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Big Rangers Administration/Liquidation Thread - All chat here!

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While on the role of agents, I was having lunch with an agent last year during the close season. (yes I do mix with some strange people). And no it wasn't succulent lamb, more like a steak bake from Greggs.

He received a phone call from a well kent journalist from a Scottish red top.

'Any stories for me?'

'Nope, there's nothing happening'.

Then a discussion about deals being negotiated but these were going to be signings for the diddy clubs, so he wasn't interested.

Then the 'journalist' said 'Can't you make something up for me (but it had to be about someone going to or moving on from Celtic or Rangers)'. He confirmed it was a slow news day!

Everytime I read a redtop and 'rumours' about someone signing or leaving I always think if this is another story after such a telephone conversation.

To be fair to the agent he didn't play the game, despite my attempts to feed him nonsense stories biggrin.gif

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While on the role of agents, I was having lunch with an agent last year during the close season. (yes I do mix with some strange people). And no it wasn't succulent lamb, more like a steak bake from Greggs.

He received a phone call from a well kent journalist from a Scottish red top.

'Any stories for me?'

'Nope, there's nothing happening'.

Then a discussion about deals being negotiated but these were going to be signings for the diddy clubs, so he wasn't interested.

Then the 'journalist' said 'Can't you make something up for me (but it had to be about someone going to or moving on from Celtic or Rangers)'. He confirmed it was a slow news day!

Everytime I read a redtop and 'rumours' about someone signing or leaving I always think if this is another story after such a telephone conversation.

To be fair to the agent he didn't play the game, despite my attempts to feed him nonsense stories biggrin.gif

Golfing buddy (ex-heid honcho at STV in the days of Scotsport and an amazing contact book) was very friendly with Gerry McNee.

McNee would start his day, every day, with an early morning round of phone calls to managers, asst. managers, owners, players, agents and administrators. I would assume this still goes on but maybe not to the same extent, given new media.

It's just the way these guys work.

As for Willie McKay, don't get me started................................... :angry:

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if as the vast majority of us get what we want and the ex-Rangers/Sevco 5088/Sevco Scotland/ The Green Rangers or whatever they are called end in SFL3 I hope every fan of every club in the SPL, SFL2 & SFL 2 has the tagline 'look out below' added to every comment for next season

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If you said Servco FC in Division 1 then we're ALL out......for good, Theo !

something akin to Gerard Ratner saying they sell shite and being surprised that £500m was written off their share price as a result !

Ther was an article in Abmad agreed with your analogy:

""At an Institute of Directors dinner in 1991 Gerald Ratner said this of his extremely successful Jeweller's business:

"We also do cut-glass sherry decanters complete with six glasses on a silver-plated tray that your butler can serve you drinks on, all for £4.95. People say, "How can you sell this for such a low price?", I say, "because it's total crap."

His business collapsed almost overnight and PR faux pas have been labelled "Ratner moments" ever since. The point is that, in playing to his audience, he was oblivious to his customer's self esteem and indeed their aspiration to be the type of person who might own Ratner style jewellery products (what else can we call them) and he just didn't see that this would turn his customers away. Fast forward to June 2012 and the "business" of Scottish football.""

One of the shameful aspects of Doncaster, Regan and the MSM is their continual badmouthing of game.

Edited by Fasda
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R.e. last nights queries about Brechin, looks like they're voting Yes, easily convinced by vague restructuring "promises".


More fool them mad.gif

Hopefully the promises last longer than Doncaster and Regan in their jobs. huh.gif

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and wait untill enough chairmen toe the SPL/SFA party line? why not? everything is possible to bring about their vision.

SFL1 winners 2012-2013 Rangers 2012 FC

But they'll need to bite the bullet and have a vote at some point, in the very near future, as the league seasons start in three-four weeks time, so delaying just makes our desired outcome more likely, as the SFL chairman will get more and more determined as they are being more and more pissed off.

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Ther was an article in Abmad agreed with your analogy:

""At an Institute of Directors dinner in 1991 Gerald Ratner said this of his extremely successful Jeweller's business:

"We also do cut-glass sherry decanters complete with six glasses on a silver-plated tray that your butler can serve you drinks on, all for £4.95. People say, "How can you sell this for such a low price?", I say, "because it's total crap."

His business collapsed almost overnight and PR faux pas have been labelled "Ratner moments" ever since. The point is that, in playing to his audience, he was oblivious to his customer's self esteem and indeed their aspiration to be the type of person who might own Ratner style jewellery products (what else can we call them) and he just didn't see that this would turn his customers away. Fast forward to June 2012 and the "business" of Scottish football.""

One of the shameful aspects of Doncaster, Regan and the MSM is their continual badmouthing of game.

I worked for H Samuel Jewellers (then part of the Ratners group) at the time and the business just melted away. It was horrible. I met Ratner a few times when he toured the troops and the guy was extremely energising. he would leave feeling great about yourself. Unfortunately a jike that backfired spectacularly. As foe Newco, they have people who have a vested interest in keeping corruption going.

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Back in the UK for a few weeks, so I thought I'd buy the Record. Aside from McLeish's rather vague ramblings, the article on Page 8 by Mark McGivern seems to struggle with the idea that nobidy's going to pay full value for Rangers when they've got £148 billion of debts. It's basically 1000 words on "how come nobody paid £110 million for Carlos Bocanegra?".

In other news, Andy Murray went to see Mock the Week, and a policewoman sent a text. Great paper IMO.

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Arbroath's 'no' is now official as you shall see from the club statement below...


The Board of Arbroath Football Club met on Wednesday evening to further discuss the present crisis in Scottish football and the impending Special General Meeting of the Scottish Football League Clubs on Friday the 13th of July. After considerable and careful deliberation, that had also taken place over many previous meetings, the Club reached the decision that it cannot support a proposal for Rangers Newco to be directly admitted to Division 1 of the Scottish Football League and that sporting integrity must be upheld. We are however in support of entry to the Scottish Football League in Division 3 for next season. The Club is extremely grateful to the large number of stakeholders and supporters who took time to contact the Club and express their views, which we felt very important in assisting us to make an extremely difficult judgement. In reaching our decision, Arbroath Football Club is fully aware of the possible financial implications and therefore wishes to take this opportunity to stress the importance of supporting the Club at this time and in the future. Finally, Arbroath Football Club wishes to acknowledge the considerable efforts being made by David Longmuir and the Scottish Football League Management Committee in representation of the 30 Clubs during these difficult times.



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Ther was an article in Abmad agreed with your analogy:

""At an Institute of Directors dinner in 1991 Gerald Ratner said this of his extremely successful Jeweller's business:

"We also do cut-glass sherry decanters complete with six glasses on a silver-plated tray that your butler can serve you drinks on, all for £4.95. People say, "How can you sell this for such a low price?", I say, "because it's total crap."

His business collapsed almost overnight and PR faux pas have been labelled "Ratner moments" ever since. The point is that, in playing to his audience, he was oblivious to his customer's self esteem and indeed their aspiration to be the type of person who might own Ratner style jewellery products (what else can we call them) and he just didn't see that this would turn his customers away. Fast forward to June 2012 and the "business" of Scottish football.""

One of the shameful aspects of Doncaster, Regan and the MSM is their continual badmouthing of game.

I do think Doncaster especially should be on the nomination list for the Gerald Ratner "Chief Executive who did the most to screw his business" award. Regan as well should be in there and Longmuir might be a late entry, depending on what he does tomorrow. biggrin.gif

We are supporting you David, until you show us why we shouldn't. wink.gif

PS When things calm down here, as they must when people start kicking a ball, why don't we hire one of the conference rooms at Hampden for a get together, and we can have awards as well.

Statto of the year. HibeeJibee step forward.

Wur leader Pozbaird

Ratner award

Proper journalist of the year wee Jim, Cosgrove

The biggest ars***ole journalist Chic, Jabba

Biggest Rangers apologist Goram, Hately, Dodds....

Funniest moment Bomber from the steps of Reichstagibrox

Blue Knights award for the most pathetic bid

Most hated by Rangers media

God, the list just goes on and on

I am sure we could get Tam Cowan and Stuart Cosgove to host it.

Edited by thelegendthatis
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