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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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They still think that this is some vast conspiracy to kill their club, they still think that some billionaire will buy them out and save ra Gers.

To this date supporters of the former Rangers football club have had; a march on Hampden, and a shambolic sermon on the mount outside Ibrox from what appears to be yet another snake-oil salesman. What little money they have scraped together to save their club they want to spend on fighting legal cases and building a website to expose 'mhedia lies'.

I think they might all be insane in their membranes.

There's no way at all the newco would or should have been admitted to the SPL, even with a massive dose of humility - and this is fair, just, and entirely correct.

Yep lets not sugarcoat things here, it's clear that pretty much everyone seems to hate Rangers and is very much enjoying their death. I seriously doubt that a showing of humility ( how would that even work anyway, Ally McCoist crawling on hand and knee down Argyle Street while we all threw rotten tomatoes at him maybe?) would have made any difference.

Edited by Broccoli Dog
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New RTC blog today:


It is roughly seventeen months since this project started. Despite all of the revelations from this blog, and from other ‘new media’ outlets, little has changed in the world of Scottish football. This might seem a strange claim given that the largest football club in the country has become insolvent and now sits on corporate death-row awaiting its execution. However, the major institutions that feed on the blood of Scottish football fans: the SFA; the SPL; and the newspapers- appear to have learned little from events in this time.

They still believe that the people who pay their wages are imbeciles. They still dish out fatuous lies and peddle disinformation as if Sir David Murray was still in his heyday. The hysterical exaggerations and tales of impending financial doom should be transparent to the businessmen who fill most of the Chairman roles at Scottish football clubs. Anyone with even a few minutes of business experience will see through the lies of the Scottish football establishment. These scare stories are not the issue. It is the dangling of long requested changes in the structure of the Scottish game that will present clubs from both the Scottish Premier League and the Scottish Football League with a dilemma.

From their public statements, it is clear that the driving forces behind this attempt at league-rigging are SFA Chief Executive Stewart Regan and SPL Chief Executive Neil Doncaster. Despite being paid to promote the Scottish game, they have spent recent weeks trying to convince advertisers and TV companies that their product is worthless without someone representing Rangers’ legacy playing in the SFL1 next season. It is as if Sevco Ltd was a panacea and that this new club will be guaranteed promotion to the SPL within a single season.

Let us be in no doubt. Scottish football faces a period of turmoil and some financial belt-tightening regardless of what happens in any of the upcoming votes. (If Servco Ltd are forced to start in SFL3, the nattering nabobs of the mainstream Scottish sports press will doubtless blame every player transfer and setback on ‘internet bampots’ and shortsighted fans of so-called ‘diddy teams’). The Scottish game became unsustainable and unhealthily unbalanced towards just two clubs. In an era when it is easy to watch the best football from every country all week long, we need to extract the cancers that have been devouring our game for over twenty years rather than battling to preserve them. Among the assorted symptoms of the illness facing our game are:

  • Scottish football has failed to develop a single stand-out talent since the early 1980s
  • Scottish football has been spending more than it takes in for far too long
  • Scottish football has fallen far behind global standards in the quality of entertainment it offers

Scottish football had become dull and uninteresting for all but the fans of the two clubs that could entertain thoughts of ever winning the league.

There is a now a golden opportunity for creative minds to remake the game. Instead, we have intellectual pygmies telling us that everything in Scottish football is fantastic and must be saved at all costs. What is worth saving? Declining attendances? A terrible set of TV contracts that do not realise the full value of the Scottish game? A national team that cannot qualify for any international competitions? We have a game that is viewed with universal contempt for both its lack of technical quality and the lopsidedness of its top division. This is where our game finds itself almost three decades after the “Souness Revolution” started at Rangers. The false economies started by David Holmes, and placed on steroids by David Murray, eventually devastated all around it. Rangers embodied the ideas that financial might made right and reckless spending was the key to success. Their demise should be a cautionary tale to others to get their house in order. Instead, the Scottish football establishment wants to send the signal that if you are going to fail, make sure you do it on a spectacular scale: we will make everyone else carry you if it goes wrong.

Mr. Doncaster trained as a lawyer and has an MBA. If Scottish football was a case study at a business school, anyone submitting a paper that recommended crushing the last remnants of fairness in the game to prop up a failed old-order would not get a passing mark. Doncaster in particular is failing. (Funny that Messers Doncaster & Regan find it so easy to predict the effects of Sevco Ltd playing in SFL3, but could not use these same skills to anticipate Rangers’ implosion. Even when the aforementioned ‘internet bampots’ had warned years earlier of an crisis brewing at Ibrox, the men with the crystal ball today were unable to see something that was so obvious). When the dust settles on this disaster one way or another, one can only hope that Doncaster and Regan have absented themselves. It is clear that they lack the imaginations required to improve our game. Our hopes for restoring the thrill of Scottish football now rests on the men who run the clubs in the SPL and the SFL. We must hope that they have the backbone to stand-up to being bullied and the foresight to realise that all that is being dangled by Regan & Doncaster can be obtained anyway- without sacrificing the game and without the hired hands for whom this all appears to be just a job.

If fairness fails and Sevco Ltd is able to field a team in the SFL1 next season, it is for each fan to make an individual decision on whether it is worth returning to watch a game played with loaded dice. For those who do decide to go back (I am still undecided), something will still be missing in the game. An unfillable void will have opened. The men who will vote on this decision have to realise that they are not just voting on short-term revenues. They are going to irreparably alter the Scottish game whatever happens. Money will ebb and flow in football in proportion to the excitement and quality of the competition. If fans believe that there is no competition because a winner is preordained, money will leave and it will stay gone.

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LOLOLOL - I was having a laugh with my old boy last night about who they could possibly wheel-out next to tell us we HAD to put Cevco in the 1st..............they sure blindsided our ideas with Theo Paphitis :lol:

I can see for tomorrow's Sun we're gonna have to think really out-the-box.............."Keith Harris & Orville insist any diddy plan plan to put the mighty Gers in the Third Division would mean the end of Western Civilisation"

Is that German Octapus still alive, it was good for a prediction. :)

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This bit caught my eye:

"I congratulate supporters for putting integrity and good governance of the game to the top of the agenda. The fans have done a good job, but it's now time for them to join us in 
addressing the other issues in Scottish football."

Delivered like a true politician. Oh... wait....

Groucho Marx saw this lot coming...

"the art of looking for trouble, finding it everywhere, diagnosing it incorrectly and applying the wrong remedies."

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Yep lets not sugarcoat things here, it's clear that pretty much everyone seems to hate Rangers and is very much enjoying their death. I seriously doubt that a showing of humility ( how would that even work anyway, Ally McCoist crawling on hand and knee down Argyle Street while we all threw rotten tomatoes at him maybe?) would have made any difference.

And, if anyone seriously takes the view that showing some humility would have made a difference, I doubt that sporting integrity is their prime motive.

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I love how throughout this whole episode all and sundry have fallen over themselves to tell us that we all need Rangers/Servco.............

Ask yourself what the common denominator is ? Yes....that's right ! they all earn a living off Scottish football and their job would be so much harder if they actually had to research who St Mirren's No 4 was or exactly what the score was the last time Motherwell faced Hibs at Easter Road !

Hopefully two things will come out of this

1. Servco FC in Division 3 at best.

2. There is a Stalin style purge throughout our sports media.

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And, if anyone seriously takes the view that showing some humility would have made a difference, I doubt that sporting integrity is their prime motive.

Showing humility shouldn't make a difference, as the road should have been made clear from day 1 which steps Green would have to take to field a team next season. The current clusterfuck is all the doing of the governing bodies. Of course Green is going to try to get in at the highest possible level, he only cares about the £££.

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Yes, and I'm very pleased with that. It was however, nothing to do with Sevco's decision, but the SPL and their choice of TV money. I'm just glad we're getting a little justice out of our deal, and the same with Dundee United. It's teams like Rapid Vienna that were £1 million that I feel sorry for.

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I love how throughout this whole episode all and sundry have fallen over themselves to tell us that we all need Rangers/Servco.............

Ask yourself what the common denominator is ? Yes....that's right ! they all earn a living off Scottish football and their job would be so much harder if they actually had to research who St Mirren's No 4 was or exactly what the score was the last time Motherwell faced Hibs at Easter Road !

Hopefully two things will come out of this

1. Servco FC in Division 3 at best.

2. There is a Stalin style purge throughout our sports media.

You can split the camps into two:

1. People who put money into Scottish football - the club chairmen/owners and us, the fans. I do not include the commercail sponsors because they are only funding something that they are getting a return from, their is nothing altruistic in their actions and they have no loyalty.

2. People who take money out of Scottish football - the 'pundits', players, managers, administrators, newpaper publishers and 'journalists' - self interest is their motivating factor.

Whilst I recognise the club chairmen and owners are under a great deal of pressure I am convinced, if left to their own devices, they would do the right thing. I believe they understand the sporting integrity issue and agree with it. The view of the overwhelming majority of the fans is well known.

So the people who take money out of the game are trying to dictate to the people who put money into the game, then criticise and belittle them when they won't dance to their tune.

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And, if anyone seriously takes the view that showing some humility would have made a difference, I doubt that sporting integrity is their prime motive.

Believe it or not but I've wanted the right thing done throughout for the sake of sporting integrity.

The thing that sticks in my craw is that we wouldn't even be having this conversation if the Club in question wasn't Rangers (or Celtic for that matter).

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So who else thinks that tomorrow the SFL clubs will vote Yes to elect Sevco to the SFL, No to allow the SFL board to decide what league they start in (meaning it is Div 3 for them) and then on Monday the SPL chairman will shat their pants and on Monday vote Sevco straight back into the top flight?

Hopefully me thinking that outcome is likely is merely a side-effect of reading too many orcmedia threads...

Edited by Jie Bie
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I love how throughout this whole episode all and sundry have fallen over themselves to tell us that we all need Rangers/Servco.............

Ask yourself what the common denominator is ? Yes....that's right ! they all earn a living off Scottish football and their job would be so much harder if they actually had to research who St Mirren's No 4 was or exactly what the score was the last time Motherwell faced Hibs at Easter Road !

Hopefully two things will come out of this

1. Servco FC in Division 3 at best.

2. There is a Stalin style purge throughout our sports media.

Starting at the BBC.

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So who else thinks that tomorrow the SFL clubs will vote Yes to elect Sevco to the SFL, No to allow the SFL board to decide what league they start in (meaning it is Div 3 for them) and then on Monday the SPL chairman will shat their pants and on Monday vote Sevco straight back into the top flight?

Hopefully me thinking that outcome is likely is merely a side-effect of reading too many orcmedia threads...

I think there would be social unrest.

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Lecture today to the diddy clubs from Henry McLeish. http://www.scotsman....delay-1-2406423

"We can't afford not to be able to move on after Friday," said McLeish. "Unless or until we put our house in order, a lot of people will be looking at us and saying we are not fit for 
purpose. The game is bigger than the SPL, SFL and SFA.

McLeish admits there is no hard proof of the apocalyptic figures which have been produced in recent days to illustrate the losses which would be suffered if Rangers are placed in the Third Division, but he is convinced it would cause significant problems for many clubs.

"I don't have any empirical evidence to justify it but, in terms of the research I did, there are a lot of clubs in a very precarious situation," he said. "How that would fall if Rangers went into the Third Division, you can't identify the detailed consequences.

"But there is an instinct which many people share that it wouldn't be positive for those clubs who are struggling on the margins"

But Henry was never great with numbers, except when he managed to scam, and get away with £38,000 when an MP http://www.dailymail...penny-back.html

Yes Henry we have problems of honesty and integrity at the SFA, SPL and SFL. You too are part of that problem.

Should be said that as well as the big "they've gotta vote First Division" article from McLeish... I wonder who might chair the reconstruction committee, btw?... there's also an article in today's Scotsman suggesting tomorrow's vote may be cancelled as too many clubs are in opposition.

Has that claim appearred anywhere else? Can SFL Board even do that?

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