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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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You have no idea how many problems i see with that proposal.

Yeas there would be major problems if this panned out but I suggested something similar at the weekend only difference being that SFA would place Newco in SPL this season and immediately expel them for 1 season. 11 teams in SPL would mean a free team each week allowing Newco to play a friendly every week at Ibrox.

Why are SPL waiting till Monday to vote on Dundee or Dunfermline, could all be a sham with above plan already worked out.

Whatever transires it is bound to be corrupt!

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The sale of just 1 player would have covered that, or had they done what every other company in administration does slashed costs across the board including shedding staff.

There are a couple of points in the Creditors statement that when taken in isolation seem a bit conflicting

5.2 The Joint Administrators are bound by statutory provisions to accept the offer which yields the highest return to creditors of the Company.

Offer 1 – Party 1

5.4 A sale of the Company‟s business and assets for £25m. No CVA proposal required.

Offer 2 – Party 2

5.5 Consideration of £5m to be introduced to the Company subject to a successful CVA proposal.

Offer 3 – Party 3

5.6 Consideration of £10m to be introduced to the Company subject to a successful CVA proposal. Party 3 would obtain Company‟s shares directly. Ticketus would not claim as an unsecured creditor in the process.

Offer 4 – Party 4

5.7 Consideration of £10m to be introduced to the Company subject to a successful CVA proposal. Party 4 would obtain Company‟s shares directly.

5.8 Of the offers received at this point, analysis demonstrated that Offer 1 produced the highest return to creditors by a substantial margin.

Yet they accepted Greens £5.5m ?

Can someone please explain?

The only people that can explain are Haudit and Daudit and I think it's very likely they will have to explain, not to amateurs like us but to people who will be able to analyse and determine the veracity of their explanation.

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1. I suppose there is a slim possibility of that happening, but only if a few more chairmen like yours come out of the woodwork.

2. On second thoughts for every chairman like yours there are 5 or 6 with real integrity so probably not likely to happen.

3. If Rangers dont play this season they will suffer another insolvency event and quite possibly wont be around to play football next season.

4. If they miss a season, and I am being serious here, is there any possibility that there might be a spare place in the leagues next season for them. Kilmarnocks place ?

1. Possible

2. You're pretty naive if you think anything that has been going on has had anything to do with integrity

3. Again that's possible but someone will own ibrox

4. That's pretty likely from what I've heard

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The club has undeniably been a focal point for bigots, but this has visibly reduced in last 25 or so years I've been going to matches. Like I said, some people are morons.

The biggest morons of them all are apologists like you that come out with the "don't get me wrong, I hated the sectarian element and the club pandering to it, but..." crap. By supporting them, buying their merchandise, etc. you participated in it and condoned it.

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The only tangible benefit I can see to Scottish society from Rangers FC, is that for the past century it has acted as a big arsehole magnet drawing the worst idiots away from every other club. My only worry now is, where are all these arseholes going to go.

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The only tangible benefit I can see to Scottish society from Rangers FC, is that for the past century it has acted as a big arsehole magnet drawing the worst idiots away from every other club. My only worry now is, where are all these arseholes going to go.

Somewhere quiet to have a good cry.

Edited by WaffenThinMint
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Maybe we're being optomistic in thinking the international footballing authorities would be interested in our little problems.

Joao Havelange, ex-Fifa president, received huge sums in bribes.


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So now we have 14 for 13/14 and then 16 for 14/15. In other words, if Rangers cant manage to finish in the top 4 next season or possibly even top 5 if there are playoffs too, then we'll make sure theres another couple of promotion places for the season after next. Guess the sponsors wont wait three years, but they might be convinced to wait two if the setup is rigged enough dry.gif

Only according to BBC, as far as I can see: and Brian McLaughlin's piece on reporting Scotland just now - unlike his earlier articles - couches it all with "could see a 16 team division in 4 years", "might be introduced", etc. etc.

All the joint statement says is that a committee will convene with 1 of its goals being "enlarged" top tier.

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I see the 'ever-objective' Reporting Scotland seem to be running with the "shiny 16 team top division on the way if you vote yes!!" line tonight.

Unless another statement is due, what has been released by SFA/SPL/SFL doesn't make any mention nor guarantees of division size.

And if these "improvements" are so important for the future of our game as the SFA/SFL/SPL leadership keeps telling us then why are the changes on offer only if the Newco is voted into Div 1. Surely if this restructure is so urgently required the clubs should be able to opt for these changes and still place the Newco into Div 3. Amazing how those in power can change their stance on so many issues so quickly. If any SFL (or SPL for that matter) club had proposed this raft of changes in say December last year they would have been shown the door in a shot. Surely NO ONE is fooled by this "for the good of the game" line - these changes are to facilitate one thing and one thing only - as swift a return to the top league for the Newco as possible. A sham from start to finish.

I can't wait to here the self same twats opinions on whats required "for the good of the game" once the Newco are forced to apply for SFL entry at the bottom rung. Hopefully they will be forced to answer this question - I doubt they will be so keen on league reconstruction then.

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Keep reading the document, its explained in there

So now we have 14 for 13/14 and then 16 for 14/15. In other words, if Rangers cant manage to finish in the top 4 next season or possibly even top 5 if there are playoffs too, then we'll make sure theres another couple of promotion places for the season after next. Guess the sponsors wont wait three years, but they might be convinced to wait two if the setup is rigged enough <_<

The fact that this is being put through, simply, to propel Rangers back into the SPL as quickly as possible is absolutely abhorrent. The fact that the consequences of it not happening might be even worse, is frightening.

Or, as an emergency, if they end up in the 3rd... 12+10+10 = 32 = 16 + 16. What a coincidence!

So the SFL (or whatever merged body emerges) says "Och, the SPL's going to 16. Let's just do the same with the second tier."

It'd probably a popular move all round, but would also leave Sevco/The Zombies/Trigger's Broom with one less division to climb.

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This news about old rangers losing 4 million in the space between Feb and June shines a light on something that no one has really considered at least at the sfa etc have newco got the funds to last a season. Is this why there is such a push to get them in the first division.

At the moment they will be losing money as there is all this infighting over season tickets etc. If the season starts and they are in Div 3 there must be concerns that they wont survive. I dont believe they will have the same fanbase ie 45,000 a week more like 10000-20000 while this will dwarf the rest of the teams they will have to operate at Div 3 prices but still have significant outlay for the Police who by the way they still havent paid their debt to so they will have to pay that upfront.

Then there is the subject of players and other staff who have moved across from the old club. While am sure McCulloch isnt earning huges sums relative to what rangers used to pay it will certainly be more that most spl players considering there is also wallace, goian, alexander and maybe a few others on the same wages. How are they going to meet these commitments when their only real income is going to be gate money twice a month?

Then there is their tax liabilites how are they going to pay these as HMRC wont just lie down and take it this time. I am quite sure that as soon as the club starts operating they will be asked to start paying their taxes upfront before they have made the money. If HMRC didnt do this and were stung again there would be a huge scandal.

As I said at the start this is the real issue and am quite sure its been disclosed to doncaster, regan etc, which would explain the big push to try and get them in the spl and now the attempt to get them in the 1st.

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The only tangible benefit I can see to Scottish society from Rangers FC, is that for the past century it has acted as a big arsehole magnet drawing the worst idiots away from every other club. My only worry now is, where are all these arseholes going to go.

All the gloryhunters'll probably start supporting Celtic.

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So the emotional rollercoaster continues..

Hastily drawn up reforms to save rangers.. Think regan cockwomble and longmuir have realised its the end game for sevco. Having the big club fail twice in a year is an epic reflection of their stewardships

Oh how the heads shall roll

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This news about old rangers losing 4 million in the space between Feb and June shines a light on something that no one has really considered at least at the sfa etc have newco got the funds to last a season. Is this why there is such a push to get them in the first division.

At the moment they will be losing money as there is all this infighting over season tickets etc. If the season starts and they are in Div 3 there must be concerns that they wont survive. I dont believe they will have the same fanbase ie 45,000 a week more like 10000-20000 while this will dwarf the rest of the teams they will have to operate at Div 3 prices but still have significant outlay for the Police who by the way they still havent paid their debt to so they will have to pay that upfront.

Then there is the subject of players and other staff who have moved across from the old club. While am sure McCulloch isnt earning huges sums relative to what rangers used to pay it will certainly be more that most spl players considering there is also wallace, goian, alexander and maybe a few others on the same wages. How are they going to meet these commitments when their only real income is going to be gate money twice a month?

Then there is their tax liabilites how are they going to pay these as HMRC wont just lie down and take it this time. I am quite sure that as soon as the club starts operating they will be asked to start paying their taxes upfront before they have made the money. If HMRC didnt do this and were stung again there would be a huge scandal.

As I said at the start this is the real issue and am quite sure its been disclosed to doncaster, regan etc, which would explain the big push to try and get them in the spl and now the attempt to get them in the 1st.

All good points. I think that as soon as the players are registered, they'll simply be transfer listed though. Maybe not officially, but it'll be a case of letting agents know that they'll listen to any offers. Big earner will either not continue being big earners, or will be sold at bargain prices to cover costs, unless of course they do have genuine investors who want to throw money at them.

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Or, as an emergency, if they end up in the 3rd... 12+10+10 = 32 = 16 + 16. What a coincidence!

So the SFL (or whatever merged body emerges) says "Och, the SPL's going to 16. Let's just do the same with the second tier."

It'd probably a popular move all round, but would also leave Sevco/The Zombies/Trigger's Broom with one less division to climb.

The SFL should reduce their league sizes to something rfidiculous like 6 and have it take even longer for Newco to rise through the leagues.

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