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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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He has chosen to ignore those of us who have made the point about our own chairmen and clubs and as a result he has continually posted the same shit in slightly different ways all day. Initially I chose to ignore him as I do with trolls/idiots but then decided to verbally abuse him instead.

I have previously posted that I have concerns with the Dundee United chairman and that I have taken the time to e-mail him my concerns. I don't need this tosspot to continually rabbit on about it. Yes we are agreeing with him but he is not accepting this.

If there are SPL posters on here that are perpetuating the 'cosy wee myth' you refer to you may want to take issue with them. I am not amongst their number.

Go back to the posts in this thread over saturday and sunday and tell me there are not posters on here ignoring what their chairman are doing in their name. Chosing to attack my club and our supporters, many on here thought that this was over when newco where voted out of SPL but many of you have taken your eye off the ball and left it to the SFL. I respect you have identified this and have challenged him on this but he still has continued with his fellow board members. Two or three hundred sons fans not going back won't change anything but 20,000 SPL Fans can make a difference. You have proven that this is the only thing that SPL Chairmen listen too, why let them get away with It!

Notice i haven't called you any names and when did you agree with me, i obviously missed that between the name calling.

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I posted this on Thursday but I think it got wiped out in the upgrade Armageddon :P

The solution to the whole sorry saga is so simple. To stop rapeepul feeling persecuted :blink: and to stop the rest of us thinking that they got off scot free 8) Sevco should be allowed into the SFL (1 or 3) with 2 conditions only:

They are not allowed to play in blue and

The cannot have the word R*ngers in their title.

Problem solved?


This isn't about Rangers. They should never be allowed into SFL1, not because they are Rangers, but because absolutely no team should have that right.

I don't care if they play in blue or are called Rangers, but they have to be treated the same as anyone else. I'd be embarrassed and ashamed if Morton were liquidated and tried to start again in any league other than Division Three, or failing that even lower.

This has become so big that it's not even about Rangers anymore, No one really cares at this point about everything they've done, because it turns out the governing bodies of our game are even more corrupt than Rangers ever were.

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I'd be suspicious of Leishman too. Rangers just happen to be suddenly playing a benefit game against Kelty Hearts at their Junior ground (how the mighty have fallen!) with 10% of the proceeds going to the Save The Orcs fund. Kelty Hearts were founded by a certain Jim Leishman...

I'm suspicious of everyone in all honesty.

Was it perchance, either:

(a) a taxi driver who'd overheard things from a fare's mobile conversation, or

(b) a Sky installer

who fed you these nuggets?!

Seems to me each time we are told of things that will not be happening for months yet, then those two groups of 'insiders' tend to be the source.

Neither. I don't use taxis or have sky. Sadly I can not reveal the source apart from he's a "bad man"(his words).

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I'd be suspicious of Leishman too. Rangers just happen to be suddenly playing a benefit game against Kelty Hearts at their Junior ground (how the mighty have fallen!) with 10% of the proceeds going to the Save The Orcs fund. Kelty Hearts were founded by a certain Jim Leishman...

At the last SFL full meeting, Chris McLaughlin was tweeting quick quotes from people as they entered Hampden. The two involving Leishman went roughly:

'Leishman says the Rangers situation is a devastating blow for the Scottish game'

'Leishman recalls how the visits to Ibrox were amongst the highlights of his career'

I thought it was known that his snout was firmly planked up Sevco's butt.

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Firstly, rangers fans have been through nowhere near enough. Call it karma or whatever but, after decades of triumphalist , arrogant and abusive behaviour it's all of a sudden gone a bit Pete Tong. You'd have to be seriously confused if you didn't understand why the rest of Scotland finds this absolutely hilarious. Funnily enough, down here in Yorkshire nobody really gives a stuff - not quite the reach you'd expect of a global brand. biggrin.gif

Secondly, the poor diddums just want to go into Div 3 and start again. Well, I want an Aston Martin - but I can't provide the proper criteria for said vehicle, i.e. loads of cash. Can Sevco/Zombierangers/Govan Redhands show that they have the required resources to fulfil their commitments? Not from what their squabbling and backbiting would suggest.

Also, were I to go for a desirable luxury car, I'd probably have to join a waitng list. Can you give me ONE good reason why a set of thieving, lying, cheating bigots should be allowed to elbow aside ANY of the clubs who have run within their means for years in the hope of being accepted to the SFL?

Get your head round it - rangers are dead. They were crooks. Nobody will miss them. Or their fans.

Noboby will miss kilmarnock when they die in few weeks either.:D

Have your wee five minute of fame cause when Lloyds call in the £9,000,000 debt killie have you won't be laughing then. Even the Killie forums believe they are going to be liquidated soon and it's thanks to fools like yourself that are more interested in snide wee digs at other clubs than following your own team that caused it.

So desperate are Killie right now they are begging and i mean begging Celtic fans not to boycott them, what does that tell you?


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Noboby will miss kilmarnock when they die in few weeks either.:D

Have your wee five minute of fame cause when Lloyds call in the £9,000,000 debt killie have you won't be laughing then. Even the Killie forums believe they are going to be liquidated soon and it's thanks to fools like yourself that are more interested in snide wee digs at other clubs than following your own team that caused it.

So desperate are Killie right now they are begging and i mean begging Celtic fans not to boycott them, what does that tell you?


We don't owe Lloyds £9m. Try again later.

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Noboby will miss kilmarnock when they die in few weeks either.:D

Have your wee five minute of fame cause when Lloyds call in the £9,000,000 debt killie have you won't be laughing then. Even the Killie forums believe they are going to be liquidated soon and it's thanks to fools like yourself that are more interested in snide wee digs at other clubs than following your own team that caused it.

So desperate are Killie right now they are begging and i mean begging Celtic fans not to boycott them, what does that tell you?



Killie go into administration and the SPL pump cash at them to fulfill the fixtures, get liquidated and appear in SFL1 the following season all set for promotion to the SPL.

That's how it works isn't it?

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I have no truck whatsoever with that post. If you really want to know my position vis a vis Rod Petrie then feel free to scroll back through the last 1200 or so pages.

And there we have it in a nutshell, F-P. This mouthy little bugger has just popped up and is throwing out a (perfectly feasible) theory. Unfortunately for him, those of us who have been areadin' and apostin' for what seems like forever, have got used to the idea of our peers on this thread being open to debate and willing to listen to opposing views. Also, most of us avoid banging on like a broken record on the same single point as if it's been dragged out of a black ops agent under torture.

Sadly, anyone who uses his screen-name to describe how he sees himself is not going to listen to the more mature opinions on here. Granny appears to have bitten on this occasion, but as devotion to this thread appears to shorten one's tolerance for dickheads that's maybe understandable.

Let's just carry on with the pressure leading up to Friday - I'm still banging my head on the brick wall that is Killie, and have been contacting plenty other teams - mostly in the SFL - and including Dumbarton, needless to say. Even that mob down the road have had a blast from me, in a very polite and appreciative tone. I never thought I'd be jealous of A*r, but I'd swap chairmen in a bloody instant!

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Clyde's new statement regarding the proposals. Tremendous reading:

The board of Clyde Football Club met last night to consider how it might approach the resolutions (see below) to be voted on at the SFL meeting on Friday 13th July. This update is to inform our owners and supporters and hopefully explain some of the complexities that face the club when carefully and objectively considering how we might vote. We hope that by being as clear as possible about the difficulties surrounding this situation that the people able to support the process act swiftly to do so.

The overwhelming reality is that we are being asked to make one of the most important decisions for Scottish Football in a vacuum devoid of factual information, that vacuum having been filled with unhelpful rhetoric and scaremongering by the chief executives of the SFA and SPL.

We therefore looked at what we were being asked to vote on, how it fitted with the principles of the sport, and what information we might need to inform a logical decision in context of the current reality.

It was clear that the resolutions marked a clear departure from all previous process and custom and practice when considering admitting a team to the SFL, albeit operating within the rules of the SFL. It was in that context which we considered the resolutions.

In reality, the customary principles of sport were not at the forefront of the resolutions.We first concluded that there was limited risk to the SFL from the 'Armageddon' theory, as depicted in the detailed presentation by Neil Doncaster and supported by Stewart Regan, which had prompted fears of cash flow loss to the SFL next season. We have obtained a copy of the Settlement Agreement signed up to by the SPL and the SFL in April 1998 - it is clear that the agreement is not ambiguous in this regard and there is no scope for the SPL to fail to meet the obligations to the SFL except by deliberately breaching the agreement. Neil Doncaster was unequivocal when he said that there would be no payment under the agreement and stressed that it was not the board of the SPL that made big decisions, it was the clubs themselves. We have concluded that it defies credibility that the SPL clubs would instruct the SPL to deliberately breach a legal agreement.

To assist the SFL clubs to take decisions in the right manner then the external threat should be removed by the SPL clubs, confirming to the SFL that they have not and will not instruct the SPL to breach the Settlement Agreement.Consideration was then given to Resolution 1 which we concluded required to be reworded to be explicit that entry was to SFL3. The reason for this is that once entered to the SFL in the manner proposed under Resolution 1, we understand that it is within the power of the Board of the SFL to place a club into any league of their choosing. We believe that, due to the intolerable pressure placed on the SFL board to date by external parties, this resolution should be explicit to avoid the Board coming under pressure from either the SFA or SPL in the event that Resolution 2 is rejected. It is also our opinion that Resolution 1 being explicit sits more appropriately with Resolution 2 which in itself is explicit about where any club might play.In terms of Resolution 1, whether reworded or not, it seemed inconceivable to the Board of Clyde that absolutely no information whatsoever has been provided to support the resolution. This is clearly a matter of haste and again driven by an external agenda, perhaps because Sevco have not lodged an application to join the SFL then they have not submitted any information. Whilst we have accepted that this is being treated as a special case and we are willing to run with this, it simply was not possible to conclude that we could make any decision at this time. The matter is made worse because of the extent of uncertainty which hangs over Sevco. There is no need to prepare an exhaustive list of the issues as they are well publicised, however the extent of outstanding sanctions that may or may not be levied against a club which has yet to obtain SFA membership, together with the increasing number of possible commercial and legal challenges to the transactions to date simply presents a significant risk to the ability of the club to fulfil its fixtures in any league.

Given that some of these matters are in the hands of the governing bodies it seems inexplicable that they are left hanging. We are clear that for the good of the game that we would want a swift and positive conclusion that would see Rangers Football Club taking part in the game again and we would wish to be able to support a Resolution that saw them entered to SFL3. However, until we receive enough information to inform such a decision then we are being pushed into a corner which would actually leave any club making a logical decision arrive at the conclusion that Resolution 1 should not be supported. The SFA could assist the process by transferring the SFA membership to Sevco prior to the Friday meeting if they have satisfied themselves of fit and proper tests and have carried out their own diligence on the viability of the club and the various legal challenges.Resolution 2 suffers from the same issues as Resolution 1, in that no information of any sort about Sevco, not even whether it will obtain SFA membership, leaves no possibility of making a decision about entry to the SFL based on facts or logic. Clearly it is incumbent on all the governing bodies to make available all factual information they have available if they truly want this process to have any chance of being recovered from the current chaos. At the very least the business plan for Sevco and any other information that led the SPL clubs to arrive at a decision should be made available to the SFL clubs, and not with inappropriately short notice, although that point has as good as passed. Resolution 2 was where the challenge to sporting integrity arose. It was impossible to engage with this concept without continually bearing in mind that the SFA had already undermined the prospects for any integrity to be maintained by making it clear that failure to deal with the admission of a newco to SFL3 would be a dereliction of duty. In effect posting notice that no matter what decision is taken by the SFL clubs to administer their league, the SFA would not tolerate anything other than SFL 1, an equivalent point having been made by Neil Doncaster on behalf of the SPL clubs.

The stated position of the SFA and SPL chief executives means that, whilst this club can have faith in David Longmuir to do all in his power to deliver a new combined structure that meets the objectives of Resolution 2, we have no faith in the parties that the new arrangements would be negotiated with. Their behaviour to date is evidence enough for us. We should not be disingenuous on our own position in terms of the question of trading sporting integrity for transformational change to the way the game is governed that is posed by Resolution 2. We have said previously that there would be no winners and that compromise would be required at some point. With this in mind, had we worked through this process and seen positive collaborative behaviour from the leaders of the SFA and SPL and we were challenged with backing Resolution 2 in exchange for revolutionary change that would truly benefit the game as a whole, then we would have engaged with that. As it stands, we have no information on the proposals other than that distributed in advance of the meeting last week and no confidence in the parties that will control the process outside of the SFL. As such we would vote no to Resolution 2.Resolution 3, as many have pointed out this resolution seems presumptuous as no invitation has been issued from the SPL to either club. Again, this arises because of the external pressures, the haste and the failure of other bodies to complete their own processes. As things stand, whilst Sevco/Newco was not voted into the SPL, it seems that the SPL still has 12 members based on the reported voting at the SPL meeting last week, albeit one of whom is in liquidation. It seems to make more sense that the SPL complete their processes and make the appropriate invitation for a club to join the SPL. We would seek to support whichever of our member clubs are invited to join the SPL to make that move, however, at the moment there is no certainty that Sevco will be entered into the SFL and the SFL should not risk leaving itself short of a team.In summary, the complete absence of information on Sevco Scotland Ltd renders it impossible to vote with any logic in favour of any of the Resolutions. The default in these circumstances would unfortunately be to vote against. We hope and trust that this unacceptable situation will be resolved swiftly and will allow Clyde Football Club to support Resolution 1 from an informed position and will see Rangers Football Club playing in SFL3.

We see Resolution 2 as a matter of trust and it would take a change of personnel and attitude for us to be confident that David Longmuir would be entering discussions with a group of people committed to a collaborative process in a spirit of genuine partnership.In the current circumstances our only decision could be to vote against Resolution 2. Subject to a satisfactory outcome on Resolution 1 we would support Resolution 3.The three resolutions presented to the club are as follows:-

(i) That the Scottish Football League Members agree to admit Sevco Scotland Limited as an Associate Member and agrees to permit Rangers F.C. to play in the League during Season 2012/13.

(ii) That the Scottish Football League Members direct the Board of Management of The Scottish Football League (the “Board”) to provide that Rangers F.C. shall play in the Third Division of the Scottish Football League during Season 2012/13 unless the Board shall have to its satisfaction negotiated and reached agreement with The Scottish Premier League and The Scottish Football Association on a series of measures which the Board shall consider to be in the best interests of the game, how it is structured, how it is governed and how it is financed, whereupon the Board shall be authorised to provide that Rangers F.C. shall play in the First Division of the Scottish Football League during Season 2012/13.

(iii) That the Scottish Football League Members in terms of Rule 12 approve the resignation of either Dundee F.C. or Dunfermline Athletic F.C., whichever shall be admitted to join the Scottish Premier League for Season 2012/13, such resignation to take effect as at the date of admission of such club to the Scottish Premier League, notwithstanding that the requisite notice under Rule 12 shall not have been given.Details of the series of measures referred to at (ii) above shall be made available to the Members in advance of the meeting and an opportunity for full discussion of those measures will be given prior to the proposals being put to the meeting.

Edited by Islay
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Nothing should surprise us I suppose, but I flatly refuse to believe that Sevco XI will somehow be an SPL club in four weeks time. Not after Vlad kick-started the public 'no' announcements, followed by the official 'no' vote, followed by the SFL meeting on Friday to vote on them taking the stray dog into their home somewhere. If, after all that, Doncaster (WITH OR WITHOUT THE SLEEKIT HELP OF TOTALLY CORRUPT AND TWO-FACED SPL CHAIRMEN) - added in big shouty text for the benefit of greetin' faced Dumbarton fans - still thinks that the SPL can sneak them back in, then really, the world has gone totally mad.

I was pondering this afternoon and tried to play out all scenarios in my head on Friday the 13th's voting outcomes !.Factored in recent events and clubs positions on the newco situation !.

One thing keeps coming to the top ! the vacant position in the SPL when the real Rangers relinquish their license.And the fact it has not been even remotely given to the SFL to be filled at this time.

Last week I was SOOOO SURE the newco was heading into the 3rd division at best,BUT NOW I'm almost absolutely disgusted at the thought of a Rangers in name taken from the oldco to be used by the newco playing at Ibrox in the SPL this coming season ????? WTF.Their fans will be unbearable if this happens and Scottish football is DEAD to me and my interest in the game STOPS there.

Maybe some paranoia there but there is the smallest possibility that this will happen now and the orcs will have A Rangers in name AT Ibrox !,the powers that be must think we actually need and will accept this in due course over the season !!!.But there will be sanctions ! as if that will make the 41 other clubs fans happy and justice was served out apparently.

I do hope I'm wrong but after all the bullshit,smoke and mirrors.Have the 3 ruling organisations and members already decided where the newco will play ?.Are they railroading/manipulating a situation or position where the newco will be placed in the SPL by a default to maintain some rule or regulation we never spotted ? after all we've been constantly told the only viable place for the newco to survive is in the SPL and football in Scotland will only survive with a Rangers team in the SPL ! any other league in Scotland and it is a dead cert the newco WILL fold over before completing one season in them.Is this another sneaky maneuver by all organisations and members abiding to the fans concerns to save face in public but complicit in placing the newco in the top flight as it's the best financial solution ONLY and will ensure all sponsors and shit like that continue their support with member clubs ?.This whole debacle has not been about sporting integrity since February but getting a team called Rangers at Ibrox in the SPL ASAP no matter what the fans say or feel about it.

Paranoid rant over :blink:.

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'Leishman says the Rangers situation is a devastating blow for the Scottish game'

How wrong is this guy?

I mean the canceling of the spl sky/espn deal worth £16,000,000 per season is not really a devastating blow is it?

Spl sponsers pulling out of contracts and taking millions out of the game is not a devasting blow either.

Oh wait..... it is actually.

You might want to note that pishy wee clubs like East fife survive because of the filtering down of the spl T.V. income.

But why let reality get in the way....

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Noboby will miss kilmarnock when they die in few weeks either.:D

Have your wee five minute of fame cause when Lloyds call in the £9,000,000 debt killie have you won't be laughing then. Even the Killie forums believe they are going to be liquidated soon and it's thanks to fools like yourself that are more interested in snide wee digs at other clubs than following your own team that caused it.

So desperate are Killie right now they are begging and i mean begging Celtic fans not to boycott them, what does that tell you?


You should change your username to Frank the Dober TROLL.

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Noboby will miss kilmarnock when they die in few weeks either.:D

Have your wee five minute of fame cause when Lloyds call in the £9,000,000 debt killie have you won't be laughing then. Even the Killie forums believe they are going to be liquidated soon and it's thanks to fools like yourself that are more interested in snide wee digs at other clubs than following your own team that caused it.

So desperate are Killie right now they are begging and i mean begging Celtic fans not to boycott them, what does that tell you?


^^absoloutely seething :lol: ^^

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How wrong is this guy?

I mean the canceling of the spl sky/espn deal worth £16,000,000 per season is not really a devastating blow is it?

Spl sponsers pulling out of contracts and taking millions out of the game is not a devasting blow either.

Oh wait..... it is actually.

You might want to note that pishy wee clubs like East fife survive because of the filtering down of the spl T.V. income.

But why let reality get in the way....

Pishy wee clubs survive by living within their means, unlike the club that you formally supported who died as a result of not living within their means.

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How wrong is this guy?

I mean the canceling of the spl sky/espn deal worth £16,000,000 per season is not really a devastating blow is it?

Spl sponsers pulling out of contracts and taking millions out of the game is not a devasting blow either.

Oh wait..... it is actually.

You might want to note that pishy wee clubs like East fife survive because of the filtering down of the spl T.V. income.

But why let reality get in the way....

Pishy wee clubs like East Fife have more history, players and RIGHT to be playing in the SFL than a certain 'company' trying to get it............<_<

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You might want to note that pishy wee clubs like East fife survive because of the filtering down of the spl T.V. income.

But why let reality get in the way....

Is that why Rangers went into admin, the BIG team gave the pishy little teams too much money? Or would it be that East Fife are a little team as they have little income and expenses unlike the old rangers that had large expenses and little (relative) income. £130m+ deficit says it all.

East Fife are as far as I know solvent, which is more than can be said for Rangers.

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I can see us being in line for special treatment by the corrupt c***s for simply ousting them as what they are; greedy, lying, corrupt c***s. I'm just pleased our board have the balls to do it.

Well done Mr Alexander and all on the board. Hopefully the statements lead to the right thing.

Have to say, since I now live in Cumbernauld I will make it my mission to get along and see them this season. I'm sure they'll welcome the cash and it's the least I could do given the proactive, reasoned and brave stance they've taken on this issue.

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Noboby will miss kilmarnock when they die in few weeks either.:D

Have your wee five minute of fame cause when Lloyds call in the £9,000,000 debt killie have you won't be laughing then. Even the Killie forums believe they are going to be liquidated soon and it's thanks to fools like yourself that are more interested in snide wee digs at other clubs than following your own team that caused it.

So desperate are Killie right now they are begging and i mean begging Celtic fans not to boycott them, what does that tell you?


WOW, Sevco fan in not having a fuckin clue what he is talking about shocker rolleyes.gif

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