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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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New Scottish football fun competition for all fans: Spot the tits. This photograph shows some cleverly disguised tits. Simply mark two red 'Xs' where you think the biggest tits are.

£2 per entry. All monies raised will be donated to the Sevco Works XI Div 1 or DIE Fighting Fund.


There's no way I'm putting a cross through the middle pic.

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Albion Rovers chairman has released an ambigious statement stating that, without the 'derby' against Airdrie next season, the club stand to lose 8% of their overall income. They say they are still weighing up the decision, but normally this would be a no.

On the fence, arguments either way for which way they're likely to go I'd say. I'd say they're a probable yes if there vote would allow Rangers into division 1, but will vote no if if their vote is a likely dead rubber.

That's a cop out. They'll have two home games against Sevco the following season.

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Albion Rovers chairman has released an ambigious statement stating that, without the 'derby' against Airdrie next season, the club stand to lose 8% of their overall income. They say they are still weighing up the decision, but normally this would be a no.

On the fence, arguments either way for which way they're likely to go I'd say. I'd say they're a probable yes if there vote would allow Rangers into division 1, but will vote no if if their vote is a likely dead rubber.

FFS, I'll give them the tenner.

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Albion Rovers chairman has released an ambigious statement stating that, without the 'derby' against Airdrie next season, the club stand to lose 8% of their overall income. They say they are still weighing up the decision, but normally this would be a no.

Saw that as well, now that I'm back on laptop.

Solution? Stop paying Tony Stevenson in pies.

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Here's an idea:

why don't they change the format to 3 Divisions of 14 teams under 1 governing body with 2up & 2down plus 3rd bottom v 3rd top Play off's and attempt to convince the Juniors/Highland league teams to be part of a regional pyramid system ?

with Sevco 2012 FC starting in the 3rd tier.

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Longmuir admits that the horse is before the cart and that they are taking "a leap of faith". Now wait until I find out which rule allows this........

found it, it listed under bullshit rule 1. - We don't have to adhere to any of our rules.

I have to say that there is a decent chance that the SFL is going to break their own rules on Friday and I expect that this may lead to further issues.....

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That's a cop out. They'll have two home games against Sevco the following season.

You mean potentially. Let's not forget, if Sevco won back to back to back promotions to get to the SPL, there would be a handful of clubs who would never get to play them as they would pass them in the opposite direction through relegation (potentially 4 SFL clubs, plus whatever the SPL punted just to get them up).

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After reading the latest proposals about the 14 team top flight and having read Alex Thomson's latest blog where FIFA and UEFA have both basically said "nothing to do with us" (despite the fact that proposals like this go against both FIFA and UEFA policies) it is clear what is about to happen and we cannot stop it.

The authorities are doing everything in their power to shoehorn a team that doesn't even exist right now into a system that will allow them as easy access to the SPL as possible. The integrity of our game is long gone, they do not care. They do not care about us, the paying fans that are supposed to be the lifeblood of the game. I get it, Rangers (new or old) do potentially provide serious financial clout with regards to sponsors etc, BUT they lost the right to flex their muscle when they began cheating and BREAKING THE LAW. Shit the authorities are now even ignoring the Newco fans and staff, even they want the 3rd division.

It pains me so much to potentially walk away from the Scottish game, but I am afraid I am not willing to work hard to earn money to then give it to a system that does not give one iota of a f**k about the fans or integrity, or even just providing a fair a playing field as possible.

Can't be bothered with the dragging on anymore, just do what you want to do SPL/SFA/SFL (three authorities, what a joke), and it means I can make my decision a bit quicker, I have season ticket money sitting here doing nothing that I can spend on other things.

Jesus wept!

If anyone had said on here a year ago that Rangers would be out of Scottish football by June and begging to be let into Division 3 they would have been banned for bad trolling. Focus on how far we have come already.

Despite the entire Scottish media being little more than a Rangers propaganda machine and it being down to bloggers and Channel 4 to ensure the truth got out (and very late in the day BBC Scotland), despite all the bullying and threats, despite all the scare stories, Rangers and their godawful fans have discovered they weren't able to do whatever they like after all.

The establishment and the self-seekers of the status quo have had one bloody nose after another over this affair. As I've said time after time since February, there is not going to be some "Dr Evil escape capsule" for them so they can carry on as before.

Keep the faith - there IS going to be a better tomorrow for Scottish football.

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You mean potentially. Let's not forget, if Sevco won back to back to back promotions to get to the SPL, there would be a handful of clubs who would never get to play them as they would pass them in the opposite direction through relegation (potentially 4 SFL clubs, plus whatever the SPL punted just to get them up).

And anyone that can only see the worst case scenario really shouldn't be involved in sport.

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It's disgraceful that a few months ago when football fans were arguing for an expanded SPL we were told it wasn't practical. Now the authorities are looking for a berth for a newco based on a very discredited oldco somehow the whole thing can work.

Spot on. I still don't know if I would personally prefer a 14 or 16 team league, but no matter your preference, or if it included play-offs or not, two up and down or not, this, that or the other... the fact remains that not only were we told that a bigger league wouldn't work, indeed, the cockwomble stood bold as brass on the steps of Hampden at told us we needed to go back to a smaller league. It was a 10 team SPL or we die. Sponsors and corporate partners wanted a constant diet of 'big games' between 'big teams'.

We didn't go to a 10 team SPL. We didn't die. You are bang-on the money here Granny D - now we are being told that we will move to some sort of 14 team set-up, and it is purely based on (once more) the needs of these sponsors and corporate partners, who, without Sevco around, will walk away and see us die?

So, it was 10 teams or die, due to sponsor pressure, now it is Sevco or die, due to sponsor pressure, so let's go to 14 to make that happen as quickly as possible.

It really beggars belief. We need massive re-construction - and in regard to a new league format, it will need a lot of compromise because some will want to stay at 12, some want 14, St Mirren fancy 16... so a lot of talking, and a lot of thought need to go into it. It shouldn't be thrown together on the back of a Woodbine packet as a sop to diddy teams, in a shame-faced attempt to have them bail out a corrupt and unfit-for-purpose SPL, and to assist the newco guise of a debt-dodging, cheating former 'institution'.

Doncaster, Regan and Longmuir must go. Only the order in which they fall is in question. As to how many of the SPL clubs are in on this too? You tell me.

Edited by pozbaird
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Here's an idea:

why don't they change the format to 3 Divisions of 14 teams under 1 governing body with 2up & 2down plus 3rd bottom v 3rd top Play off's and attempt to convince the Juniors/Highland league teams to be part of a regional pyramid system ?

with Sevco 2012 FC starting in the 3rd tier.

Why should they get to skip entry over junior/highland/regional clubs who actually have 3 years of accounts?

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After Frank McAvennie in yesterday's Evening Times blabbering about how Scottish Football needs Rangers oh so bad in the 1st division or the game will die. John Lambie, Alex Neil and George Peat all sing from the same hymn sheet in today's paper. :rolleyes:

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Albion Rovers chairman has released an ambigious statement stating that, without the 'derby' against Airdrie next season, the club stand to lose 8% of their overall income. They say they are still weighing up the decision, but normally this would be a no.

On the fence, arguments either way for which way they're likely to go I'd say. I'd say they're a probable yes if there vote would allow Rangers into division 1, but will vote no if if their vote is a likely dead rubber.

I mentioned on here a while ago. A Rovers board member told me they would vote Newco into first. The reason is - they want to keep the derby and, if Newco go into the third, they expect them to get promoted and Albion Rovers relegated next season.

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Albion Rovers chairman has released an ambigious statement stating that, without the 'derby' against Airdrie next season, the club stand to lose 8% of their overall income. They say they are still weighing up the decision, but normally this would be a no.

On the fence, arguments either way for which way they're likely to go I'd say. I'd say they're a probable yes if there vote would allow Rangers into division 1, but will vote no if if their vote is a likely dead rubber.

What a joke,i know we gave them a couple of half decent crowds last season but come on.They haven't been in the same league set up as Airdrie United before last year,no guarantee that this will remain to be the same as they were almost relegated,and most probably will be this season.So to come out with a statement of losing 8% of their income is just ridiculous.If SPL clubs can see beyond the income that they will lose having no sevco in the top flight i hardly think a second division club is going to go into financial meltdown not playing us twice next season.

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Saw that as well, now that I'm back on laptop.

Solution? Stop paying Tony Stevenson in pies.

Reading again, once through all the bluster, this paragraph really stick out;

'Much has been said and written about sporting integrity. In normal cirumstance we would have no hesitation in voting to place Newco Rangers in SFL Division Three but as a board, we do now need to consider all the implications before we make that call'

I think, with the right 'persuasion' and promises from the Rovers fans, they could be talked round to being a no vote. Do Rovers have an influential supporters group/trust?

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Spot on. I still don't know if I would personally prefer a 14 or 16 team league, but no matter your preference, or if it included play-offs or not, two up and down or not, this, that or the other... the fact remains that not only were we told that a bigger league wouldn't work, indeed, the cockwomble stood bold as brass on the steps of Hampden at told us we needed to go back to a smaller league. It was a 10 team SPL or we die. Sponsors and corporate partners wanted a constant diet of 'big games' between 'big teams'.

We didn't go to a 10 team SPL. We didn't die. You are bang-on the money here Granny D - now we are being told that we will move to some sort of 14 team set-up, and it is purely based on (once more) the needs of these sponsors and corporate partners, who, without Sevco around, will walk away and see us die?

So, it was 10 teams or die, due to sponsor pressure, now it is Sevco or die, due to sponsor pressure, so let's go to 14 to make that happen as quickly as possible.

In fairness... and I actually agree with the jist of what you're getting at r.e. volte-face in viewpoint... it was never a case of "10 or die" it was a case of "10 is best and everyone knows this" (but they didn't).

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See when folk are talking about 'yes' votes and 'no' votes, do they mean 'yes' and 'no' to SFL1 or SFL3?

SFL1... although we've heard the odd murmour hinting a open vacancy process or scepticism at admitting them straight-off from Clyde, from Berwick Trust, etc., I don't think there's any liklihood of them not being elected to SFL at all on Friday.

Edited by HibeeJibee
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