Peterhead and Elgin add up to a sizeable combined fanbase that deserves a say. And the idea that 1 member club = 1 equal vote.

You sure are a great journalist Craig!

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Well that depends: can you cast aside intelligence and integrity, instead utilising your trolling and ignorance skills to sell newspapers? If it's the latter then well done, you are on your way to becoming a Scottish journalist.

Nah I'd be the people's journalist. A Stuart Cosgrove or an Alex Thomson, listening to the voice of the common man whilst overriding any downright moronic, bigot-apologist's views whenever I see fit. In essence, getting them TELT.

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Are you trending the jagsforum? lol

Very well written piece here on a little blog that I know. Not mine I hasten to add, I lack the insight that this guy has, as well as his ability to put it into words.

jagsforum blog - simply the rest

edited to add

I've now read what Burley has to say today and this is the antidote. A fan with a keyboard who says what all right minded fans are thinking.

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FFS, just when you see a little hint of sunshine amidst the black clouds engulfing Scottish football, and naively believe that people might actually have done the right thing, you are doubled-over with an eye-watering boot in the stones.

I'm a cycnical bastard at the best of times, but I have fought to restrain this characteristic in recent days as I genuinely wanted to believe that there is salvation for the game in Scotland. Deep down, I've pretty much known that I'm kidding myself on and sticking my head in the sand, but I've been able to live with that as I sought to convince myself that all clubs at all levels would be afforded the opportunity to do what they felt was best for their clubs and their divisions. It now seems that this is all fairy-tale bollocks, without the happy ending.

A stitch-up is what it is. It is now impossible to escape that conclusion.

The occasional bright spot being irrevocably snuffed out is making this entire process all the more demoralising. At least if they'd fucked us over from day-one, we wouldn't have been deluding ourselves into thinking that maybe, just maybe, things would work out in an almost palatable manner.

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Very well written piece here on a little blog that I know. Not mine I hasten to add, I lack the insight that this guy has, as well as his ability to put it into words.

jagsforum blog - simply the rest

edited to add

I've now read what Burley has to say today and this is the antidote. A fan with a keyboard who says what all right minded fans are thinking.

Thats it in a nutshell.

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Regarding the Burley column; I like how he deliberately ignores the fact that all of those "wee tiny, insignificant teams" like Peterhead and Elgin add up to a sizeable combined fanbase that deserves a say. And the idea that 1 member club = 1 equal vote.

You sure are a great journalist Craig!

Just pray that Craigie doesn't turn his hand to being a Political Columnist..............at the next General Election, we'll be subjected to pieces to explain to us why universal suffrage is unacceptable and should be scrapped............c'mon, surely we can all see that it makes sense that only the uber wealthy and powerful such as Alan Sugar who should determine who is worthy of sitting in Parliament. After all, he knows how to generate millions for the country for himself and his fellow Peers.

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Right I've pretty much been drunk for the past 24 hours, anything interesting happen?

Yip, If you need an ambulance, you'll only get the lights and not the siren

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"You just need to look at Dunfermline closing a stand last season and matches at Pittodrie resembling a closed-doors friendly any time the Old Firm weren’t visiting as evidence that these fans who protested so loudly must now put their money where their mouths are."

Feckin' EXACTLY!

Scottish football was ALREADY dying a slow and lingering death, due to the OF carve up.

Fuckwits like him JUST DON'T GET IT.

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Hi gents - long time lurker, first time poster!

I've been following this whole sorry saga since the start, feeling a mix of disbelief, joy and desperation. I can't wait for the whole thing to end and to get a final answer to be honest.

I've again e-mailed the SFA, SPL and SFL with my thoughts, not that it'll make much difference. The only thing we can do now is contact the chairmen of SFL clubs, and try to ram home the strength of fan feeling on this. I've just fired off another message to John Alexander at Clyde to thank him for our clubs clarity so far, and to encourage him to stick to his guns. I'll also be contacting Turnbull Hutton with a similar message.

I'm still relatively positive, however - John Yorkston said just the other day that he sees the majority rejecting the idea of the Newco in SFL1 - what has happened in the last few days to change that? Are chairmen seriously going to be influenced by waste of spaces like Traynor and Burley? If anything, this whole story has proven how out of touch these muppets are!

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The more articles like this the better IMO.

The more arrogance, ignorance and prejudice displayed by Sevco cheerleaders in the media this week, the more the SFL clubs will dig their heels in and vote against the club being placed in Division One.

The hapless Burley seems to have ignored the fact that old Rangers was an example of financial "dead wood" that has been "trimmed". It's escaped his notice that clubs like Clyde and Peterhead are generally well run and when they do hit financial difficulties, undergo years of downtime on the park whilst debts are paid back. But this is just a not very well written re-hash of the old McNee/Traynor line that "oor proablims ur aw the wee clubs fault, git shot o thae c***s" It's baffling (actually, it isn't, given Burley's all round 40-watt intelligence) that the link can't be made between the steep decline in the standards of the game here and the SPL/ Old Firm gerrymandering in the last 15 years, not the fact that one club...not Peterhead...not Clyde...has caused this problem for everyone else by thinking it was too big to trifle with petty concerns such as the rules of the game and the law of the land.

But, as I say, the more like this that there is this week, the better. I'm hoping for a couple of tear-stained breakdowns from Traynor in the Succulent Ranger this week, perhaps a "Rangers and My Life" piece by wee Chic on the BBC website, a wheen of wholly inaccurate propagandist tweets from Chris McLaughlin, and so on. The more this shit goes on, the stiffer will be the SFL's spine come Friday.

In several examples during this crisis Rangers have threatened, bullied and applied all the pressure they can through their media proxies to achieve a certain result, and have only ended up achieving the exact opposite of what they wanted. They really still haven't learned their lesson, which is astonishing. A week like this in the papers and on broadcast media, and the SFL will punt them to the third for sure.

Edited by Ivo den Bieman
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