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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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Because its 60k every year not 60k for one year.Its the old quandry I can give you 150,000 now or 60k for the next 10 years.Choose now!!. This is why its not straight forward for these clubs given the threat of the settlement withdrawal.

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Why are teams scared of losing the £60k? Surely if Sevco were in SFL 3 these clubs would get a few paydays, then SFL2 etc. The only clubs that would miss out would be those going the opposite way at the end of the season?

Given the amount of public 'No's' so far by the clubs there's only the need for a couple more to ensure that the SFA/ SFL board need to completely bend over to get them in SLF1...and that would kill the lower leagues - not Sevco in SFL3.

The only thing I can try and get my head round is that various parties have been told that Sevco would go straight back into admin if in SFL3 due to the Ibrox running costs....but again that shouldn't be a factor to anyone else.

Someone put this in more detail earlier in the thread, but obviously the running costs of Murray Park, Ibrox and associated offices/buildings costs exactly the same to run no matter what division the newco would be playing in. The earlier poster also pointed out that while facing all those running costs - Rangers had Champions League income, or Europa League income, had 50,000 home gates, bigger visiting supports, Sky money, and an almost guaranteed SPL cheque for finishing first or second.... and they still ended up in the shitter.

If they are shoehorned into Div 1 (seemingly against the wishes now of a large percentage of their own fans too), I don't see how that generates such a massive amount of income for the newco club, that it could possibly make much of a difference to their ability to meet their massive overheads.

I remain extremely concerned about the vote on Friday - but if they do get voted into Div 1, I think Doncaster & Regan will see it as a 'job done', then they'll either be sacked or will GTF anyway.... and Sevco XI will 'do a Portsmouth' and implode twice - leaving Scottish football TOTALLY fcuked in the head. Meanwhile, Doncaster & Regan will have ridden the fcuk out of Dodge and won't care a jot.

It's surely clearly obvious that Doncaster & Regan's agenda here is not for the betterment of Scottish football - it's to keep their CV in order for their next gig. The concern of course is are they loose cannons acting alone, or are they loose cannons with an entire league of SPL chairmen in on their little game?

Edited by pozbaird
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For the last 25 years i have believed my money and my fathers money have been spent watching the great game of scottish football. the problem is it now appears it may have actually been some sort of american wrestling style "soccertainment" with every other club outside the OF making up the numbers. If this was to be proved true that would be the sole reason I would turn away from Scottish league football , IT WOULD NOT BE FOOTBALL ANYMORE.

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I think people should take a step back and wait until the situation has played itself out. All of this Sevco in the first division has been nothing other than spectulation with no real hard fact to back this up. I do empathize with fans being disillusioned even if they get the justified punt to the third because it been a shambles in terms of how this situation has been handled. A lot of us (and I include myself here) were raging at the thought of Rangers being kept in the SPL at the last minute with the delayed tactic and that all worked out for the best. I am reasonably confident that this decision will work itself in the same and correct manner.

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Gazza, Ha! The doom-meter just jumped up a notch for the buns.


Been away for a few days so only had pishy mobile internet to keep me up to date.

As I see it, the bullying has failed. Friday the 13th will be the last desperate choking death rattle of reneagers attempts to play football somewhere better than community pitches made of 40 % blaze and 60 % broken glass and dog shit. My fingers and toes are firmly crossed the abused and correctly incandescent with rage SFL clubs will just vote flat no. And the cheats will wither and die.

Both Regan and the cockwomble should be packing their family photographs, desk top executive toys and vast collection of hate mail into a plain cardboard box and discretely slithering out of Hampdens tradesmans entratnce. As anybody would after an abortive and poorly conceived shafting.

Bring on a totally bun free 2012-13. How great does that sound?

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Someone put this in more detail earlier in the thread, but obviously the running costs of Murray Park, Ibrox and associated offices/buildings costs exactly the same to run no matter what division the newco would be playing in. The earlier poster also pointed out that while facing all those running costs - Rangers had Champions League income, or Europa League income, had 50,000 home gates, bigger visiting supports, Sky money, and an almost guaranteed SPL cheque for finishing first or second.... and they still ended up in the shitter.

If they are shoehorned into Div 1 (seemingly against the wishes now of a large percentage of their own fans too), I don't see how that generates such a massive amount of income for the newco club, that it could possibly make much of a difference to their ability to meet their massive overheads.

I remain extremely concerned about the vote on Friday - but if they do get voted into Div 1, I think Doncaster & Regan will see it as a 'job done', then they'll either be sacked or will GTF anyway.... and Sevco XI will 'do a Portsmouth' and implode twice - leaving Scottish football TOTALLY fcuked in the head. Meanwhile, Doncaster & Regan will have ridden the fcuk out of Dodge and won't care a jot.

It's surely clearly obvious that Doncaster & Regan's agenda here is not for the betterment of Scottish football - it's to keep their CV in order for their next gig. The concern of course is are they loose canons acting alone, or are they loose canons with an entire league of SPL chairmen in on their little game?

Indeed division one wouldn't generate enough income to cover costs but it's a gamble that they might get back to spl within a year...which might let them survive as opposed to three years in wilderness which would defo kill them.

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Regan should also be told where he can stick the National side and everything that goes with it until he resigns.

I am not attending any more Scotland games or buying anymore Scotland tops etc till this fool is removed from his position.

Sent the following email the day the SFL document/threat was published.

Not even an acknowledgement!

Dear Mr Reagan,

Having read the statement issued today, I can only assume that as the head of the guardians of football in this country you are prepared to go down in history as the man who killed Scottish Football.

It's only a month or so since the SFA panel handed out a transfer embargo on Rangers for actions that "only match fixing could have been worse" and that the Appelate Committee were completely "independent" when they heard the appeal and would sit again... at some time in the future?.. after the ruling was returned by the Court of session.

However, haven't you demonstrated through this document that both Rangers and Celtic are so important to Scottish Football that there are no rules that can't be bent, or altered, to cater for the big 2.

In this open threat to SFL clubs - "accept Rangers into SFL1 or there will be a SPL2 formed and the rest of you will be left outside" you have destroyed the last illusion of sporting integrity and fair play.

In the document you allude to "fans being lost to the game", but of course you are only referring to Rangers fans. What about the fans of all other clubs in Scotland, and those who support the National team?

You can't have failed to notice the huge number of fans throughout the country who were threatening not to renew their season tickets if their clubs voted the Newco into the SPL. Well, I am sure that the same people, plus many in the SFL,feel the exact same now with these proposals.

I, and a number of others I know, had held off buying my season ticket until my club "did the right thing". I have now bought it, but if this goes through then I will seriously consider throwing it in the bin and turning my back on the game.

And that doesn't just mean club football. Since 1969 I have hardly missed a Scotland home game. As a member of the SSC I received my email this morning about the "season ticket" for the next campaign. Normally I would have signed up to this but because of this document I, another 2 in my household and a further 2 in my family will not be attending another Scotland game.

If those who run the game see the pursuit of money more important than sporting integrity then the game is finished .... and you personally have overseen its death.

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From today's Herald. Worth a full quote I think :-

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Morton chairman launches scathing attack on Scottish football's top brass

DOUGLAS RAE, the Morton chairman, has sent a strongly worded letter to the chairmen of each Scottish Football League club criticising what Stewart Regan, the Scottish Football Association chief executive, and his counterpart at the Scottish Premier League, Neil Doncaster, said at last week's SFL meeting.

Representatives from the 30 lower-league clubs came together at Hampden last Tuesday and were addressed by Regan and Doncaster regarding the implications of voting Rangers newco into the Irn-Bru First or Third Divisions.

In his letter yesterday, Rae lambasted the contribution made by Doncaster, in particular, saying he "seemed to many to be a man who had lost his way and [is] unable to get back on the right road".

Doncaster had outlined that SFL clubs would put at risk six top-flight clubs unless they voted to install Rangers in the first division. They are scheduled to meet to decide the issue at a special general meeting on Friday.

The Morton chairman reiterated the assertion made by third-division club Clyde that Regan had lied about the SFA's stance on a proposal to install Rangers in the SPL, a motion defeated last week by 10-1 in a vote by top-flight clubs. He also alighted upon a common theme in lamenting the existence of three governing bodies in Scottish football, expressing a wish that the authorities be merged.

"Scottish Football League clubs are being placed in an intolerable position by the SFA and the overwhelming decision by the SPL to refuse to admit newco Rangers into the Premier League," wrote Rae, whose club will be represented on Friday by chief executive Gillian Donaldson, as Rae remains on holiday. "I was very disappointed indeed with the input of the two visiting officials at the SFL meeting, which lasted some five hours. The visitors were Stuart [sic] Regan, chief executive of the SFA and Neil Doncaster, chief executive of the SPL.

"Neil Doncaster was a man who didn't appreciate that the current problem relative to newco Rangers, and which league they should be playing in next season, is exclusively the problem of the SPL and little do to with the SFL.

"Neil was totally unable to get his clubs to accept the decision going forward that he wanted. Following that mammoth failure, Neil now expects the SFL clubs to bail him out, which would mean SFL clubs ignoring the views of their supporters. Never have I known supporters to be more single-minded than how they feel over this newco Rangers drama. Quite frankly, Neil Doncaster seemed to many to be a man who had lost his way and [is] unable to get back on the right road.

"The SPL CEO made scant contribution other than trying to impress clubs that if we did not vote newco Rangers into the SFL Division One, financial disaster of epic proportions would be the experience many clubs would suffer. His forecast was that up to six SPL clubs could go 'bust' if the SFL clubs did not follow his advice to back newco Rangers."

Rae was only marginally more impressed with the presentation of Regan, who last week delivered a withering forecast of the state of Scottish football should Rangers newco not be allowed to enter the first division.

Last week Clyde revealed that Regan had intended to block Rangers' entry to the SPL should clubs have opened the door to them, although it stated that his comment had been delivered in such a way that it came across as "less than an absolute statement".

However, Rae indicates he pressed Regan on his comment, and he reiterated that the governing body would have blocked Rangers' path into the top flight. He also explained that such a decision was kept from the clubs for "greater effect".

The letter continued: "The most concerning point about Regan's presentation was he departed truth as he became increasingly desperate to get his viewpoints accepted. When asked what would have happened if SPL clubs had voted newco Rangers entry to the Premier League, he stated that the SFA would block it. I asked why that point had not been made known to the clubs prior to the meeting. Stuart stated that sometimes points are withheld until the last moment for greater effect. I asked, through the chair, if I could ask Regan to repeat what he had said about 'blocking'. He responded by repeating what he had said minutes before; namely that the SFA would block any result that would see newco Rangers entering the SPL.

"The following day Stuart countermanded in the press what he had told the SFL meeting the previous day.

"It is very disappointing the SFA chief executive was unable to give a truthful response to SFL chairmen."

Rae then revealed his desire for Scottish football to be governed by a single body, headed by current SFL chief executive David Longmuir.

"Scottish football is in crisis and needs a man of honesty, vision and strength at the helm - David Longmuir. David addressed the meeting last week and gave a clear picture of how he saw the way ahead for our clubs - and was the only one of these three speakers who spoke with clarity and which he managed to do without misleading the chairmen.

"I am sure I am not the only chairman who considers it absurd to have three organisations looking after Scottish football. There should be one organisation looking after all aspects of our game."

The SPL and SFA chose not to comment on Rae's letter.


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Indeed division one wouldn't generate enough income to cover costs but it's a gamble that they might get back to spl within a year...which might let them survive as opposed to three years in wilderness which would defo kill them.

Agree - which means I become a supporter of every SFL Div 1 club, and fervently hope that each and every one of them kicks Sevco XIs arse good and proper in every game.

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I think people should take a step back and wait until the situation has played itself out. All of this Sevco in the first division has been nothing other than spectulation with no real hard fact to back this up. I do empathize with fans being disillusioned even if they get the justified punt to the third because it been a shambles in terms of how this situation has been handled. A lot of us (and I include myself here) were raging at the thought of Rangers being kept in the SPL at the last minute with the delayed tactic and that all worked out for the best. I am reasonably confident that this decision will work itself in the same and correct manner.

I agree with the last bit however:

Serious point - can't see what harm it does for people to continue to bombard their own clubs and the footballing authorities with their e-mails and letters.

Less serious point - I have the choice between posting on here about 20 times a day or working harder; it's a no-brainer

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http://leggoland2.blogspot.co.uk/ Stewart Regan set to ban Rangers is today's rant

"Therefore, it is logical to conclude that if the SFL clubs snub that parachute proposal and vote to admit Rangers to the SFL at the lowest level, the Third Division, Regan will attempt to push the nuclear button and refuse the Rangers application to rejoin the Scottish Football Association."

Leggo has clearly never studied logic...

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Can anyone else think of a reason why Dundee or Dunfermline weren't put into the SPL as soon as Newco were rejected other than to keep the vacancy free for Newco should the SFL reject them?

I can't.

I can. They were either waiting to see which of the two clubs proved themselves most pliant. Or at least, by leaving that possibility hanging in the air they were hoping to have some influence on a couple of the votes in what may be a very close-run thing.

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