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I believe there is a clause that allows the SPL to withold the payment should it require the money to pay its own teams.

The Clyde statement made it abundantly clear that Doncaster had stated that the SPL would be withholding the payment due to spite, rather than because they couldn't pay it. It's also absurd to suggest that even in the worst case scenario the SPL couldn't cobble together £6m in sponsorship and coverage fees. Again, any club making decisions based on this scenario is run by craven idiots.

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alex thomson ‏@alextomo

Having seen STV list I can say it is definitely 14 - 3 pro D3. At least one of the 'undecideds' is 100% opposed to D1.

Does this matter though?

Is it not the case that SFL clubs will be invited solely to vote on whether Newco join the the SFL structure at all?

Thereafter, the SFL board get to choose whether it's the 1st or the 3rd.

Unless we learn how they plan to vote in terms of Newco getting admitted at all, I don't see the relevance of polls like this. It's like asking me how I plan to vote in the Syrian General Election.

Have I got this wrong, or is that not still how it's scheduled to work on Friday?

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"Scottish football is in crisis and needs a man of honesty, vision and strength at the helm - David Longmuir"

Is that the same David Longmuir that put his name to the proposals to allow a newly formed club admittance to the SFL Division 1, despite the fact they do not fulfil the criteria, and that there are many other interested applicants who do?

Sounds to me like he's one of the driving forces behind the 'Cheats Charter'.

Has Longmuir actually come out and said he thinks Rangers should be in SFL1 in the way, for example, Regan has? If he's been instructed by his Board to forward a document, or SFA has requested he assist, then...?

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I've jovially called MJ agent Johnston in the past, that piece makes me wonder if he is an Ayr fan.

Why on earth did he abstain? Given the choices:

(a) Vote YES, get wrath of the fans and they're not allowed into the SPL anyway.

(b)Vote NO, keep fans happy and they're not allowed into SPL anyway.

©ABSTAIN, pisses of the fans and they're not allowed into the SPL anyway.

or (d) The only honest Chairman in the SPL: abstained because a YES vote would be pointless but couldn't bring himself to the hypocrisy of the NO vote, knowing the DIV 1 fix was in place..

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Does this matter though?

Is it not the case that SFL clubs will be invited solely to vote on whether Newco join the the SFL structure at all?

Thereafter, the SFL board get to choose whether it's the 1st or the 3rd.

Unless we learn how they plan to vote in terms of Newco getting admitted at all, I don't see the relevance of polls like this. It's like asking me how I plan to vote in the Syrian General Election.

Have I got this wrong, or is that not still how it's scheduled to work on Friday?

Longmuir quoted in one of today's papers saying the clubs, not the board, will decide on Division 1 or Division 3. John Yorkston has also said any other option would not be acceptable.

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or (d) The only honest Chairman in the SPL: abstained because a YES vote would be pointless but couldn't bring himself to the hypocrisy of the NO vote, knowing the DIV 1 fix was in place..

Probably nearer the truth, although I think his duty as a director had more to do with it.

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or (d) The only honest Chairman in the SPL: abstained because a YES vote would be pointless but couldn't bring himself to the hypocrisy of the NO vote, knowing the DIV 1 fix was in place..

If he was that honest, why didn't he announce the D1 fix?

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If he was that honest, why didn't he announce the D1 fix?

If he was that honest, why did he give as his rationale that he was reflecting the opinion of the fan base, based on an interpretation of a poll that would make Saddam's reelection look like the model of democracy?

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I have a sneaky feeling that the Morton game on Monday may be getting my attendance. Should support the clubs who are coming out and standing up to those who are trying their damnest to manipulate others thru threats and blackmail. Hopefully the Raith game tonight will be well attended - too far away from me unfortunately.

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If he was that honest, why didn't he announce the D1 fix?

Aye, there's honest and there's honest.

Off topic but MJ is a smug b*****d; is there a single photo of him where he doesn't have that superior, supercilious lawyer's grin on his fat pus? I get the impression he would like the whole thing to go tits up so he could sit in the corner going "I told you so. I told you this would happen. If you'd just have listened to me..........."

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What is the source of this belief? The Daily Record? The Sun? Jim Traynor? Neil Doncaster? Or something more reliable?

Apologies it should have said pay the Spl running costs (not teams) it is in the rules document under c4.2.2 I think sorry can't link document as I am on my phone.

ETA - http://www.scotprem.com/content/mediaassets/doc/RULES%20EFFECTIVE%2030%20MAY%202012%20%28CLEAN%29.pdf

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Well I’ve sure been put in my place. I didn’t realize that standing up for the club you have supported your whole life made me variously an imbecile / w****r / moron / arsehole. Now I like a football rivalry as much as the next person but there seems to be genuine worryingly high levels of hate for rangers and any of their fans on this forum.

Apparently I write with an ingrained sense of entitlement and all us bluenoses do. What utter fucking pish. I can now almost see why some rangers fans want to see the spl crumble and a host of teams go to the wall, well I still don’t but suffice to say when a few other clubs go out of business I won’t shed a tear but I won’t dance on their grave either.

A lot of people have also said rangers have "cheated" for over 20 years; it’s a nice round number and also handily erodes the achievement of winning 9 league titles in a row in the 90's. Shame that it’s a massive exaggeration back up with not a shred of fact. If you are referring to the shameful EBT's then yes it was cheating but as far as I was aware that started around 2000, if your simply bumping your gums and evoking pathetic clichés like "the establishment" and "help from referees" then really you need a life.

I mean seriously; when you call a person a w****r for supporting Aston villa and watching American football you have deep physiological issues to deal with. Either that or you are a keyboard hard man, either way it’s a worrying reflection of Scottish society.

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Longmuir quoted in one of today's papers saying the clubs, not the board, will decide on Division 1 or Division 3. John Yorkston has also said any other option would not be acceptable.

I hope that's right.

Has there been an official change to the mechanism outlined in the letter inviting clubs to Friday's meeting then?

These questions as well as those relating to the terms for the settlement fee are now so key, and yet there's no clarity on them at all.

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It won't be Arbroath. Airdrie would go up as play off runners up (again) :angry:

Airdrie...! really.

Okay, I will still make a point of going to 2 Arbroath games..:D

Better that than those inbred nuggets.

Edited by ChrispPancake
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Apologies it should have said pay the Spl running costs (not teams) it is in the rules document under c4.2.2 I think sorry can't link document as I am on my phone.

ETA - http://www.scotprem.com/content/mediaassets/doc/RULES%20EFFECTIVE%2030%20MAY%202012%20%28CLEAN%29.pdf

Firstly, no need to apologise. Secondly, yes I have Googled and found said paragraph. The SPL can cover, and make provision to cover, their own internal costs prior to making payment to SFL, I will try to wade through the legalise to see if i can find other priorities beyond this.

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